Ok, just received a call from the surgeon. I am having a hard time writing this....sorry it might be all over the place. It was alot of info to take in while crying.

They went in and did not find what they thought they would find. Everything on the left side was normal, and the left side is where this vessel is usually on top of the esophagus which is why they went in on the left. They ran a dye through her heart to see if maybe it was a double arch.....it was not. The heart and arteries are all completely normal so that was not it. They ran a camera through everything....all ok. Very long detailed story short they have an entire team of top surgeons stumped. They still believe it is the same diagnosis - a vessel is sitting on her esophagus, however they are now thinking it is on the right side, not the left, which means they are going to have to go in again tomorrow on the right side. The one surgeon said that she has seen it on the right side once about 16 years ago. While she was doing very well under anesthesia, they decided to wake her up since they had her under so long doing the scope and running the dye through her heart to try and figure everything out. I heard her cry when I was talking to the vet....she was talking to me in the operating room. I completely lost it.

Sorry guys, I am so upset right now and am feeling so bad about what that poor puppy is having to go through. The surgeon said they are consulting more and she will call me if they come up with anything else today however at this time she said it looks like surgery on the right side tomorrow. She said I will hear from her in the morning regarding additional costs (although she did say she was going to see what she could do about that) and when they will be performing surgery number two.

I wish there was better news.....but I guess there is still a chance for her and for that is what I am holding onto right now.
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oh no we are all thinking of you try and hang in there :ghug: :ghug:
Sending positive thoughts your way! :ghug: :ghug:
Rare cases make things difficult. She is in good hands, Amber. It's her only chance to survive... she gets this one chance to turn things around. I know how difficult this is for you. Stay strong and we'll all keep positive that they'll find and correct the problem tomorrow so Abby can go on to be the little stinker she deserves to be. :hearts:

I hurried home to get the latest.........We are all in a big hug with one another:

Oh your poor baby! I am so sorry. I hope tomorrow's surgery will find the answers needed to save your tiny princess. Whatever discomfort she is going through today and tomorrow are worth it to give her the chance at a full life. I will be thinking of you both the rest of the day and tomorrow and hope we have better news. :hearts:
Fingers crossed. Hugs and thinking of you x
Thoughts and prayers will continue for sweet little Abby and your family.
Blueshire wrote:
Sorry guys, I am so upset right now and am feeling so bad about what that poor puppy is having to go through. The surgeon said they are consulting more and she will call me if they come up with anything else today however at this time she said it looks like surgery on the right side tomorrow. She said I will hear from her in the morning regarding additional costs (although she did say she was going to see what she could do about that) and when they will be performing surgery number two.

It is at least good to hear that Abbey made it through today's surgery. Here's to tomorrow being the definitive day that Abbey is made well again and you can finally start getting out from under this calamity.

However.... this is a prime example why I have only a little bit more faith in most vets than I do in people doctors (who for the most part I completely despise).... far too much presumption, self-importance/arrogance/self-interest and in the end what is little more than guesswork when diagnosing ailments and determining the appropriate treatments for anything that falls outside the usual 95% of routine "classic" and well defined cases that they see.

As to increased surgical costs; needless to say that I would be digging my heels in pretty deep and firmly against any further cost being incurred because the veterinarians messed up the diagnosis, conducted an ineffective procedure because of it and have now extended Abbey's hospital admission/treatment duration. Clients should not have to pay for vets' mistakes, neither the Bobtail because of more surgery, risk and potential convalescence complications nor the owner in terms of financial costs to say nothing of the emotional distress experienced! Obviously nothing can be done to nullify or correct the puppies pain and fear or your emotional distress, but.... You and many members of this forum have already made a huge emotional and financial investment in Abbey based on the vets' diagnosis and perhaps even more importantly the prognosis of a complete recovery and thereafter normal life. It is bad enough that a second round of surgery with it's attendant risks, delays and heartache have been imposed on you and Abbey... Why is it that so many people nowadays think that they should be paid regardless of the efficacy of their efforts (doctors and lawyers are the worst for this). As an engineer I am a member of one of the last professional schools, if not the last, whose professional body holds its members to task and liability for their professional actions. If I make a mistake in an engineering design, maintenance program, etc., I am obligated to correct the error without charge and will, in all probability, be held legally and financially culpable for all losses suffered by my client pursuant to that error. If they try to increase your billing I suggest that telephone calls to the Ontario Veterinary Association, the local BBB and the Provincial Ministry of Consumer and Corporate affairs to lodge complaints are well and truly in order.

