A GREAT breed ambassador today!

I am so stinkin proud of my puppy!

We took the kids and Cambridge to a semi-busy park today, as it was beautiful, clear, and
70 degrees out today.

It was our first trip out to this park with Cambridge. I love it as it has tons of open space to run and play soccer and then separate play areas for kids based on age.

I have taken all our puppies here when they are little and the open space is great for working on Come, Sit, off leash, and lots of opportunities for meet and greets.

For some reason there were no other dogs there for the 1 1/2 hours we were there, but TONS of little kids. One at a time, they came with their parents to "pet the puppy". Cambridge immediately sat and let every one pet- all over him. No nipping, no jumping, no impatience. He was a perfect gentleman. It was amazing, as at home he can be rough and tumble with Hezekiah, and when H gets home from school each day C gets so excited he follows him from room to room and wants to jump on him.

Anyway.... everyone wanted to know WHAT kind of dog this was. A few people actually are considering puppies and fell in love. I of course, directed them all to this site, to learn before buying.

C even did a bit on leash and did very well... he's actually better off leash than on.

there was a little girl there who is terrified of dogs, and she LOVED C. she kept clapping her hands and going up to him. the mom was amazed. I said it's probably because he looks like a teddy bear.

anyway- it was a GREAT experience, positive for everyone, in every way.

SO happy!

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I'm sure you are really proud of him. They can amaze you at times and be perfect little puppies.
:clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple:

Yay Cambridge!

his disposition away from home :D continues to amaze me

he was surrounded on all sides by parents and kids at one point. he just kept his sit
and let everyone just pet him

one sweet boy gave him a huge hug when he had to leave. it was just the sweetest thing

I guess dogs are like kids.... better behaved when out and about than at home! :cow:
He sounds like a therapy dog to be! Have you throught about that? Congrads! It is so nice to hear how our big goofy breed can be so gentle at the most important time! OES are great for theraoy dogs because they do look like teddy bears and kids and seniors love them...But not all have the personality. Your baby sounds like he may be the perfect one! :clappurple:
Ashley wrote:
He sounds like a therapy dog to be! Have you throught about that?

I second that. What a good boy!
Good boy Cambridge. :clappurple: :clappurple:
I agree sometimes they surprise us when they are out and about and behave so well. Maybe they just feel able to misbehave at home where they know everybody loves them.

:cheer: :cheer:
He sounds like a therapy dog to be!

Exactly what I thought. If he continues this calm manner he could have a long life as a therapy dog or even a READ dog, working with kids on their reading skills.

But this was just a trial run......he may completely change.
I would love for him to be a therapy dog. Not sure if our life allows it, but we will see.

I'm going to contact my son's school and see if he can do a day with my son's special needs class.

from the day we got him, the vet, the groomer, everyone remarked on what an incredible disposition he has

I just lost sight of that for a few min. because at home he can be a little wild. Having a new kitten who loves to
tease and play doesn't help. :- )

In general (other than potty training) he does do great. He's great off leash in our yard when people walk by. If they are running
he really does want to join them... or get them moving faster, I'm never sure which. so we have him sit and we pet and talk when
we see a runner coming.

which brings me to a Mady needs a puppy thought... need to go switch topics! :-)

we will definitely consider this... when my son was at Duke Children's Hospital they had a dog visit day and he loved it.
with the no shedding - that is such a bonus! ;-)
ruforgvn wrote:
which brings me to a Mady needs a puppy thought... need to go switch topics! :-)

I was told that they are like potato chips, you can't have just one! Of course, getting a second is easier when your first is so good. It must just make you grin to see how good Cambridge can be and how much joy he brings.
Good boy, Cambridge!
I am frequently amazed at the ability this breed (in particular)
has with regard to knowing just how gentle they must be with children (especially special needs children) and the elderly. They seem to have a special sensitivity. Just another one of their wonderful breed traits.

Linda Zimmerman
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