Belle has malignant tumors

I notices a large bump on her belly last night and after making a Monday appointment with the vet I decided to take her to the emergency vet; after all, if it is an infection, lets get the antibiotics started now, she has enough to deal with.

Well, that WAS a mammary gland abscess, but the vet also found 3 small mixed carcinomatous masses.

So . . . looks like we'll be keeping that Monday appointment after all, to see if there's anything we can do. With her heart condition, I know right off that surgery is a risky proposition.

Belle seems fine, although a little more lethargic than usual. I, on the other hand, am not so fine. How much more of this can we take?

I'm going to go cut the grass, at least the noise will cover up my sobbing.


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Ohhhh myyyyy :(
I am so sorry!
Hope you have better news at your appointment.

I'm so sorry to hear this.... you and Belle have been through so much already....
I hope you get better news on Monday....
Our eldest guinea pig has a tumor we found recently, but because of his age, and the fact that he seems fine so far, we have elected to do nothing.
The decisions regarding the health care of our pets, and even family members, can be difficult ones, and it can be so hard to know what is best.... you can only deal with one moment or event at a time... and make the decision that seems best then.
Jil, I am so sorry...Belle will be in my prayers.
I'm so sorry about Belle. Maybe the news won't be as grim as you anticpate. If chemo or radiation is an option there is a medical oncologist in Rochester. We'll keep all paws crossed for you and Belle.

Oh Jil,

I'm so sorry about Belle. Keep your chin up. Holly's right, maybe it won't be as bad as you're thinking. Clyde, Lucy, James and I will have her in our thoughts. Let us know how it goes Monday.

We are so sorry to hear the news about Belle.
Please know that we will keep her in our thoughts and prayers...
Please take care of yourself too Jil, you really have been
through alot. Please update us when you can..........
Thanks guys. This poor girl has been through SO much . . .

She's snoozing on her bed and did eat tonight. We went for a short walk, she seems to slow down much sooner lately. I'm hoping it's the infection dragging her down.

Holly - thanks for the oncology info. Mom lives in Rochester Hills so if need be, I can stop by and cry on her shoulder.

I'm awfully glad I decided to take her today. My instincts about an infection were right on. The vet (who interestingly enough is the wife of the cardiologist Belle sees!) said I'd see improvement in 24 hours.

In the meantime, we're going to have lots of belly rubs and brushing. She loves to be brushed.

Ha, I managed to do some ear cleaning while we were waiting for the test results. Not a hair in sight now.

Her appointment is at 3:30 on Monday. All I know is that she's suffered enough in her lifetime and I hope I know when she is ready to go. I don't think it's time quite yet.

Geez, I feel like I'm always posting stuff like this. It's getting old.


You have lots of shoulders to cry on when you need them, you have all of us. Lots of prayers and good thoughts are coming your way.
Oh Jil,
I hope you know that even though we aren't physically there with you we are all thinking and pulling for you and Belle. If hoping and praying can do anything at all, then know that we are giving it our best shot!

Please let us know how Belle does and hopefully you'll get good news. Whatever you need, we are here for you!

I'm so sorry. Lots of hugs and prayers being sent your and Belle's way!
Best wishes and prayers.
Oh Jil! I'm soooo sorry to hear about Belle!! I am praying for you both!!
GOOD LUCK TODAY BELLE!!!!! Hope you get some good news, we've got everything crossed for you.
Good luck today at Belle's appointment, we will be sending
prayers your way.... Please update us when you can...
Thanks Holly & Zahra! I keep coming back to this post because iyou folk comfort me. I'm a wreck, as you can imagine. Belle is fine. She just finished barking at the mailman. Of course, she didn't KNOW it was the mailman, she just knew Kayli was barking so it must have been important. Goofy girl.

These have been the longest days of my life.


Good luck today if you haven't already left. Well, good luch anyway, I suppose, even if you have! I hope the news is good. Please let us know what happens!

Hugs from all of us!
We're leaving now . . . I just came back here for a good dose of good wishes.

I keep checking to see if you're back yet! :) Still saying prayers for you both.
Okay, we're back.

There are three small pea-sized lumps along her left mammary chain. They did aspirate on Saturday and thought they are carcinomatous. Dr. Jeff says that surgery with anesthesia is necessary to be truly sure if they are benign or malignant; there is too much vascular activity connected to the mammaries. Since Belle is already suffering cardiomyopathy (her heart is not working at even half it's capacity) surgery is terribly risky. He's going to call the cardiologist to get his opinion on whether surgery should even be considered for Belle.

If they are benign, the surgery was for naught and if they are malignant, then she'd also need chemotherapy, another iffy thing with the cardiomyopahty.

So . . . I'm going to keep an eye on them for now. If they are benign then all will continue as it has been. If they're malignant, signs for me to watch out for are the same as with the cardiomyopathy - trouble breathing & coughing.

He said that he's not too surprised that she hasn't been eating because of both the infection and the antibiotics.

I'm actually hoping that surgery is NOT an option . . . I don't know if I could make the decision about chemo; I don't know if I could put her through that, she's been through so much as it is, and I'd never really be sure if I made the right decision.

She's snooozing on her bed with Calvie Kitty right now and tonight we'll have a belly rub extravaganza.

I wonder if it's just a coincidence that the abcess is at her most itchy spot on her belly.

So, I don't have definitive news, but I feel better. I kept thinking of all of you and your support and didn't cry once!

