with friends like all of you.......

I just wanted to say THANK YOU!!! for being there and supporting us through the first stage of sadness of Pearl's passing...

When Millie died, there were no websites, no support (except for family)..I felt so alone, both Dino and I felt no one understood what we were going through. Millie was our first experience with having to make THE decison to help her to the Bridge...

I know, in my heart of hearts I did the right thing with Pearl....but how do I explain it to her 'brother and sister"?????

Coz seems to be adjusting well..but my Heart?????

She seems very sad, not knowing what to do without Pearl leading her...

Here are some pictures of Heart laying on Pearl's tuffet the evening we put Pearl to sleep...

It broke my heart to see her so sad and confused...

but then Judi asked me to go to the Egg Hunt!!!!!

Heart was so happy to meet up with Harry and Jake yesterday, but I think it will take time for her to understand that she is Alpha now.

I recieved some precious gifts from close friends that touched my soul...

From 2 of my good friends here, the flowers were a breath of fresh air for me, they were so beautiful~~A sympathy card from my wonderful vet.....

Judi gave me these two heartwarming gifts....
Goodbye, Sheepie is a childs book trying to explain death to a young boy who's Sheepie died of old age...Although I am an adult, this wonderful book was something I needed....it took me a while to read it,,,,and many many tissues...

I have a couple of favorite pictures of Pearl...but this is my all time fav...This was taken when Pearl semi-retired from her visits at St. Louis Rehab. We all got together (with our TOUCH dogs) and had a light dinner and toasted Pearl on her success as a therapy dog....

I will NEVER forget her joyful smile~~~~

Thank you..thank you...thank you....I don't know what I would have done without all of your support and love.....

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Those photos are so heart wrenching and I know Heart's heart will heal in time as yours will. Coz may be grieving as well but not as noticable as Heart. Merlin who hates the rain spent days asking to go out and walked our pathways in search of Gilligan and his loss appeared to affect him more than Panda who often slept with him. Yes, our furkids feel the loss of their friend too. Those photos of Heart pull on the heartstrings.
The grieving process takes time but our memories live on forever and I'm glad you have that beautiful photo of Pearl to help you smile. I also love that photograph of your beautiful girl and it's how I often imagine her when my thoughts turned to you during this difficult time.
You're right the members here understand and support one another and it helps that they honor the loved one that passed. You are amongst friends!

Those pictures of Heart just break my heart. :( It must to awful to not know where your "sister" went to. I'm sure spending time with Harry had to help. Give Heart and Coz a hug from me.

I'm glad we could all be there to offer our support and love in this difficult time for you. It really helps to have friends and family that understand how much it hurts to lose our beloved pets.

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

I am sure that Harry and Jake helped to cheer Heart up. I wish you lived closer, I would send my crew over to bum wiggle at all of you. :ghug:
Heart's pictures on Pearl's tuffet just tore at my heartstrings. Poor baby! It really is a testament to Pearl that Heart and Coz miss her so much. Gentle hugs to them please, and a big bear hug for you!
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

When we lost our first sheepie, Buford, in 1994, it was also before the internet and groups like this. I took his death very hard and also felt like no one could know or understand my despair. When we lost our precious Drez in 2009, at least I had this wonderful forum family to console me thru the loss. For that, I'll be forever grateful. And because of that, I will always offer my condolences and support to those now grieving.

On another note - I HAVE to find that book! I started crying just seeing the picture of it!
Sorry about this. When did she pass away & was it old age :(. I hope she had a good innings
I wish I could say or do more.... :ghug:
Sorry :( sorry I cannot read those post very selfish of me but I cannot. Please all know that my heart aches for all that deal with such sadness. I feel your pain deeply.
Parwaz wrote:
Sorry about this. When did she pass away & was it old age :(. I hope she had a good innings

If you want to go to this thread and read about my sweet girl.....

