Contact again?

I have a feeling Pooh has been in contact again. I was in bed the other night waiting to fall asleep. I felt at the bottom of my feet...something. It felt like the rhythm of something was a very steady rhythm. It was unmistakable. I felt like a light pressure of somthing laying against the bottom of my feet. It couldn't be Angus since he was asleep on the floor, couldn't have been my husband since it was at the bottom of my feet.
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It very well could be. I firmly believe that animals and humans can and do contact their people. I find it comforting when my mom or dad visit, which isn't often.
I have had that exact same experience after my cat Tucker passed away. He would wait until all the lights were out and then he would jump up on the bed for the night. He always laid to my left side--right above my feet. There have been several nights in the last couple of years that I would feel him landing on the bed and then laying down. It is eerie --each time it happens I think--"no I am just imagining things." But it happens when I am not even thinking of him. :?: :?: :?:
I have had experience when spike (my moggy passed ) he passed 5 years ago. Sometimes my cats will stare in the corner hakkle up etc... nothings there. Spike used to like walking all over your legs when you sat down in the armchair, sometimes you can feel a blast of wind from nowhere. Sometimes you can see a black shadow of a cat skim past in the corner of your eye! Spike visited last christmas the baubles were all tinkling under the tree. when he was alive he used to love playing with the baubles. I have no doubts its spike.

Ifully believe pets come back to visit was definately your loved one :) :hearts:
It must provide great comfort to know a loved one who has passed still has presence around the home.
Yes, there is a great comfort. This is about the 5th time that I can remember that I have had contact with Pooh since he went over the Rainbow Bridge in June. I should have been freaked out the other night, but I fell asleep to the steady up and down rhythm of the heartbeat at my feet.
I firmly believe our loved ones do visit us after they pass on...I find tremendous comfort in that thought...I sleep in the room my Mom passed away in. My husband was creeped out at first. My Dad had to move out of that room because it creeped him out knowing she died in that room...Me? I find it comforting...As if I can feel her presence sometimes at night...
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