Won't walk

Okay Langley is making me crazy. It has been really nice +6 c yesterday and today. So I have been bring them in to work in the morning. I have a kennel set up out back at work. Well he doesn't want to go. Apparently he isn't a morning dog. When my alarm goes off in the morning he head butts me out of bed and goes back to sleep. I come home at lunch Laika is sleeping by the door he is in bed still!

So that is the back story; he isn't a go getter in the morning. It takes forever to get to work. Only 15 minute walk without him! He at time puts the brakes on and if not walks slower than a snail! I bring cookies and that gets him moving barely. Any other suggestions than cookies. This is silly he is only 3! I bet all the people driving by think that poor old dog.

I don't want to leave him at home cooped up all day he is lucky to be able to get outside watch all the people come to work. Seems like he rather while his day away in bed. The teenage boy I never wanted!
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Has he always been like this or is this a change, even a gradual one? Does he act differently in the afternoon and evening after his day rest? Not being the one to offer sage advice, but maybe start with a vet work up to rule out other causes. Maybe, he's just being the teen after all.
Oh I took him for almost a hour walk last night and he was fine. The beginning of the route was the way to work. The when I got home he and Laika then played tug for 20 minutes. He seems like a lazy bones in the morning. He recently had a check up his Alkaline phosphates were low. Usually high you have to worry. I will be taking him back in a few weeks to have his blood work done again. But the vet didn't see a reason to worry.
We're in the same boat. Chowder has never been much of a walker though even has a puppy. She could just hang out in the yard and lounge around with sticks or lay with us inside and be happy. When we walk she will actually pull towards home. I joke that I'm the only person that has to pull their big dog to walk instead of having their big dog pull them during the walk.

If it is not health issues, which is the first thing you should look at, we talked to a trainer. She suggested filling a Dixie cup with Peanut Butter and enticing her to walk. Holding it at her level and allow her to lick as she walks while verbally encouraging her and exciting her.
Just walked home at lunch. He was perfect. Well except for the silly showing off. If he sees someone he starts exaggerating his bounces. An occasional little flip or leg kick if they look his way. :excited:

He is just not a morning dog. So frustrating to drag your dog (I don't) on walk. I bribe more like it.
Maybe just leave him at home in the morning and bring him to work at lunch?
I thought of that as long it isn't too warm like today because the kennel turns into a mud bath. The grounds is being consistent. Eventually it won't be so muddy. I might go get another green outdoor rug and cover the whole kennel. (I wish i took my patio stones when I sold my house) :cry:

I looked out the window at work this morning and he had his body on the carpet and head in the mud!

These picture were during the fall.


LOL Sorry, that may be my fault. I'm so not a morning person, and therefore, none of my dogs are :roll:
haha! He always was hard to get up in the morning. Even as a puppy. Great thanks! haha and I am a morning person. This isn't going to work :wink:

He loves the bed I have to say. Around 8-9pm he will take himself off to bed as well. What a lazybones! I make the bed every morning and by the time I go to bed he always has a little nest made. :roll:
How about getting a wagon and pulling him. You walk, he rides. :banana:
Just a suggestion
oh my god people don't stare enough already haha! That would be really cute though.
My thought is he just does not want to go. Why leave a nice cozy bed and lay on the hard ground outside.
Simon's Mom wrote:
My thought is he just does not want to go. Why leave a nice cozy bed and lay on the hard ground outside.

Exactly, however he is the dog and you are the owner. I believe that if work is where you want him to be, then you need to make it a habit. Walking to work is part of his daily routine. Make it fun, reward him with something he loves when you arrive. Talk up the walk before you leave. If we say WALK (even if we spell it) our dogs get excited. I would figure out a way to make it a happy routine. Can you take his bed to work? Can he sleep in it inside by you?
Nola is definitely a morning dog! She is so bouncy and loveable and nudges me awake 1-minute before the alarm goes off! It is such a wonderful way to wake up every morning!!!! :)

She is NOT, however, and evening dog. She does the same thing you described! As soon as she does her business she lags behind and I feel like I have to pull her along sometimes :roll:

I like the wagon idea! :potstir:

You know, with the wagon, you can always put pillows and blankets and even favorite toy in and the dogs can nap either on the way to work, or back from a walk. And get up when they are ready. So what if people laugh!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
I had a sheepie that I put in the shopping carts when she was a puppy. It was much easier to walk one and put the pup in the cart. From then on, Li'l Brittches HAD to ride in the cart! She would walk into the store, go up to the cart, jump up and put her paws on the edge of the cart and then I would boost her butt into the cart!!!! Everybody would laugh! My cart would would shake going down the aisles because she was very happy and wiggling in the cart!! :cheer: :cheer: :yay: :yay: :yay: :hearts: :hearts:
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