I started tearing up at the sight of your post title, and haven't had the fortitude yet to actually read the post :cry: . I know I'm facing this with my old girl soon, and my heart is already breaking.

Abby herself reacted exactly like Heart is doing when we lost our old boy, Spencer. Our Sheepies are so very empathetic and sensitive, in spite of their clownish goofy ways!

I'm glad the forum is able to help, and you are so lucky to have a friend like Judi nearby. Please know I'm thinking of you, along with Dino, Heart and Coz :ghug:
Poor Heart. :(
Pearl was such a leader even when she was frail. Eventually Heart will do her proud and show off the skills she learned from Pearl.

Drezzie's Mom wrote:
On another note - I HAVE to find that book! I started crying just seeing the picture of it!

Chris, I bought it sight unseen a few years ago on Amazon. It is tough because it deals strictly with the dog's death but it is a children's book and handled sensitively. It is not a very old book, the copyright is 2010. Like you, the minute I saw it I knew I had to have it.

Here is the link to the book on Amazon -

http://www.amazon.com/Good-Bye-Sheepie- ... 0761455981
What a lovely girl you had there. Lovely & heart warming story & love the pics. In one of her pics Georgi looks so much like her even if she is still only young. Hope she is in a good place now
what a sweetie, im trying so hard not to cry, that card is so warming...
...its great how your getting lots of support through this hard time xxxx hope all is well
love from sam xx
Dang, where't the tissue box.............
Oh Val Those pictures of sweet heart are so sad.she misses her friend/sister. Dogs do grive whenever they loose someone. Hopefully she will perk up. I know you and dino will give her extra love. I have to say this forum is the most supportive group of people I have ever met. My heart breaks for all your family.
:aww: :aww: Heart-- :ghug:

Thinking of you Val.
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

Val and Dino, Heart and Coz,
Our hearts are breaking for your family :( :cry: The last few posts about Pearl have been filled with clinging sorrow and hope for her continued quality and comfort. She was so fortunate to have such a loving and devoted family to enable her to maintain her Grande Dame status for so long.

God speed sweet Pearl, I know you are happy and running free at the bridge.

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
Val, I love the photos of Pearl. She always had that cute smile! :hearts: :hearts:

My heart goes out to your family........I know what a difficult time this is for all of you.......and poor Heart......she will get better in time and make Pearl very proud.

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

Thoughts and prayers are with you!
Heart laying on the pillow just broke my heart. Dogs grieve just like humans do. Please know you are all in my thoughts and prayers.

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

Carley's Mom
Ahh, poor Heart and poor you, it just makes things sadder and harder.
I'm glad Harry could help to cheer Heart up.
Maybe in a little while when you're both feeling better, some new bling will help. :ghug: :ghug:
big hugs val!!! i was driving to work this morning, thinking about which puppy will be mine and Panda's song came on the radio...You are the Sun....I teared up and smiled at the same time....

darn those sheepie girls, they just let you know that theyre still there when you need them...

cry and scream...it didnt actually make me feel any better but i did manage to startle some people in my building...Panda would have liked that....

all of my thoughts and love are with you...
Oh my poor sweet butterball Heart. :( I am heartbroken for you, Heart and Dino. :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

I doubt I could get through that book, I know Kim couldn't.
Poor Heart. :hearts: Bless her. She's mourning - like the rest of us. :cry:
But, sheepies are so resilient. She'll settle into her new role and be leading Coz around before you know it. :wink:

Know your grief is shared by all of us. :ghug:

Gotta go to Amazon now and buy a book. :sidestep:
first time back on the forum for some time now. I havent spoken to you for a while now. Sending hugs to all of you. I wish Heart's sister's and new little brother and her mom could come for a visit. Or you would come here and visit. Would cheer you all up.

huggs to you

Ali, Caly, Lucy, Ricky & Momma Dee
and the ever wandering Checker's soon to be home i hope.
I just read this. Oh I teared. Hope she is doing better
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