Clyde and the trampoline

As a kid growing up, I always begged for a tramploine, but never got one. So, on my 28th birthday last year, my boyfriend came through and got one for me. We don't even have kids to use as an excuse-- we are the kids! So, like a couple of idiots, we're out there all the time jumping on it all the time.

So, we put it back up for the summer a few days ago and Clyde was mystified by it. He was watching us jump and jump like we were the best movie he ever saw. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore and takes this giant running leap for the tramp-- and missed. :( So I hopped down and helped him up (because I couldn't bear watching another episode like that crash). I started jumping very lightly and he loved it! He was jumping all over the place himself, kicking his legs in the air as he bounded around the circle. It was so cute, I'll have to get a picture when he goes up again!

Even better was when he realized he could vault right off into the air and jump on poor Lucy's back...

Anybody else have a trampoline dog?
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I have to see that!

Sheepies are the biggest clowns on earth, well that is besides you and your boyfriend.... :lol:
There is a trampoline at doggy daycare and Henry loves it. They use plastic outdoor benches and chairs to help the dogs get up. They have some great pictures of Henry rolling around with the kids who work there and the other dogs. :lol:
I have to see that too!! Video would be cool . . .

I always wanted a trampoline too . . . maybe I should get one now!

floofdog wrote:
I always wanted a trampoline too . . . maybe I should get one now!


You figure, now you can also justify a trampoline as exercise, which it really is. Think about the last time you jumped up and down for 10 - 15 minutes straight. It's a darn good cardio workout. I also like that when I'm out there, I can watch the dogs and keep them out of trouble. Lucy likes to taunt the crazy dog next door. I have to stop her sometimes because he's on a chain (which is a whole other story) and she'll run up and down the fence just out of his reach so he chokes himself at either end. It's sad for him :(
Ha! Lucy reminds me of Kayli the FloofDog. That sounds like something she would do, the little minx!

I don't think I COULD jump up & down for 10-15 minutes! I think I'll try. If you don't hear from me again, you'll know I'm passed out in my living room.

Hey, it's 11:15, I've got to get to bed, I'm driving to Philadelphia tomorrow!!



I have to see that too! That must have been so funny and also so good to see him having so much fun!
:lol: I can just imagine... what a goofy dog... they all are... that's why we love them so.
Trampolines scare the heck outta me though. My cousin has one and her kids love it, she is very careful and supervises every second, but I won't let mine on it, too paranoid they'll fall and break something.
Willowsprite wrote:
:lol: I can just imagine... what a goofy dog... they all are... that's why we love them so.
Trampolines scare the heck outta me though. My cousin has one and her kids love it, she is very careful and supervises every second, but I won't let mine on it, too paranoid they'll fall and break something.

Lol. I'm 29 and my mom says the same thing every time I mention going on it!
get cousin had one but my parents always said "you'll break your neck...or spleen or whatnot" so what do they do? They buy MY kids one for xmas! Barkley loves to jump on the trampolen but Bella has no clue. She will go under it and look all around for Barkley. She has to be like " now wait a minute... i SAW him JUMP but he never landed!" lol Poor Bella.
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