My Ha Ha moment

My Ha Ha moment happened last night. Not to be confused with an Ah Ah moment which is viewed as a revelation of some kind. Nope this one was truly hilarious but only AFTER the incident.

The scenerio at my home. As most of you know we have aprox 30 special needs/senior animals at our home. As the land was previously Hydro land there exist a varience which disallows permanent structures (like a house) to be built on property #2 and #3. The previous owner built a home on property #1 and then spent 40 years building pathways, planting trees/shrubs on the other lots, so that the entire property is very parklike. Unbelievably the city sold him property #2 and #3 for 6,000 back in 1963. This is the same price he sold it to us as due to not being able to build on those properties it was of no interest to many and also requires a lot of upkeep. (kinda off topic here but don't want you guys getting the idea I'm filthy rich and gives you a sense of the size of the property which totals 3 lots). The fence surrounds an entire block. This place was perfect for me as although it's in the heart of the city - it was affordable (due to the varience) and allows me to have so many animals. After years of caring for so many we've got it down pat that with only a few spoken words each of us know our roles.

Kaj and I walked into our house after doing some grocery shopping. He took on the job of putting them away while I said "I'll do the rabbits". Now that means not only will one feed, change water dishes ect for the bunnies but it also means doing the same for the guinea pigs, taking Snoop for a walk but also giving the chickens a snack and making sure they are comfy for the night. Snoop is the youngest and the most enegetic of our 4 canines so he gets extra walks. Gilligan and Panda whom are senior boys have diminishing eyesight especially at dusk so we have a large enclosure for them to do bathroom duties which is accessible from the backdoor and it cut off from the rest of the yard. It also meant that when Kaj was finished he would then feed/care for the numerous cats and 3 dogs that remained inside.

The bunnies are kept in a large dog run which is in a heated garage. Snoop went out through a side door with me and while he was busy doing zoomies around the yard I entered the previous bunny run which now houses the chickens which is some distance from the house. It now houses the cruelty seizure chickens I recently acquired. As our weather has been hovering around 0 in the evenings and early in the morning the dog run has been modified with heavy tarp surrounding it and contains a heat lamp and small shed. Every night (at dusk) I go outside and make sure the chickens are comfy for the night and give them a snack before bed. The enclosure is 100% predator proof and even had thick mesh buried in the ground and has a roof. Each of the animals have their own space and several doors/enclosures separate them all so it's not unusual for two people to be in the house/yard and not see one another for a while if one gets busy spending time with the various critters.

Now I've had problems lately with the latch on the gate which normally slips into position when one enters and is easily slipped upwards to unlock. However, the past week the latch "sticks" and it takes a bit of muscle to manuever it back into position to be able to open the gate. So after my long ramble and set up of the scenerio , this is what happened:

I enter the chicken run and the latch slips into the lock position....but try as I might I could not manuever it back up as I was now on the wrong side of the gate. I slipped my hands through the chain link but could not lift it back into position. I suspect somehow the metal had bent a bit. OH groaners what to do????? I'm stuck in the cage!!!
I knew Kaj would be busy with his chores and may even think I had decided to take Snoop out in the neighborhood as I sometimes do in the evenings. The only consolation was that it was New Years and he would eventually notice I hadn't come back in and may come looking for me. Although it was dark outside it was only 7 pm. The tarp fully blocks the view of anyone looking into the run no one would know I was there, worse there is also several large trees so that no one even driving by would see me in there. My only hope was that perhaps Kaj would let Gilligan and Panda out for their bathroom break and open the back door and may possibly hear me yelling (but not likely) and he'd be unable to see me stuck in there.

After an hour I was getting cold and cursing that I had put my purse with my cell phone on the kitchen counter. However, even that thought caused me to smirk as if Kaj were upstairs with the cats he wouldn't necessarily hear the phone (he has hearing loss) and I sorta chuckled as to what the 911 operator would have thought of my desperate call. I move further back into the enclosure so I can be under the heat lamp as my body was now getting cold. Trouble was, I wouldn't notice if Kaj happened to open the back door and he probably wouldn't even hear me yelling. Snoop, in the meantime was also getting cold and although he kept checking on me, often returning to the chicken run and then would head back to the garage....ah that nice toasty warm garage with heat. As he unlike his brothers with their long hair, Snoop the Pitbull feels the cold more than they do. I kept wishing he was like Lassie and me Timmy so I could tell him to get help. Egads how long am I going to have to be stuck in here? My fingers were so frozen I could no longer feel them and stopped trying to fiddle with the latch. I sat down on the straw , under the heat lamp , resigning to the fact I may be there for a while.
...........Another hour goes by......
Suddenly I hear Kaj's voice as he peers in and says "what the heck are you doing in there?". It turns out he had opened the backdoor for Gilligan and Panda. Snoop who had no access to the back door as I've mentioned it's surrounded by yet another large enclosure to keep the old guys safe at night (due to their eyesight) when they need to go to the bathroom. Snoop kept running up to that gate and running back - his behavior so unusual that Kaj went out to investigate. He was a Lassie after all!!!

As for the both of us...we had that HA HA moment. I can't believe I was stuck in a cage for a few hours! HAAAAA
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:clappurple: :clappurple: i am sure at the time it was not funny but sorry it was haha ..glad YOU got rescued
:lol: :lol: Glad you got found, good boy Snoop! :clappurple:

Hope you're getting that latch fixed before the chickens think you're a permanent resident. :D
Well it was pretty funny when he discovered me in the cage!

I'm glad he found me after only 2 hours and not longer! The heat lamp is placed over a large dog house which houses 4 chickens comfortably but not large enough for me to have crawled into. Then again, I coulda laughed about being in the dog house. HAAA HAAA.
I am glad you got rescued. Snoop knew you shouldn't be there that long.
I am always amazed at some of the situations we manage to find ourselves in.
I would get the latch fixed before it happens again.
It is always funnier after it is over.
:lol: :lol:
:clappurple: I dream if I'm ever in trouble one of the furkids alerts my rescuers. It happened to you!! Yeah Snoop!
Snoop our hero!!! I have my cell phn on me at all times just incase something happens and I need help. I hope your fingers have recovered.
You were rescued by your rescue! Karma at work. :D
Glad you can laugh about it--it must have been a little scary!

Good boy Snoop!
Good dog Snoop! Glad you didn't have to spend the night in the cage! Brrrrr!

Aww snoops. Good boy! You didn't lay an egg while u were in there?
(sorry, couldn't resist)
Yeah good ole Snoop! That's the second time my boy knew something was not quite right. The entire time we've lived here we've never let the dogs out into the larger yard without being accompanied by at least one of us. Kinda ironic in some ways that we now have this large yard but I'm always worried someone will open the gate and the dogs might get out.
The other incident was more frightening when I wrote about being out in my neighborhood once, and that crazy guy starting yelling and screaming obsenities . Charging towards me with what I thought was tin foil in his hands. Gasp! That day, Snoop roared like a lion when the fellow was only steps away from me and the guy dropped the "tin foil" and took off running. It was only after he ran down the street screaming did I look down and realize with horror it was scissors he had dropped. I still get the willies thinking about that.

However, this situation was not dangerous but just downright uncomfortable. I cursed not having my phone but also only putting on a light coat and the temp was hovering around 0. BRRRRRRR.

Darcy...sheesh ! Of course I coulda said I was attending a hen party for New Years. Nyuck Nyuck.
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