How many siblings do you have...

and where are you in the birth order?

I have one sister and two brothers. It's sister, brother, brother, then me. We are all 3 years apart.
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I have one brother and one sister. It's brother, sister, then me. Brother and sister are almost 2 years apart, I came along 13 years after my sister.
I have 1 twin sister (Melissa P, 11 minutes younger :banana: ) and had 1 older (13 years) 1/2 sister.
I have two sisters - one 2 years older and one 2 years younger!
2 sisters, I am the oldest.
1st one is 1 yr and 3 days younger, the other 4 yrs younger.
I have two brothers. I am the oldest, then a brother who is two years younger, then a brother who is 24 years younger then me! He is 12 years old and it is so funny as my oldest is 9 years old and my 12 year old brother is my childrens' Uncle.
One brother , older...then MEEEE~~~~~~
7- sister, brother, brother,brother,sister, brother, sister, then me.
The largest gap is between me and the rest- 8 years. The gap from
the oldest to me is 21 years. My parents were very young with the
first child and were married 37 years when my dad died. (I was 17 then).
Funny thing is they ALL treat me like a child - I'm in my 40s. :roll:

There are 3 of us.... Brother, sister then me.... My brother and sister are 21 months apart and I am 5 years younger then my sister.
4, two each. Sister then one year, then brother, then two years, then sister, then two years, then brother, then two more years then me.

Many say this makes me the baby. I quickly correct them that I'm the youngest. My older sister, the middle child is the baby.

I am an only child. When you have an elderly Mother and have difficult decisions to make it is soooo lonely.
I'm an only also and it was tough when my parents died.
3 of and my twin (i am 4 minutes older) and our brother who is 18 months younger than mother was crazy to have 3 kids under the age of 2...
i have one older brother who hates dogs :cow:
I have one younger sister. I have 1 older stepsister and one younger step brother.
3 brothers: 10 and 9 years old and 5 years younger.
One brother, five years older. They saved the best until last
From my original family, one much older (7 years) sister.

For those of you who remember my descriptions of my adopted family (Jan and Arnie), just this past September they adopted a 16 year old boy, so here in my mid-forties I suddenly have... a little brother! :banana: :high5: :excited:
suzptcruise wrote:
i have one older brother who hates dogs :cow:

I'm not sure I'd claim that one...

im an only child. Its so good you get spoilt.
But i class bloo as my younger brother
I am the oldest of 4. Two brothers one, sister. Right now, I wish I were an only child. And I really mean that.
There are 6 of us.
brother, 1 yr 5 mts brother, 1yr 3mts sister, 1yr 2 mts me, 2yrs 7mts sister, 3yrs 7mts sister.

My parents didn't marry until they were in their 30's.
I have one sister who is 7 years older than me. IMO too many years between us. She has always tried to mother me... :evil: JK..I still love her (most of the time) :lol:
There are four of us. My sister is 10 months and 2 weeks 8O older than me, then me, then my brother 3 years later, then my other brother, 6 years after that.

My sister and I are Irish twins. What was my mother thinking? Well, she was 18 when she got married, 19 when she had my sister, and 20 when she had me. I thought for sure I was "an accident" :D, but both of my parents have assured me that I was planned, and it was my brother who was a "wonderful surprise".

I get along well with all of my siblings, but my sister and I are especially close. We shared a room, and we were in the same grade in school. Now we pretty much share a brain. :D

Laurie and Oscar
I have one sister, two years younger. We were both born in July, exactly nine months after our parents October anniversary. :wink:
I totally believe in birth order esp in my own children. ...I'm the only child.
4 children in my family
sister -13 years older than me
brother -10 years older
sister - 9 years older
then...surprise I came along.

When my eldest sister moved away from home I was 5 years old she was 18. I cried for days and refused to go to school. My mum and dad got a puppy for me. We named the dog Betsy after my sister Elizabeth. Betsy lived to be 17 years old, she was a great replacement for my sister :wink:

we are 3 am the oldest, the a brother 4 years younger and then a baby borther 17 years younger than me

they always ask if it was my kid :D :D
I have 1 sister who is 3 years younger than me.
3 sisters and 2 brothers for me
3 sisters and 1 brother for David
Mady is an only dog, for now!
I laughed at Laurie's Irish twin - Todd has them in his family!
There are 8 kids in his family - 7 boys and 1 girl. And they are born in a span of barely over 12 yrs! Todd is number 4. His 2nd and 3rd brothers are born in the same year.

Oldest boy born..then #2 boy one yr later in Feb, #3 boy in December same year. Then #4 (Todd) January, #5 (boy) July, #6 (finally a girl!)September. #7 (boy)Feb and #8 (boy)has the biggest gap - over 1.5 years!

His mom always joked she spent over a solid decade in maternity clothes!
There are 4 girls: my older sister --3 years, 9 months--me--19 months--my younger sister--6 years, 3 months--my youngest sister who is still treated like a fragile little baby at age: 48.

The way it worked was this: My oldest sister is a perfect angel; I am evil incarnate and terribly rebellious (even with a straight A grade point average, two academic scholarships and never once breaking curfew). No. 3 girl: well, unfortunately, she was pretty much ignored, which really is too bad. It did not help her temperament. The youngest was/is/always will be THE BABY and nothing is ever her fault and everything is really, really hard for her and this will never ever change. In fact, she's an intelligent, capable person. But my other sisters insist on 'protecting' her.
I am an only child of divorced a kid I thought it was great, then when the crap hit the fan, life spiraled downward and there was no one to share my experiences with. So, I can now say that being an only really stinks being the sole person to take on a lot of responsibiility. Maybe I need to get started trying to get a sibling for my son so I he won't need to worry about such things.
There are 2 of us, my brother is exactly 4 years and 1 day younger than me.

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