Dean Rankin's "How to make your dog obey in 15 min. a d

Has anyone tried Dean Rankin's "How to Make Your Dog Obey in 15 Minutes a Day? I saw it on a link & am considering getting for Bailey Boy who gets to come home this Thursday on his 8th week bday. And, since it's been 13 years since I've trained an OES puppy, thought I could use any help around. Didn't want to waste my $$ if it's not tried & true. Thanks!

[EDIT: Several people have contacted me to tell me that Dean Rankin ripped them off.
-The Editor.]
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anethood wrote:
Has anyone tried Dean Rankin's "How to Make Your Dog Obey in 15 Minutes a Day? I saw it on a link & am considering getting for Bailey Boy who gets to come home this Thursday on his 8th week bday. And, since it's been 13 years since I've trained an OES puppy, thought I could use any help around. Didn't want to waste my $$ if it's not tried & true. Thanks!

Did anyone respond? I am going to order it today.

[EDIT: Several people have contacted me to tell me that Dean Rankin ripped them off.
-The Editor.]
I haven't heard of it? Everyone really seems to like The Dog Listener by Jan Fennel though. I just ordered it this weekend and have not got it yet. But if you ordered this one, please let us know! :D You can never have too many training books for the sheepies! :lol:

Colleen and Gucci George=>I'll do anything you want, just give me some Rollover treat! :twisted:
Dean Rankin offered me Training program for my Schipperke puppy ... sounds too good to be true.

Has anyone tried it?
have you tried Dean Rankins training system yet?
Do you have a Schipperke puppy?
Dean Rankin ripped me off. it is a download, you only see it once they do not email it to you. I didn't get the website, the "clickbank" they quote gets a mail demon return. :evil: :twisted: :cry:
NOTE: Several people have contacted me to tell me that Dean Rankin ripped them off.
I have no idea how I found this. Anyway, I tried the Dean Rankin course. I thought it was O.K.

It didn't work overnight or anything but I did get good results. My main problem was getting my dog to come when I called her. It worked for that.

Also - after i ordered, I got three emails. One from "Clickbank" that had a link to access the training (which is audio lessons and books). The other two were from Dean and they had the link in it to access the training materials. And it had an email to contact if I had questions.

I never emailed anyone because I didn't have any questions. Overall I'd give it a "7" out of "10".
Also bought this audio book. It was ok, not the best stuff by any stretch, but I did get some good pointers. Actually feel bad as I got a refund and listened to the whole thing. (you get to keep the audio and book regardless).

Hi Guys!
Is dean rankin a fraud? I ordered a training materia online and for the past one month, I have not heard a bit from him. To top it all, when I click on his site, it says account suspended, please contact the billing department!!! Has this guy run away with my money? It sounded too good to be true but I was stupid enough to trust this fellow.

Please let me know if he exists at all and how I can contact him. I do not have his contact information at all!
Any help will be highly appreciated.

I think I've been ripped off by dean rankin. We paid for the tapes and my husband typed in to send it to my email and it never showed. We have no way of contacting anyone. If someone has any info, phone number or contact us address. I would greatly appreciate it.
I bought it. I had some questions and wrote to the email address that was in my receipt. It's They answered right away.

My problem was that I couldn't access the materials.

They sent me the "secret link". They also had me search in my email for any messages from Dean Rankin.

After you order, you get like 3 or 4 emails from Dean. The emails basically are just making sure you know where to download your materials. You also get some extra stuff for free too.

I had received these emails, but didn't know that's what they were about so I deleted them.

I thought his stuff was pretty good. I just needed some help with obedience issues. Nothing major. It was good for that.

I wish you got actual tapes instead of downloadable stuff. That would be easier. Also - if you bought the program and now you can't seem to find where to download it, do a search in your email from your receipt.

