Special thoughts for Ziggi tomorrow

Ziggi has had this lump on her stomach for some time now and it always started out as small. Over the last few months it has started to grow and is now about 2 x 2. So tomorrow morning Ziggi is going in to have the lump removed. So keep some special thoughts for Ziggi tomorrow and I will update you when she gets home.
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Good luck Ziggi girl!!!

:crossed: :crossed: :hearts: :hearts: :crossed: :crossed:
Keeping special thoughts for Ziggi! :crossed: :crossed:
Hope everything goes well.
Fingers crossed that it all goes well, darling girl! :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
Sending special thoughts your way.
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: to you Ziggi girl.
and :ghug: :ghug: to your momma.

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
We'll be thinking of you, Ziggi.
Well wishes! :hearts:
Fingers and paws crossed here for Ziggi tomorrow. Sending you a big hug Michele :ghug:
Good luck Ziggi girl!

:crossed: :crossed: :crossed:
:ghug: :ghug:

Sending positive thoughts your way. Hope all goes well.
Will be thinking of you tomorrow and wishing you well pretty Ziggi!
Hoping it goes well and the lump is nothing harmful! :crossed: :crossed:
Thinking of you and Ziggi this morning. :hearts:

:hearts: Thinking of you and Ziggi.......I am sure everything will be just fine
Oh, best of luck tomorrow Ziggi (and Michele). Winston sends big snugs and kisses too
:hearts: Keeping good thoughts for you and Ziggi :hearts:
Thank you all for your support of both myself and Ziggi. I just heard from the Vet's office and everything is good. The lump had quite a few blood vessels feeding it so that took some time to tie them all off, but the surgery went well. Ziggi is resting now and I will pick her up later today.

Once again, thank you all for the support :kiss:
Hearing good news from a vet is always a great feeling!

I was getting ready to post a hoping for good news post when I saw that you've already given an update. I'm glad the surgery went well. I hope the lump is/was benign.
I decided not to find out anything about the lump. Ziggi is 11 now and the Vet said if it was malignant they would then remove all of her mammary glands and I'm not going to put her through that. So I just removed the lump before it grew any bigger and caused problems and now we will enjoy the rest of Ziggi's life.

Of course if she was much younger I would have a different answer.
Makes perfect sense. Enjoy your beautiful girl. :hearts:
Good news and big hugs to your Ziggi girl!
:ghug: :hearts: :hearts: :ghug:
I agree... it's about quality of life.
Glad to hear she did well. :D
Pooh Bear had a lump on his side also. The long hair covered how it had grown. Rushed him to the vet when I was in the process of clipping him down. I sit and laugh now, since he wasn't a very pretty site because he was only halfway done with his haircut and had gotten a lot of funny looks at the vet office. I could see some owners holding their dogs back from getting too close to him. We had the lump removed and it was cancerous, but it was encapcilated so there was no spread, which we were thankful for. He was 11 at the time too. I hated to put him through that, but it needed to be done since it was interfering with his walking. We did get 1 more year from him to spend with us. He was battling a liver tumor besides the mass that was taken off. He also had a repaired ACL. He was a trooper. I miss him terribly.
Give Ziggi a hug from me!
Speedy recovery wishes to Ziggi :kiss:
Hugs to you both! :ghug: Glad Ziggi is home and recovering.
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