Pru's...uh...interesting vomit

So, Pru and I were hanging out...I had insomnia, so of course she got to hang in the den with me versus going to her bed with daddy :D . Nothing unusual, she played, she went to sleep in one of her many favorite spots, on her back and stretched out (love that!! :hearts: ). 4am ish...I wake to my little sweetie vomiting. It wasn't violent, it really sounded like a big burp...or vurp if you will. She has only puked once before and that was within the first 2 weeks of being home and an isolated incident of eating too fast.

As I get up, in my haze of sleep, I think..."oh, she didn't vomit, that's a toy", but she is looking at it, then looking at me, then looking at "it"....and I realize I am doing the same as I come up to her to make sure she is alright and give her love. Then I look at his gross little brown vomit and notice there are heart shapes of various colors scattered in the brownish color. :? :? ...

I get way closer to vomit than I ever want to and there, all neatly in a rolled up ballish shape are my 4 yo daughter's panties!!!! I panicked and started checking Pru over. She looks at me like..."oops" and "where did that come from??". She is totally fine and drinks her water and starts bugging me to play with her. I have no idea where she got the panties...well I mean from my little ones room or the laundry room - but I can't figure out how I missed it. We keep her "contained" in one room. All I can figure is little miss sneaky grabbed a pair that fell during laundry transportation from one room to the other.

So, since I was off the site during the holiays and beginning of January, my new garbage disposal has poo'd a baby wipe, a red crayon, and now has eaten Piper's panties. Each time has been her figuring out how to escape the den and grabbing something in less that 1 minute. She is a sneaky one and it kinda freaks me out. She definitely keeps us on our toes...and makes me want to hire a maid to check for the little things I clearly am not cleaning up good :oops: .
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Be grateful it came back up!! Who knows where they find the stuff, wasn't under a bed was it? Now that you know anything is fair----food, be vigilant. Impress upon the family how stuff left before Pru...can not longer be. Eyeglasses, remote controls.......anything with a good smell of humans or just a good smell (crayons) will be tasted, chewed and eaten by the puppy. They explore their world with their mouth......
Yes, we have definitely had the clean up conversations :x ....uggghh...but I think everyone has been schooled on how quickly she can find things in the parts of the house she is not allowed in. If she enters them for even a split second, she finds something. So, needless to say, weekends have been busy puppy/dog proofing the remainder of the house. THIS is an undertaking... :lol: . And, no more walking through the house with a pile of laundry, as I am convinced that is what happened with the panties. The good thing is ...everyone is busy around here cleaning... :lol:...well, except Pru...she is watching and fussing when we get involved with cleaning and aren't involved with her... :lol:
Yep they are quick. We've been 5 years since an OES puppy, and almost 3 years since Biscuit (lab) was a puppy. Labs are even more oral fixated than OES...if that is even possible!
I also carry my laundry from the bathroom hamper out to the porch laundry..I am always double and triple checking my load! :roll:

We got puppy trained long, long ago..we are now well trained and neat people for many decades now... 8)
the real reason for victoria's secrets success. 8O 8O

keeping our oes and lab in the laundry room. :cow:

neither would eat male socks or underwear with or w/o holes. :twitch:

once the laundry room was puppy proofed, but the addiction was there, we believe the lab learned to open drawers in bedrooms and even grab an extra pr. for his bro. :sidestep:

Thank heavens she threw them up!
I know. She weighs 8 lbs more than my daughter, or more by now :D , so thank goodness she decided to munch on the teeny tiny panties.. :lol: . But, yes, I was very thankful that all she did was throw them up. It totally freaked me out and I scanned the entire living area for anything else with potential. My poor family got a sleep deprived mad mommy this morning, bright and early, to clean up their rooms and surrounding areas! Luckily my hubby hasn't joined yet to describe the devil in disquise that he awoke too :oops:
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