Sorry for the rant but at some point this exploitation of clients who are suffering through emotionally devestating times has to stop!
:ghug: Oh Amber, I am sorry there wasn't better news. Still keeping positive thoughts for you and Little Abbey Babydoll. :hearts: :hearts: :kiss: Hopefully someone will be hugging and snuggling her between now and the next surgery. My prayers are with you both. I can't even imagine what you are going through but I am sitting here crying. :cry: My heart hurts for you and wishing for the best. Dumb question. Didn't they do tests and scans to see what and where the problem is? Just asking. You take care and keep us all posted when you are able. Lost of love and kisses. :hearts: :kiss: :kiss:
Nancy G
:ghug: :ghug: Hugs to you Amber--what a trying day for you-- So very sorry that you have another tough day facing you tomorrow. It seems that Abby is being cared for by very capable and caring vets. :hearts: My heart is hurting for you both.
Continuing to send very positive and special thoughts and prayers for all of you. Keep fighting little Abby. :hearts: :hearts:
I understand your feelings Carl. :hearts:

I don't think this is negligence... of course I don't know for sure. Abby's a unique living creature with an unseen living force within her... she's also very tiny. If this is a rare condition or a rare anatomical makeup, there's little past experience for doctors to base things on. They sometimes have to go in to figure out what's wrong because x-rays, untrasounds, and other diagnostic tests may not provide clear or complete information. Things can sometimes block the view or are not crystal clear like a blueprint. This just doesn't sound like it's been a textbook case.
Amber just to say we are all thinking of you and sending you buckets of love. I think we all know what you are going through. I went through it with Celyn (but she survived and lived a long happy life). The waiting and hearing your baby cry is heartrending. But you and Abby will make it through.

Know that we are all with you. Will be thinking of you tomorrow.


Much love Debs, Geoff and Cloud
Carl bless you for speaking your mind :hearts: :hearts:

We all care so much it is what makes this forum so great.

Debs xx
SO many hugs, kisses, happy thoughts are being sent your way!!! :ghug: :ghug:
We have been popping in and out waiting for news. I am so sorry your beautiful puppy has had to go through this today and there is still another mountain for her to climb tomorrow. If love, vibes, prayers and thoughts can save her she is going to pull through and lead a lovely full life. Thinking of you tonight and tomorrow, try to stay positive and please look after yourself try to get some sleep and have something to eat. Hugs and buckets full of vibes and love.
I am so sorry that Amber and Abby have to go thru this again, I just hope that tomorrow brings the good news that we are all hoping for.
Thinking of you all..........
Darn it.
I was hoping for good news today.

Are they having to open her up or is it being done endoscopically?
I hope the latter because it's MUCH less traumatic.
im so sorry :ghug: hopefully tomorrows surgery will go well...lots of prayers for our mini sheepie.

hang tough..will they let you come by and see her tonight? if so, just whisper sweet and loving things to her and let her know everyone is pulling for her...give her a gentle kiss from all of us...

sigh...you are so right...pandas misdiognosis of discoid lupus, then an immunization shot right after a round of antibiotics all set up the perfect storm...and the vets all shrugged their shoulders...to this day, her diagnosis was ''fever of unknown orgin''....really??!! they never admitted to fault...and in my design job, it is the same way...i screw up, not only do i pay, but i have to grovel a bit too...
Oh Amber, I am sorry Abby has to have another surgery tomorrow.

Hope your children are doing okay.
Oh my. We will continue our prayers here for sweet Abbey.
i hope all is figured out.
I wondered when i called and no answer. Things are busy for me right now.
Ali and the kids.
Amber, just catching up, so sorry for this news. Little Abby has all our positive thoughts and prayers here, certainly tomorrow will be a better day. :plead: I hope that you can find quiet peace and rest tonight. Abby is in good hands.
I'm sorry beautiful Abby has to go through all of this. I'm praying for her and wishing you the strength to endure.

Hoping better news tomorrow,,, :plead:
Ok, this just stinks. I agree with Carl. That poor little baby has to go through this again. The emotional toll on you(and all of us) is beyond comprehensible.

I won't go into a rant(though I want to) and wish that tomorrow's surgery will give the results we are all praying for.

