Panda's story of his rescue (8yrs ago)

Hi Everyone,

As a long time member here you've probably heard snippets of Panda's story or have me refer to it sometimes in post.

That was waaaaaay back in 2004 and now many years later , I'm celebrating his 8th year with me!!!!!!!! 8 years!!! I can't get over how fast the time has flown by. He never seems to take for granted his love of life (reminds me of Gilligan). There is one other postnote from this story. Hong Kong and it's numerous generous people now have a wonderful animal rescue called Hong Kong dog rescue :D It was indirectly as a result of Panda's story and other dogs with similar stories that some generous souls made sure dogs living in that country have a place to go if they are left homeless.

It does show that with love, patience and perseverance a previously scared soul can be given a second chance and thrive in a family environment.

This is a post I wrote back in 2006 when I found out more about his history.


Okay he still has that "issue" if he's restrained in any way...but my patient vet has learned to work with him

If you're up for a long read this is his original story way posted way back in 2004


Mr Muffins story and how all of us are coming together reminds me of the love and support I received from all the wonderful members from here. Together we make a difference at our OES village!

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He couldn't have had a better rescue family than yours has been. At least something wonderful has come about because of Panda's situation. May many more animals be as lucky as he has been.

I found a pic from the day Panda's relatives from Hong Kong came to Canada to see him! Panda with his upright grandparents and aunts and uncle.

Admitedly, while my post always sound all warm and fuzzy, in retrospect, there were some very difficult times but I would do it again in a heartbeat As for Panda aka Robin's, original owner she was just really overwhelmed and had no place for him to go other than back to the "breeder". That city is different in which no one lives in houses in HK as it's all highrises. I believe she really did try, but shows how miscommunication can happen. To this day she still contacts me on a regular basis 8 years later to find out how he's doing.
Panda's story is an amazing it again, it's still quite the saga. :hearts: :hearts:
An amazing story! :hearts:

I think reading Mr. Muffins story made me relive some of the early days with Panda and I was feeling nostalgic. It's also the time when he arrived at my home aprox 8 years ago. It was so important to me then to feel I wasn't alone and I was appreciative of all the positive post.

I also had to rely on my gut a lot. The dog expert I spoke about in my ealier post was great at his job but I came to realize he did it by complete submission from his dogs. That wouldn't fly with Panda as he saw anything that appeared aggressive and would react. Instead, it was gentleness and never pushing him hard that eventually won him over 100%. With others they need a firm hand (like my problem child, Merlin) who has never experienced hardships and has been with me since 8 wks so doesn't know how good he has it! Others like gentle soul, Gilligan who never misbehaved and was all gentleness ...I didn't ever have to do anything at all but love him.

I've now have (had) 13 dogs and each is special in their own way....kinda like our upright kids.
Marianne, I have never read the orginal post as it was before my time. I did tonite and wow...that is an amazing story.

You are an angel in my eyes and it just went up a few notches.
Blah I keep saying I was evil in my former life and just making up for it in this lifetime.. :excited:

Actually, it's everyone here that deserves the kudos as this forum is such a nice place to be. It's the people on this forum who inspire and support one another. I post about Panda every anniversary as his story inspired some members here to adopt a rescue...then they posted their story...and that inspired someone else ...and so on. Panda's story is pretty amazing but so are so many others that have been saved, fostered, and adopted because of and it's members. :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple:

It's all of us as a collective group that make a guys are the best! :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
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