You defintely have our support!! I'll be praying that the tumors are benign and will not cause her any problems.
I just read your posts, and I really feel for you. It's so hard to watch a pet suffer like that.
We had two sheepdogs that really suffered through old age and large breed problems. They passed on, but I always felt like we did the best we could for them. Remember (and not to be morbid), it's not the quantity of life, but the quality. I'm sure you have given Belle everything you have to offer, and then some...but please believe that if something DOES happen, something bad, you have to realize that you have given this dog a wonderful life; something that many dogs do not experience. Obviously, if you are on this site, religiously checking and posting, then you are a very attentive owner, and even though I don't personally know you, I CANNOT believe that you have not done everything you think is appropriate. Sheepdogs are wonderful dogs, and unfortunately, they have unfortunate health problems.
So I really REALLY hope the best for you and Belle. It's hard, I know...You both are in my prayers...
But if something does KNOW that you are a good owner (which many owners cannot honestly say), and you have done so so so much. Pardon my french, but #### happens. And it's terrible, and it hurts. And even though they are dogs, and they may not understand the capacity of the situation, they EXPERIENCE. That's what domestic dogs have in respect to humans. They experience the kindness and the love that we have all given to them.
I lost 3 dogs within 8 months of each other...but it gives me so much gratification and hope to know that we tried, and we love, and we had nothing but their best interest in heart.
I will pray for you and Belle tonight. I wish everything wonderful for you: chewy bones, juicy steak, and squeaky toys.
Hugs and good wishes to you.
Hi Jil,

I'm so sorry I didn't offer my support sooner as I hadn't seen this post until this evening.

I was distressed to hear about Belle and feel for you and her so much.

There is always hope. Shaggy my previous OES whom I speak of often on this site had Immune Defieciency Thrombocytopenia - in otherwords her immune system went whacky and attacked it'self which caused secondary problems like Tumors and other things. She was too weak for surgery and I was prepared for the worst.

Undaunted and wanting to try everything - I visited the public library and looked up which vegetables and vitamins were to contain beta carotene which are cancer fighting foods and to boost her immune system.

Unbelievably her blood count which had been so low and required her to have blood transfusions, rapidly improved with the the new diet and vitamins. So much so the vet told me to continue what I was doing. She lived for another 5 years.

In a nutshell what I gave her was a diet of chicken broth, chicken, and lots of beta carotene veggies cooked in the broth...things like carrots, sweet potatoes and other dark leafy greens. I don't remember at this time the immune system boosters I gave her but a check with a health food store should help..just stay away from shark cartlidge which is an immune booster but thins the blood. Her disease caused her to experience something like Lukemia or Aids in Humans.

I really pray and wish the best for you and Belle. Give her a belly rub from me and hugs to you as well.

Marianne and the boys
Hi il,

I'm sorry to have not posted on this yet- I haven't been on the forum much lately, and only just noticed this topic...

I'm so deeply sorry for this most recent addition to all you and Belle have gone through together. You are both in my prayers today. Your story has been one of such inspiration and hope. I still smile when I think of the 1st time Belle was able to jump up on that sofa!!!

I sincerely hope that whatever treatment method you end up choosing, that it will be successful, and that we will be able to keep Belle in the forum family for much, much longer!!! All my love and a great white light coming to you from here in Minnesota!

Karen, Bell, and Iris.
I am so very sorry that you are going through this. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your precious pup.

Big slobbery kisses for you both.
Hi Jil,
We're thinking positive thoughts for you and Belle! Hopefully the antibiotics will help and she'll be feeling better soon. I'll keep you both in my prayers and Bailey is offering his best super slobbery squeaky ball in Belle's honor.

Sue and Bailey

I hope things have settled down for you and Belle is feeling better.

I hope things have settled down for you and Belle is feeling better.
Hi Jill,

Just sent you an email. We'll be sending all of our good thoughts Belle's way!
I just read your post and feel for you. The question of what to do and when to do is, haunts many of us. As mentioned previously, quality of life, is sometimes far more important than quantity.
But, then again, some of us have seniors that are declining in health now. They have had a great quantity of years, the quality of life was great, but the decision never gets any easier.
I read a post where Granny Annie said to cup their precious face in your hands, look into their eyes and you will both know the answer. This is so true. But, only you can decide what's right for you.
Chemo, radiation, is it worth it? To possibly make things easier on yourself, ask yourself what you would want "her" to do for you, and when, if the situation was reversed.
I'm trying to answer these questions myself at the present time, and I pray that you and Belle are fine, and that God heals your broken heart.
Hi Jil-

How is Belle doing? We all hope she's feeling better :D
Hi Jil-

How is Belle doing? We all hope she's feeling better :D
Well, I got a good response when I got home from work, but she tuckered out quicker than usual on our walk. We won't be going that far again unless it's early in the morning when it's cooler out. She actually laid down at one point. Too funny, the people came out of their house while we were sitting there . . . "hi, I've got a tired sheepie and we're resting . . . " I'm sure they thought I was crazy.

She's eating now, after I enticed her with a Wellness biscuit. Even if she doesn't eat her food, she's still very excited about the snackies.

I think I'll clip her down more this week.She doesn't mind getting sprayed with the hose - we had to have an impromtu bath yesterday after she got in the way of the rank gutter water that my neighbor was blowing out for me. 8O So maybe that's a quick fix for July/August.

I fear it's going to be a long hot summer for this sheepie girl.


Yay! She ate 1-1/2 cups!

I'm really sorry to hear about Belle. I haven't been on the site much the last few weeks and I haven't been viewing all the topics. If you need any help with Belle please let me know.

Our prayers and good wishes go out to you and Belle.
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