Go Abby!!!!
Well that just stinks. I was really hoping for better news, but at least we know she can handle the anesthesia okay. As for the crying after her surgery...it is hard to hear....but also shows she is not giving up....she wants someone to come to her aid and help her fight!!! Good girl Abby, keep fighting!!!! :wink:

I am sure tomorrow will bring better news.

I also agree with Carl, you should not be charged for the surgery tomorrow. You did not agree to pay for and put your little baby through an exploratory surgery. You agreed to a surgery that would correct the problem that they identified. If they did not correctly identify where the problem is...then that is on them.

I will be praying for Abby's continued strength during this difficult time, and for the surgeons ability to correct her problem. :plead:
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

Stay strong Amber, we are all here for you. :ghug:
I'm so sorry it wasn't better news today and has to have another surgery tomorrow. Sounds like she is a little fighter and I'll keep sending all my healing thoughts her way. Hang in there Amber! We are all pulling for sweet little Abby!

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

Praying all goes well for abby and yes there stuff up you should not have to re-incur the cost of their mistake, totally agree with Carl.

When brie had surgery for her agressive epulis, after the initial sample taken to find out what we were dealing with and the recomendations from the pathology report on the growth, the next operation the vet went in and made a huge boo boo, did not send the tissue and bone off again to pathology to see if we had clear margins. So a re-growth and more surgery at no charge because of his stuff up. :wink:

So sad to hear about abby and I truly hope all this with another procedure on the other side will find and fix her problem, she is such a gorgeous little poppet and waiting and praying all will be well for her. Amber sending hugs and praying big time. She looks so full on and full of spunk, I am sure this sweet little poppet is going to come through all of this to lead a adventurous and full on life, her expression and demeanor in the photos you posted of her, she looks like a fighter. Love to you all and :plead: :crossed: :plead: :crossed:

I hope you had some sleep, and that Abby is continuing to fight. We are all thinking of you and her today, lots of love to you all xx
Prayers being sent to Abby for a successful solution tomorrow, Amber.
Try to stay positive. You are doing the best you can for her and she
has a lot of people pulling for her to thrive.

hugs from California,
Linda Zimmerman
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: Prayers and positive thoughts going to sweet Abby and Amber.
Hugs and prayers for sweet little Abby and you Amber. :ghug: Little Abby is a fighter!!! I just know she is going to pull through! Stay strong and positive!
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

yes, I agree that Abby has enough spunk to get through today..Healing white light being sent to all of you today!

Amber I haven't been on and just logged on this morning to see the horrible news! I wanted you to know we are thinking of you down here in Florida and sending much much love your way!
My heart sank and then swelled with love at everyone coming together for that sweet darling little Abby. I am definitely chipping in too, especially in light of your recent update.

I feel so bad you and your family are going through this and wish there was more we could do from down here.. I just love that you love her so much :hearts: and it just shows, again, what a wonderful breeder (and person :wink: ) you are. :hearts: :hearts: Because of your love for your dogs, many of us on this site have our own special pups that we get to share our lives with. I know I feel lucky everyday I wake up to Pru's wet kisses :kiss: and it is because of you, your hubby, and your kids that she is as wonderful as she is.
So, much love and positive thoughts coming from myself, Michael, Peyton, Piper, and of course, Pru ... :wink:
:ghug: :ghug:
Amber you and Abby are in my thoughts, and have been all day. I just gave Summer an extra cuddle as well.....xxxx
Thinking of little Abby :hearts: this morning--prayers for a successful procedure today! :crossed: :crossed:
Oh, best of luck to little Abby today :plead: . Winston sends his best Sheepie snugs to you and your family and kisses to Abby
I took the day off yesterday and to see this unpleasant update this morning makes me very sad for everyone, especially little Abby. Here's hoping and praying they find the problem with today's procedure and that the little princess can heal and grow normally.

Hugs, prayers, white lights, crossed fingers, toes, arms, legs, and everything else I can think of!

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
:plead: :plead: :plead: :plead: :plead: :plead: :plead: :plead:
:hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :crossed: :crossed: :crossed:
Poor little baby! :cry: :cry: everything will turn out alright and she will go on to make someone very, very, very happy.
Thinking happy positive thoughts for the lil puppy.
I've been thinking of you and Abby all day.
Prayers that the doctors will have the skill
and insight needed today to make her well.

6Girls wrote:
I've been thinking of you and Abby all day.
Prayers that the doctors will have the skill
and insight needed today to make her well.


beautifully worded... xxx
Hoping for a successful surgery today! :hearts:
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