I've been asked to teach a course on Rescue!!

As most things that happen in my life...this was a fluke, a chance encounter, a twist of fate.

This Wed, I had to re-certify for my Non Violent Crisis Intervention course. The NVCI course is a requirement for many people whom work with youth that may have the potential to exhibit violence or melt downs of some sort.

One of the ways suggested to de-escalate anger before it came to the crisis stage was to use humor. It also mentioned that we ourselves need ways to allow us to calm down in our off times as our jobs can be stressful.

During the break, I said I recently showed one of my students this photo (it was still on my phone) the one you folks recently saw of Snoop the Pitbull and I in matching Houndstooth patterned coats. Anyhow then the conversation turned to my animals (okay I admit I'm boring and rarely chat about anything else) The facilitator of the course then asked me more questions and I mentioned all these wonderful rescues that I foster for...Small Animal Rescue, HugaBull, the SPCA, I even spoke of Gilligan and OES rescues.

After the course, I was called aside and asked if I'd be interested in hosting 4 sessions on animal rescue to the 1400 union membership that has a Pro-D day in May. Whooooo Hoooo Yes!!! When this yearly date comes around we have the opportunity to take a lot of interesting 1-2 hr courses which we sign up for.

Last year, it was actually funny as I signed up for environmental gardening and the speakers didn't show up - leaving 50 of us unable to find another class - as they were all full. Myself and another woman decided to "wing it" and taught the course ourselves. But that's another story...

So now I'm very excited as out of the possible 200 or more that can sign up...even gettting a handfull to follow through is worth the effort. Plus I get to mention all the wonderful rescues in my local area.

The only bad thing is I have to really brush up on using powerpoint....blah!
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Good for you, Marianne! That's really awesome! Don't worry about PPT.After all, what makes the teacher a good one is not so much her ability to make beautiful slides but that she knows her stuff.
Perfect person to do it too! :bow:
Great opportunity to inspire others to make a difference.
how grand is that you will do great perfect they picked u
Congrats! You will do a great job!
Thank you for your vote of confidence in me!

It was confirmed yesterday that I will teach the course. Although they realized that it will be held on a Friday (a day I don't have a shift but normally go on spareboard, so wouldn't have been impelled to even attend the event) I said it's okay..I REALLY want to do this.

Although I've only had a few days to think about it (2 months to prepare) I think I want to chat about the following:

Mention sometimes rescues just need a few days to 2 wks for someone to care for an animal
(an example would be spays/neuters or other surgeries, or allowing nursing mom cat and kittens quiet space outside the shelter until they become adoptable is another example.
Completely depends on the foster parents comfort zone (most newbies always want the kittens and puppies) while the most seasoned rescuers may take on ones with medical or behavioral issues.
Dog walking or just spending time with the animals in the shelter
domestic feral babies and what that involves and how to help to make them adoptable.
Giving stressed animals from the shelter a break in a quiet home and work on socialization
Allowing URI cats/kennel cough dogs time away from the shelter to heal.
I also want to touch apon the other ways to volunteer other than fostering such as fundraising or helping out at kitten viewings, or assisting at booths during animal fair events, or helping cleanups - an example would be when we bring out a crew to do health checks and major clean at the small animal shelter. Sometimes we just encourage new people just to come out and spend time with the bunnies to socialize and interact with people.

Anyhow those are just SOME of the things that came to mind...really there are a gazillion..
and if any of you think of others...just put it down and I'll add it to the list.
Thanks in advance!

They couldn't have asked a better person. You will give your all like you do everything else. Sorry I can't be involved.
Ahhh but you are! Your advice and support will make me feel you are all there with me! :D :ghug:
Congrats Marianne they picked the right person! :high5: Good luck!
I think it sounds great, and your "menu" as well!

...and I hope they are paying you too!! :wink:
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