Poor Plum~~~~~~

Poor Plum~~~ She seems to be having a terrible skin reaction to ...who knows??? She gets these oozing scabs all over her body, including around her collar . Joey just shaved her into a puppy cut last week.

She treats the sores with cortizon and benedryl..She is taking Plum to the vet soon but would like to know if anyone has any ideas....

I tried to take some pics to see if anyone can tell me what this is???

Any suggestions or opinions would be very much appreciated...
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Of course ask the vet but... maybe staph. A medicated shampoo with
Chlorhexidine will help to address that and yeast. Antibiotics too...
cephalexin is the choice here. (But just a guess!)

Poor baby girl. Hoping it clears quickly.
Poor BABY!!!!

It looks like canine Pyoderma. If so, then she will need some oral antibiotics. They can do a swab of it/micro slide and look under the scope to confirm.... but, that is what it looks like to me.
Ohh, poor puppy. Like Jaci, my first thought is staph, but it could be any number of things. You can try the Chlorhexidine shampoo (Douxo brand is the best Jaci and I have found), but you also might want to consider a visit to the vet and get a swab taken. The chlorhexidine shampoo is gentle enough to use every day. If you wash that frequently, or every other day, have Jodi use luke-cool water. Oscar's dermatologist recommended this rather than likewarm or hot water, in order not to further inflame the skin.

Has Plum been scratching around her collar alot? She might have allergies, and then she managed to introduce a bacteria into the mix by scratching herself raw. :(

Hope Plum is feeling better.

Laurie and Oscar
Poor Plum! That makes me want to run for the Gold Bond lotion for myself! Skin problems are hard to diagnose, hope this one is easy......not something like Staph..or worse.
I cannot help, but say oh poor Plum! Hope the vet helps!
Yuck looks very itchy and uncomfy! Hope it turns out to be something trivial and easy to treat! :crossed: :crossed: :crossed:
poor baby, looks painful. Hope they can get her all fixed up soon. :ghug:
Poor baby.

Val - did this start shortly after she was shaved? My rescue dog would start itching frantically after every time I shaved her. To the point where she started looking like she was going to get herself some nice big hotspots. I now know I have to bathe her immediately after shaving her to get those residual short little clipped hairs off of her. Yes, they itch, and they bother some dogs more than others, but all newly shaved dogs appreciate a nice rinsing off immediately following a shave.

Vet visit is best recourse, but make sure she actually needs antibiotics - and she might - before allowing vet to throw them at her. Use them indiscriminantly and you just end up trashing her own immune system, and then you're in a vicious cycle.

Hope she gets some relief soon.

Kristine...This has been an ongoing problem the last 6 months. There is no reason ~so I think it is a yeast or staph,..Joey is taking her in on Thursday... :crossed: :crossed: :crossed: :crossed: She is such a sweetie!!!
Oh Plum......I hope you get some relief from the vet :crossed: :crossed:

We can't wait to see you at Sheepiepalooza (with no owies!!!!) :plead: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
Poor Plum!! Good luck at the vet's, I hope that they sort this out quickly.
Plum, hope you get better soon.
Poor Plum, that looks so uncomfortable. Our Yorkie had staph once, and it was oozy, then dry and crusty. The lesions were mostly circular. She responded quickly to meds and medicated bathing. Hope Miss Plum is better very soon :hearts:
I have no advice--just wanted to send Plum a big :ghug:
Hope she's doing better soon.
Poor Plum. :(

Any word from the vet?

Skin issues are really a pain. We had them with Mopsy.
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