Sump Pump

I wrote a whole long post and then the electricity went out for about three seconds and I lost the whole thing :evil:

Here's the short version. Dh(not me) had a sump pump installed last summer. We were told that it would only go off when it rains...NOT. It started out running about every fifteen minutes, and that time has shortened to every three minutes...I timed it. We had the city come out to see if a main or something under the house was broke...its not. They checked from the street to the house and its fine.

I want a plumber to come and scope the drain tiles to see where this water is coming from or at least give us a hint. I KNOW something is wrong but dh is resisting because he thinks I will blame him...I didn't want it. I just want it fixed.

Any ideas on who I can contact or which way I can take this?
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I agree, time to scope the lines especially the weeper system....assuming you have one around the outside of the house. If there is actually water there to pump it's gotta be coming from someplace. I assume if only the motor was running, you'd have burned it out by now????
SheepieBoss wrote:
I agree, time to scope the lines especially the weeper system....assuming you have one around the outside of the house. If there is actually water there to pump it's gotta be coming from someplace. I assume if only the motor was running, you'd have burned it out by now????


My point exactly! Water is coming from someplace. I assume(you know what they say about assume) that if we have it scoped, it might tell us WHERE the water is coming from.

When we first got it, the water was coming from one side of the sump pump and the other side trickled and now it reversed with the trickle side getting the most of the water coming in and the other side is a trickle. That right there tells me something wrong is going on.

Just a side note....we don't live on a floodplane.
did you get a water meter reading?
are there any waterlines under the floor? does it come in front and then meter or run under floor to elsewhere on another wall?
if it was groundwater table, should by rights come in from all sides.
I would do what my mom used to do. Call someone and have them come out while dh is at work. Take care of the problem and be gone by the time he gets home. :wink: It was kind of funny with my mom. She would let the person/company know what time my dad left for work and what time he would be home. There were times the repair people would be parked waiting just a few houses away and watch him leave. When he went around the corner, (some would wait an extra few minutes just in case) and then they would come to the house. My mom was VERY SMART!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
When we lived in Grafton our sump pump ran quite a bit. Found out we had an underground river running thru the subdivision, just about everyone there replaced theirs quite a few times.
dogmom wrote:
I would do what my mom used to do. Call someone and have them come out while dh is at work. Take care of the problem and be gone by the time he gets home. :wink: It was kind of funny with my mom. She would let the person/company know what time my dad left for work and what time he would be home. There were times the repair people would be parked waiting just a few houses away and watch him leave. When he went around the corner, (some would wait an extra few minutes just in case) and then they would come to the house. My mom was VERY SMART!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I may or may not do this very thing with my husband. Except that in our case, it's simply that he's NEVER home, and repair people in the house seem to hurt his feelings because he feels guilty about not being able to do it for us. :roll: Whatever, I'm not judging him, I just need it DONE.
I am a firm believer in NEVER VOLUNTEER INFORMATION!!!! I do not consider this a being dishonest. It is protection and not hurting someone's feelings. :D :D :D :D :D :rimshot:
One other quick thought. Check your gutters. Our sump pump was running non-stop, and it turned out our gutters on that side of the house were plugged up, so water was running over the gutter and along the foundation, instead of out to the lawn, forcing the sump pump to redirect it. One we cleaned the gutters, everything went back to normal.

Also, check where your sump pump pipe exits on your property, to make sure that it isn't plugged up, sending water back up the pipe. I think there is supposed to be a check valve to prevent this, but maybe that is faulty.

If the sump pump hasn't burned out, and is running every three minutes, there is water coming from somewhere.

Laurie and Oscar
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