Or just write to the email address I put in above.
:? :? :? i was also thinking of purchasing the ebook from dean rankin, if you are not completley satisfied with the results within 3 mounths he offers a total refund and you still get to keep the ebook so there really cant be anything to lose. Seems a bit far fetched for me gotta be some sort of con in it. if any body knows of a good training site please let me know. :? :? :? :?:
Dewan Rankin is really Frank kern a marketer...Yes its a rip off
I ordered these and have listened to 11 out of 17 lessons and certainly got some tips. I was able to download them to my hard drive as well to listen to later. At the moment I am still accessing the link from my e mail. I have been able to get back in several times.
Paulaoz wrote:
I ordered these and have listened to 11 out of 17 lessons and certainly got some tips. I was able to download them to my hard drive as well to listen to later. At the moment I am still accessing the link from my e mail. I have been able to get back in several times.
I ordered & paid ,and received only one email on how to access the info . I could not get in , it kept telling me that I was not authorised to enter this site . Since my carrier deleted my emails . I have no way to get any info . I guess that I have been ripped off
Its a scam- I bet all the people who have written on this thread to say it works is frank kern himself.
I recently purchased the program but never was sent the link to be able to down load the programs. does any one know how to contact Dean rankin
I signed up for a Saluki. I get typical "as seen on TV"-superlative slogans and stuff, repeating the same crap over and over again:

'Today Only (2/6/2006) - Get Over 300 Pages Of Ultra Rare Dog Training Secrets Absolutely FREE!'

Plus, Get A Third Dog Training Manual That's Never Been Released To The Public Until Today -- Absolutely Free -- But You MUST Act Now Because This Unreleased 'Mystery Manual' Won't Be Around For Long!

Click Here For Full Details

Dear Anna (and Kirara)

Today only, (2/6/2006), I've decided to give you and Kirara THREE rare training manuals ...absolutely free.

Here's How To Get 339 Pages Of Dog Training Secrets
For Nothing

All you have to do is test drive my acclaimed Saluki training system and see if it works with Kirara.

Click here right now for the special page where you and Kirara can see these rare manuals. (You'll see two rare manuals being offered here. The third has never been released to the public until today, and you're one of the only people in the world to ever hear about it. Because of the confidential nature of the third manual, I have decided not to post pictures of it. Here's the page (click right here)

This Is The ONLY Place On Earth
You'll Find These Rare Manuals

Listen, these aren't some generic 'dog books' you'll find at your local pet store. In fact, the only place you can get these is through me at this special page right here: Click here for the special page.

(I had to pay through the nose to do this but I'm sure it'll be worth it :-)

Oh - and I almost forgot ...

These Rare Manuals Are Only Guaranteed
For Today, 2/6/2006

At midnight on 2/6/2006, I plan to take this special page down and offer these manuals for sale at $39.99 each. The third 'mystery manual' may never be released again for any price.

So if you want yours free, go here before midnight!

Click here to get these rare books at no extra cost.

Talk soon,

Dean Rankin

P.S. In case you're wondering if my guaranteed training course really works, consider these facts:

As of 2/6/2006, 3061 other dogs have been trained on this exact system. That's 3,061 other dog owners just like you who decided to take action and banish their dog's behavior problems forever.

Did it work?

Here's What Their Owners Had To Say!

'What is so great about your course is that it has made training accessible for [my 8 year old son] Jeremy.

Owning your own dog is perhaps one of the most powerful memories of childhood. Thanks to your course and the innovative way you choose to present it, Jeremy will have a very meaningful connection with 'his' dog. I am most pleased.'

- Michael Milsom

'I have ordered you program and although it has been only two weeks I am amazed. I have both of my dogs sitting and shaking and my female 5 month old Lizzy is laying down and saying hi. You are truely amazing and ...your system works'

- K. Bradford

'Dear Dean, well I have to tell you that after using your methods for only three days, my dogs, puppy Molly and adult dog Fritz, will now sit, lay down and walk on a leash without pulling!!! It is terrific. We are working on no jump and it is getting better. This was money well spent.'

-Marti E., Molly and Fritz.

The main reason I bought the training series was to help housebreak Joey. He is almost a year and a half and still would tend to use the house as his bathroom from time to time.

We now keep him confined to the bedroom at night and now no more messes in the house. In fact he has started being my 6:00am alarm clock. He wakes me nearly every morning to take him out to potty.

Thanks again for the great training methods,

- R Walters

Get Your Guaranteed Copy Now!

The bottom line is this: My system is 100% guaranteed to work for you ...just like it's worked for 3,061 other dogs before yours.
If you've tried to train your Saluki in the past and had no luck, this will work for you.
If you've paid to send your Saluki to obedience school and it still misbehaves, this is for you.
If you're thinking about getting a Saluki and you want to make sure you start out on the right foot, this is for you.
Your Saluki Will Be So Well Behaved Your Friends Will Be Jealous Or Else I'll Give You 100% Of Your Money Back And Still Let You Keep This Entire System For FREE!

