Laptop recovery question

I fried my laptop last night by spilling water on the table and I'm guessing some got into the laptop. It doesn't work. So I've resigned myself to buying another laptop and while I would love a Mac I can't afford it so please don't suggest it.

Anyway. Will the stuff I have on my laptop, like pictures and iTunes, be recoverable? (please don't laugh, I know nothing).

Any reccs on brand? My fried one is an Acer and I've been happy with that. Can't afford a Mac.
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:( :( So sorry :( :(

I know nothing about the recovery options, but I'm hoping you can (and thinking you can).

I have an ASUS, and been very happy with it. I've had it a bit over 3 years now.
Wait another day might dry out and work.

Found a few things on the ol net...

also found this which I have heard for cell phones:

Now, on to my off-the-wall idea.

It's actually not that off-the-wall, as I've heard it recommended repeatedly for people who've dropped their cell phones in water. But I'll throw it out there to use at your own risk...


Place your laptop in a sealed container filled with uncooked rice for a few days.
Whether or not you can recover your data really depends on the extent of the damage. The worst scenario is if you really soaked the hard drive because if you end up having to pay a data recovery company to pull data off of a difficult hard drive, you may as well buy the Mac because it'll probably be cheaper! If you didn't soak the whole thing though, and you just caused some electrical damage, it may not be as bad as all that.

Before you buy anything, though, I'd have it checked out by someone you trust. It may not even be garbage and could possibly be fixed considerably cheaper than buying a whole new laptop, although these days, pc laptops are pretty darn cheap.
I turned my laptop on last night and it worked perfectly. I'm still doubting that any water got in it since the spill was away from the computer and there was no water on the laptop itself. It may have been a weird coincidence. It works now and for that I'm thankful!
Get an external drive and back everything up.
And do it weekly.
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