Excessive Sheepdog Licking?

My deaf "puppy" (17 months) Francesca loves to lick me and other family members; sometimes, it seems almost excessive. She wakes me up in the morning by licking my feet and face and hands. In the evening, when she's on my lap at the TV or in bed (if my husband's still up), she tries to lick my armpits and stomach. Is she just being affectionate - or is something else going on?
By the way, even though she is deaf, Francesca is the sweetest dog, almost like another baby except she watches over me. Every night, she walks me upstairs, stays in bed until I fall asleep then moves to the side of the bed. In the morning, wake up call with licking. And of course, by my side in my office (frequently under the desk) all day long. I am so, so glad that I did not let anyone talk me into returning here when we learned she was deaf.
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Perhaps she is just using it as a way of communicating? A deaf dog may think no one else has the ability to hear either, and may think she needs to reassure you with touch (licking)
Or she may just be a kissy face dog.... my girl Sky loves to kiss people all the time too.
That's true love :D My Beau does that also, when he's done "kissing" me I could wash my hair my head is so wet.
Mopsy likes to lick too. But she was particularly bad when she was a puppy and in the morning. We called her the lovey dovey dog.
Hello Francesca's Mom!

Oscar is deaf, and also very "orally fixated"! He licks and licks, hands, feet, clothes, furniture...and he almost goes into a trance while he is doing it. His eyes narrow to tiny slits, when he is in a groove. Oscar also fly-bites, where he puts his head up and snaps at the air, like it is full of bugs, and his tongue goes in and out like a frog catching flies. I caught it on tape and showed it to my vet, who thinks Oscar has a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder, which includes the excessive licking. He shows no other signs of anxiety, and the fly-biting has decreased significantly, so we're just keeping an eye on it. My vet didn't seem concerned unless he started excessively licking himself, causing hot spots or other skin ailments. So enjoy your kisses!
Orally fixated and OCD, yep, that describes Harry. But what a loving dog! If he's not kissing, he's leaning, touching or just staring at me. Do watch the self licking, you don't need a granuloma or hot spots forming.

Are you sure you don't have a clone from Sofa????

:lol: She loves to groom Danita and Me 24/7, "Sofito" her rubber chicken, the kitchen table, the excercise bike.... anything she can find!!!

Enyou your very own personal grooming service! As long as it's not self licking, it's more of a personality issue than something medical.
By the way, how do you test a dog's hearing?

Sofa has one blue eye... could that be liked to a partial deafness risk?
It's funny that you mentioned licking the underarms....I was grooming Panda and she kept going for my underarms...I had to keep pushing her head away..it cant be good for her to lick deodorant :D Her favorite thing to lick are feet...anyones feet....over and over again....I have to say that it is slobbery and gross...but it does feel pretty good! :D
Hi Saulmr.
You asked about how to test a dog for deafness, and whether or not blue eyes can be an indicator. With all the reading I've done about deaf dogs, I have never seen anything that correlates congenital deafness with eye color. (Oscar is brown-eyed.)

There is a great website at deafdogs.org, which is extremely helpful. Under the FAQ subheading, it answers both questions, and gives tips on testing a deaf dog at home. The only definitive way to determine the exact degree of deafness is a BAER test which has to be administered at a special vet's facility. (I personally did not have this done, after Oscar slept five feet away from a man cleaning out our air ducts with a wire whip, and huge vacuum!)

Hope this info helps!
Sam likes body lotion and sunscreen, yeach! And she will also try to lick my hair, I guess the conditioner must taste good too!
Francesca has blue eyes and is a "snow cap." I have seen that blue eyes and white pigment are a characteristic of dogs who are deaf - something related between pigment and hearing. We noticed Francesca was deaf when we returned home from a trip - and she was looking out the window at us. When we entered the house and came up behind her, she was still looking out.

We did take her for a BAER test and she was found to be 100% congenitally deaf. I took her for the test so that I could qualify for a refund from the pet store owner (they paid for the test and gave a 70 percent refund).
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