If you aren't absolutely thrilled with it for any reason (or for no reason at all) just let me know and I'll give you a full refund with no questions asked.

But the entire system is still yours to keep free forever.

There are no questions asked, no 'wiggle clauses' and no funny business.

Either you love it or you get a refund and keep it free. Wouldn't it be great if everything came with this kind of guarantee?

So, click here and get your discounted copy of 'How To Make Your Dog Obey Your Every Command In 15 Minutes A Day ...Without Hitting, Yelling, Or Punishing' right now. You have absolutely no risk...and everything to gain!

But guess what, I never took a Saluki after all, but my 2 Akitas can be very well trained with the "normal" methods.. there's really no need for stuff which is advertized more spectacularly than it actually is. Compare the style of advertizing it (flashy colors, big promises, easy talk, etc.) to that of advertizing fatburners and other junk. GOOD products don't need such hyper-promising advertizing. Good advice for dog training can be found at breeders, vets and trainers.

Plus, stopping your dog from gnawing chairs can't be "trained" as in "15 minutes a day", but only been stopped by scolding him everytime you catch him. A good way to stop my Akita from tearing garbage bags was taking such a bag and tossing it at him. It scared the bajezus out of him and eversince, I can leave my garbage unattended.

Dean Ranking is the same type of scam as Sarah Freder & Co.
This man is a marketer, I've been getting emails from him for a year. There are no secrets. Just hard work. Wake up!! I have two dogs, I get the same emails concerning both of them. So do you. If your truly interested in quality training from a real trainer you can find Ed Frawley of Leerburg Kennel at:

There are also manny other fine trainers available, do your research on these people and there courses. The internet has been flooded with people of dubious characters from all over the world that want nothing more than to steal your hard earned money. I hope you can see through the cloud and into the truth. Remember, life isn't free. You will only get a well behaved dog by working hard and motivating your dog to work hard. Your dogs want to please, they will be happier and have a more social disposition. Good Luck in all your training and I hope your dogs are happy.

I ordered Dean Rankin's method and payed through paypal but never received anything from him: zero, zap, nada! He only kept sending advertising emails as if I had never ordered his stuff. Never answered any email back. Overall, disgusting!
For thoses that claim to have been ripped off

Contact your bank, in the first 6 months you can chargeback the transaction. If his ratio gets too high, he'll get his mercheant account killed.
I bit and bought the training video. My main complant was that it was not "breed specific" as advertised. The training was was too simplistic and treat based. I feltall I was doing was training him to eat treats. Anhow, I sent an email to D rankin requesting a refund, and low and behold they gave me my money back.......jw
don't buy this stuff..

just go to the library they have plenty of training books and videos
I have been getting advertisments and thought this was a gag especial he states this is Chow specific training cause they are wired differnt than other dogs.I was thinking about ordering but thought I would do a google search first and found this.
I will just go to reaglur obiance school where if it doesn't work I can scream at the instructor JK :lol:
Thank you for making my day. :D
Ron wrote:
Thank you for making my day. :D

Hey Ron, you're appreciated! 8)
I had two friends who fell for the "Rankin" scam. They had two different breeds of dogs, yet the tapes were identical; not made for a specific type of breed.

My own experience, which worked out wonderfully, was to go to Books A Million (Barnes & Noble has them as well), spend $16.00 and pick up one of the "Dummies" books. They are great, have almost every situation imaginable, and you have a physical book to refer back to when needed. :lol:

Good luck all.
Dean Rankin must be en real expert i think becaus hi also know evrything about pyrenees as vel as other breads :wink:

Py-friend in Norway
Hello all of you fine people:

I just registered so that I would be able to send this thank you. I have a golden retriever and just spent the last hour reading the entire advertisement from Dean Rankin selling his training in 15 min. program. I read and copied the terms and conditions, the guarantee for a refund for "whatever reason" and any and all information for BACK UP.

Then I had a light bulb go off in my head and I immediately went to google, put Rankin's name in and low and behold you all were there.

