Bones is getting spayed!

Just dropped my poor, dear Bones off at the vet! I felt so terrible about how excited she was. She knows she gets buttloads of treats every time we go, but today she got none. :( By the time she realized something was up, they were already toting her away to the depths of their dungeons...

So anyway, while she's pretty much fully grown, my girl is still all puppy-- 60lbs of puppy-- and I'm worried about keeping her calm for the next week or two while the incision heals. She has a habit of leaping at full speed around the house, onto couches and into walls, and is generally as reckless as they come. I know she'll be too out of it to cause trouble within the first few days, but as soon as her energy returns, I'm positive her stitches/staples are going to pop right out.

Is there anything I can I do to prevent this short of hog-tying her?
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That's why we push crate training. Times like these they are put in their "den" and given a nice chewie to keep occupied. All walks outside on leash, even bathroom breaks.

Plan on some nice long but slow walks. Might want to try someplace you've never been before for mental stimulation for her. By all means keep her away from the stitches. Paige "worried" her's to where she had permanent lumps thereafter.
I had Sybil spayed two weeks ago and my vet only let me bring her home with the promise I'd crate her and leash walk her, knowing what a loon she is. Somewhere in the first 36 hours she still managed to get over a 32" gate...I almost had a heart attack but her stitches held. I never thought she'd try, she was clearly miserable the first 3-4 days, but apparently wanted to share the misery with me, so enough incentive to go over the gate as soon as I turned my back for a minute, I guess 8O I slept downstairs on the couch so she didn't have to do stairs etc etc and she still got the better of my efforts. :roll:

Crate, leash walk, and do as I say, and not as I did, and don't trust her! ;-)

Love her name.

Mad Dog wrote:
do as I say, and not as I did, and don't trust her!


So all is as I feared! My beast will have to dwell in agony while I allay my guilt by providing her with an endless bounty of treats. Oh, the agony. :o I was hoping for some kind of magical advice, but this will do. Thanks, you two. :wink:
Hope Bones is doing well this evening :ghug: It's so hard the first few days :(

Charm is being spayed next month. I'm going to look for a comfy cone collar to keep her from licking her incision. There are several threads about it. Give Bones a hug from us.
Home and looking good! I snuck her cone off and replaced it with a long and soft T-shirt so she could nap in my lap-- she's not interested in anything but sleep ATM, so I think I'll spare her the discomfort for when she needs it.

There was a momentary jolt of energy at the clinic that made me think, "Dear lord, she's going to rip her sutures out right NOW! Not in two days, but now! The drugs have done NOTHING!" But on the car ride home, she started drooping, and eventually gave in to her weariness and laid down. :wink:

She did experience a little nausea, maybe 15 minutes after a small meal-- she hopped onto the couch and looked me dead in the eye, inches away, and started heaving, but I calmed her down and she's out cold now. Poor baby! Can't wait till she's all healed up. So glad we'll never have to go through another heat! WOO! :yay: They even plucked her ears and cleaned her teeth and clipped her nails while she was out as a courtesy! Because we've obviously been slacking, and I blame it on the holidays.

Big :ghug: for my turkey butt! And I hope Charm's spay goes as swimmingly as Bones' did!
Don't be mislead! Bones is so melow because she is still feeling the effects of the anesthisia! will wear off and she will become maniac dog very soon :cow: Be sure to keep her crated a few days and on aleash...Don't let her being mellow now fool you! the devil is still in her as she awakes :roll: :roll:

We had to keep our female on some pain meds a few days to keep her calm and not rip the stitches...Sheepdogs can wear us down with their cute faces... :hearts: beware!
:ghug: :ghug: hugs to Bones! Hope she heals quickly with no incidents!
I hope she recovers quickly. :ghug:
Didn't they tell you NO FOOD? Mine has always stressed it, not until the following day. Water only the first 12-18 hours.

yes, she will be bouncing off the wall shortly.
Really? I thought it was weird, but they actually told me to try one portion food of half the size of a normal meal when we got home, and to basically judge from that whether or not she could eat normally. So I waited an hour and when she was up and moving around, we did that, but I haven't fed her since because of the nausea. :?
Well, now you know, she needs the extra time. Some of us just react more barfy to the drugs. (hand raised high)
Ash & Bones wrote:
Really? I thought it was weird, but they actually told me to try one portion food of half the size of a normal meal when we got home, and to basically judge from that whether or not she could eat normally.

Exact same thing my vet told me. In sybil's case she kept it down fine. Then she passed out again. But I think she felt a little better for having eaten. I'm sure it depends on the dog.

Ash & Bones wrote:
Really? I thought it was weird, but they actually told me to try one portion food of half the size of a normal meal when we got home, and to basically judge from that whether or not she could eat normally. So I waited an hour and when she was up and moving around, we did that, but I haven't fed her since because of the nausea. :?

My vet always tells me the same thing anytime there is surgery. "Give them 1/2 their regular ration & see how it goes/stays down".
Same here.
2 weeks ago my daughter and SIL's 2 females went in for their spay.
Alex's lab Lucy puked even before she ate (just once and was fine).
Lisa's papillon/TFT Vivi never missed a beat! (or meal... :lol: )

Both were easier to contain with surgery done the same day, and neither messed with their incisions or needed a cone! (They were both ~ 1.5 yrs old - so at least they had matured a bit!)

Hope Bones also has a great recovery!
Good news about Bones. So glad it went well outside of nausea. Thanks for the great tee shirt idea, I'll use it too. Keep us updated on her recovery :ghug:
got sheep wrote:
neither messed with their incisions or needed a cone! (They were both ~ 1.5 yrs old - so at least they had matured a bit!)

Hope Bones also has a great recovery!

Yup! She has yet to touch her incision, so the cone has been off, and I've just been keeping my eye on her which isn't hard because she's been so clingy. She's 1 year and 9 months, so she's almost at a point of moderate maturity, and her training and experience with allergies has been decent enough to where she understands that I don't want her licking/chewing on herself. So yay for that, and I hope I don't have to resort to putting the cone back on when she's back to full-speed. The T-shirt is great-- it helps keep her away from the incision in general because of its length, and I feel that it helps contagions from getting onto her while we're outside doing business.

I'm glad to hear that my vet isn't the only one to suggest feeding a small portion and seeing how it goes down. The nausea seems to have been a passing thing; she ate again later last night, and hasn't missed a meal since. A bit burpy, but no sign of discomfort. She's never missed a meal in her life, so that day of no eating must have been just horrible for her.

Thanks everyone! I can't believe I've been so anxious about this surgery. She's doing wonderfully!
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