Time Spent with your Dogs

I work full time out of the house but my dad is home all day. My hubbys also works long hours. I alwasy feel my dogs do not get enough human attention?

I walk them in the AM before work...then they eat and I am off to work. My dad takes them out at about 11 am for an hour. They play outside with each other and my dad throws a ball a little bit - he is 83 years old by the way! He takes them out again in the afternoon...

When I get home at 4:30, I take them out and they each get some time of private play/training seperately and tehn together ...then we stay outside together for about an hour or so...

In the evening, we all cuddle watching tv and tehn out again at night. But just quickly to do business...tehn its nite-nite time and they sleep with us in our bedroom...

Weekends are much better and lots more training time....but I always feel guilty its not enough time...like parents with their kids I guess!
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I look back on my time with panda the same way. This past summer was so hot, that while I did the dinner dishes,Brian would walk her. I think about that almost every day.

Did I walk her enough, did I play with her enough, did she get the attention she deserved? Of course there are days that could have done more. A lot. But she was never loved more, missed more and if she could talk, I think she would tell me that she had a perfect life.

We can always do more, but more isn't in THEIR vocabulary. It's now....do the best you can now ...at this moment, because that's all they care about. Just love the best you can now because tomorrow, you will always think that you could have done more and truthfully, they don't care about what you didn't do, but what you DID do.... :wag:
I think that you are doing great! And to have a kindhearted father to help you is wonderful. It is never enough time, I know, but unless we all win the lottery, we do have to go to work to be able to feed and care for these guys.
Mady wrote:
I think that you are doing great! And to have a kindhearted father to help you is wonderful. It is never enough time, I know, but unless we all win the lottery, we do have to go to work to be able to feed and care for these guys.

Yeah, I'm kinda counting on that lottery...
I've been thinking about this question for a while and my answer would be YES! My hours in Sept were cut to 16 hrs weekly ...blah. So while my paycheck was cut in half, the boys are getting twice as much time with me daily. I kept hoping that the school district would eventually bump my hours back up but it hasn't happened yet. I really really love my job yet recently I've been checking out other postings with more hours.

So I'm kinda in a damned if you do situation as I will feel quilty as I've enjoyed my extra time with the critters as they do with me. However, this month is geriatric screenings at the vets and I have three of my older guys scheduled to go in within the next couple days. That will take up the majority of my pay and not wanting to ever ignore any of my guys medical needs I've applied for another job with more hours. (Don't know if I'll get it as I don't have all the qualifications but that's another story.)

In a perfect world I'd love working part time at a job I love and spending lots of time with my critters. In a non perfect world - the reality of finances comes to play. Grumble grumble
Darcy wrote:
We can always do more, but more isn't in THEIR vocabulary. It's now....do the best you can now ...at this moment, because that's all they care about.

Precisely. It's not about the quantity, it's about quality. Because, I'm sure, there are dogs whose people don't have to work, yet the dogs are miserable to the point of having to take prescription medication.
I am fortunate to work at home and get to spend many days with my guys--they LOVE the office--it is their favorite place except...when I travel. :cry:

The downside is that I am with them so much they really hate it when I am gone. Baley more than Baxter. My family tells me that he keeps his sad face on most of the time that I am gone...and that really breaks my heart! He goes into his pout mode the minute he sees the suitcases and he doesn't speak to me for a few hours after I return.
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