Barking in the car

So our sweet Howie turns crazy in the car, this has been going on for all his life. He barks at anything moving, and snaps at Mark & I if we get near him. : :headbang: Needless to say, travelling together is not enjoyable.

We have been reading, asking trainers, and trying different techniques, treats, in crate, out of crate, on harness in the backseat, you name it...nothing worked.

:bulb: I watched the Dr. Temple Gradin Story, and it got me thinking...the hug machine.

Yesterday, I decided we would try something really different. Mark drove, I sat in the back seat with Howie. Howie was wild as usual as we went out the driveway. I held him tight with both arms wrapped around him, he was so rigid and tense. Howie moved over and sat on my lap, as we drove down the road, he was making some sounds but not barking. After 10 minutes of driving, I could feel his body relax and he rested his head on my shoulder. No barking, no snapping. I eased up on my tight hug, and stroked his back. We drove to the pet store. His favorite place!

We got back in the car, me again in the back, he put his butt on my lap, I hugged tight again and no barking!

Mark and I are going to do this each evening, get in the car and drive. My hope is, in stages, get Howie to a place of relaxing in the back seat all on his own.

Last night we were over joyed, it was a great calm outing for Howie Mark & I. :high5:

There is hope I can sit in the front seat with my husband and a peaceful pup in the back. :crossed:

peg & howie
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If he responds nicely to the pressure of the hugs, I bet a Thundershirt would work on him.

They are designed for dogs with fears (namely thunder, but work on any fear) and come in various sizes.
The common practice before was to use ace wraps, or tight fitting human clothes...but someone got smart and developed a dog jacket made specifically. :bulb: :bulb:

Then you really will be able to sit in front with hubby!

And yes, the Temple Grandin story is quite amazing. I had heard/read about her long ago, and really enjoyed the movie made about her life. I watched it with my then 8 year old was fun seeing it through a child's eyes too.
got sheep wrote:
If he responds nicely to the pressure of the hugs, I bet a Thundershirt would work on him.

I'd never heard of this before, but after reading this thread I did quite a bit of research about it and it sounds pretty good! Wondering whether it would work for any of our issues.. :lmt:

Anyway, didn't mean to hijack the thread.. really pleased to hear you have found something that works for Howie :yay: and hope it continues!! :crossed:
Thanks Dawn!

We went out again tonight, same deal as last evening. Howie was a bit better, settled a few minutes sooner. :phew: We drove around for half an hour, of course stopping of coffee. I have a feeling the girls at the coffee shop are going to get to know us very well by the end of this training project! :oops:

I will look into the thundershirt. I bet it would help him in a few other situations too.
Hmm... anyone have a used one they want to sell??

"Anyway, didn't mean to hijack the thread.." no glad you were able learn from Dawn.

Anyone else with ideas for helping Howie relax in the car??
pegspup wrote:
I will look into the thundershirt. I bet it would help him in a few other situations too.
Hmm... anyone have a used one they want to sell??

If you don't get a hold of a used one.. I did notice they offer a 45 day money back guarentee if it doesn't work for your dog..

No useful suggestions from me, I'm afraid, but does sound like you are making progress already! :go:
:wag: Ok, Sheepdog lovers ... I've posted on this site before, but I still am in DESPERATE need of help! My Kirby is out of control, especially in the car. I have spent lots of money trying to find the right things to help him. I recently purchased a Thundershirt, even having his name engraved on it. We took a ride this evening .... We almost wrecked. I am 62, single and have no one to help me. He barks almost continuously, goes crazy if a car or anything passes us and won't sit, lie down, nothing. I take him in my Jeep Wrangler, which has the back seat taken out of it. When he barks in that enclosed area, it feels like my eardrums are going to burst. I am almost in tears as I write this. I am supposed to go to San Diego for a week this next Saturday and no one wants to watch him for me. It's a long story why I have Kirby. His ownership was to be shared with my then fiancé, but he's left the picture. Please don't get me wrong, I love Kirby, but I don't know what to do. Call the dog whisperer? A few weeks back, he and I got our feet tangled when I was trying to feed him. I went up and over the top of him, hit my head on the edge of the kitchen counter, came down on my knees and ended up with a large hematoma on my knee and on my head, with a cut on my nose, two black eyes, too. I had to go to the ER where they gave me X-rays and a CT scan. I took the blame for the accident because I was trying to hurry while feeding him and my bulldog Molly when i came home from work. I have checked into boarding and training while I'm away, but to do both it's very expensive. That's what I'll do if I have to because I've always wanted him to have the best care. Please forgive me for letting out my feelings to all of you, but if I talk with my children, they just tell me Kirby is too much for me. My whole dream was to be able to take him with me wherever I go and it's just not happening. Have I just failed him, not tried hard enough, or what? Please help. Thank you in advance.
Laika was fine in the car for years and then bam not anymore. She goes crazy in the car as well. If you can put the seats down in your car perhaps you can use one of these crates. I close all the doors down she cannot see anything and no barking. I hope you can figure something out.

Mine closes right up so she cannot see.
Wow! That's really nice and would work in my Jeep, but Kirby weighs 97 lbs. may be too small for him. :(
They come in different sizes. Lots of stores carry them. I hope you figure something out. I know how much it sucks to try and drive with all the barking.
Thank you so much. ... I appreciate you suggestion and may I can find one of these :-)
Or if you have a wire or plastic crate, you can buy or make a cover for it also.
If he is too out of control, the soft sided crate may not be durable enough.

I have one of these for one of my dogs - he likes a covered crate ... r/14685821
Thank you! I did find a crate on I'm going to give it a good try, that's for sure 8-)

I have recently had a behaviourist in to see my OES as he has so many issues, including being crazy in the car. She suggested something called a dog CALMING CAP, you can purchase them on the internet. I personally have not tried it.

Good luck
got sheep wrote:
Or if you have a wire or plastic crate, you can buy or make a cover for it also.
If he is too out of control, the soft sided crate may not be durable enough.

I have one of these for one of my dogs - he likes a covered crate ... r/14685821

Too true! Your idea is better.
I have been intending to update everyone on my Kirby and the problems I was having with him riding in the car. I took the advice I had received regarding putting him in a crate while in the car. I went to and found a "tent type" crate which is a Godsend!!! The sides have flaps which can be rolled up or left down, just like a tent does. I leave them down while we are riding and Kirby does fantastic! When I first put him in he barks, but when I start the car, I tell him to lie down and go "nitety-night" and that's it! It is soooo much more pleasant now and I don't mind taking him at all. :-) thank you so much for giving me that idea. I just can't tell you how much I appreciate the help and advice I get on this forum. :-). Thanks again and God Bless --- Marilyn, Kirby's mom
Thank you for the update. I have found this forum has helped me in more ways than I can count. They've educated me on things Ive never known about and maybe will not use, but great to know. I'm glad the advice worked for you.
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