I may have wasted an hour but I saved 50 bucks because I am NOT ordering his system.

To the person who posted the idea that the POSITIVE posts submitted were probably submitted by Rankin himself, my hats off to you because you know you very well may be right.

I must be tired to have thought I wouldn't get ripped off. But the truth is I am a sucker for stuff like this. Shame on me.

Anyway, a big THANK YOU..

I may delete my registration as I only joined so I could post my appreciation for your comments about this scam.

God Bless all,

Kimberly Medved
Wooster, Ohio[/u]
I was VERY pleased with the course. Not only did I get a 1/2 price Thanksgiving special, but the techniques seem to work, there's lots of customer support, I got 3 or 4 free books to download, AND I got a written transcript of the audio tapes. You can use those tapes as often as you like, as long as you remember to save them to your computer.
I have to say I was very pleased with the whole thing, but that's just me!!
I didnt buy it, now I get emails every day offering me special deals, and these so called free books all bout Sheepie info and tips that no body else could possibly know about....I've had more help since joining this forum and chatting to you lot than I could possibly hope for. Thank you everyone.
A very happy Michelle with a gorgeous fluffball Toby 11 weeks. :lol: :D
For all of you that bought Dean's product from they guarantee you a 3 month time span to get a 100% return.

If you are dissatified fill out this....

or this...........

ClickBank is a reputable company, whereas Dean I am not so sure.

came across this thread.. i will admit i did buy his offer.. albeit somewhat unintensionally. the offer seemed so great that i went to paypal to price check but the purchase went through.. anyways... i figured the guarantee was there so i was safe.. he did send the link.. the info is mediocre same old advice you'd read anywhere... but clicker training.. but Dean Rankin DOES NOT RESPOND. my dog is not responding to the clicker training.. he just bites my hand in anticipation of the reward... so i wrote to ask for suggestions... he continues to send me junk links to other books but will not reply to actual e-mails.. so scam.. the guarantee will NOT be honored. I would say safe your money and just borrow a book from the local library.
Dean Rankin's site comes up with a security warning. The Security Certificate has been issued but does NOT MATCH THE NAME OF THE SITE USER.
It is impossible to contact Dean Rankin in reply to his automated emails. Therefore how does anyone get their "guarantee" honoured, send one of the "glowing letters of recommendation" or enquire where their money has gone when the resources fail to appear.
I recently received information for Dean Rankin's training guide which claims to be dog specific--specifically for German Shepherds. After speaking with my veterinarian, who happens to look after German Shepherd police dogs in the city that I live in as well as my breeder, who happens to own the top German Shepherd in the country, I can honestly tell you that Dean is a FRAUD.....

A quality trainer does not have to advertise and take YOUR MONEY over the internet...all while claiming to be a dog lover.

Talk to your veterinarians or your breeders and get a referral to someone who actually cares about your dog and is not trying to take you for a ride.

I hope this info helps...signed,
Warning. This guy must be a marketer extraordinaire. He has an ad on my Native American Pride forum for specialty training for "Native American Dogs". What the heck are they? Rez dogs? My ex-husband? What next...African American Dogs, Latino Dogs? When I saw that, I knew we had a BS artist here.
Dean Rankin is the "Pen Name" for Frank Kern, an "Internet Marketer" who was successfully prosecuted by the FTC in 2003: ... balstp.pdf

and forced to pay a fine of a quarter of a million dollars.

he now promotes various niche products through the use of a number of disposable "throw away" websites.

In this example, he is promoting a generic dog training "course" that he implies is tailored specifically for your dog breed.

How he does this is by using email opt-in forms on the above mentioned "throw away" websites that collect your name/dogs name, etc. He in turn plugs that info into an automatically emailed sales pitch (actually multiple sales pitches, sent via an autoresponder).

Here's a few of the "throw away" domains he's currently using to pull in sales leads (these are the ones I found when searching for "Brittany Spaniel Training" on google):

Incidently....since he is using four different Google Adwords accounts to essentially monoploize four ad postions on google's search results page (which violated their advertising rules), he could be easily shot down were enough people to turn him into google ;-)
I've had SEVERAL sites taken down by google. more than 300 people against me and fighting to keep their site up, and just little of me saying HELL NO. ...and I won EACH time, so I'm sure if just one person emailed and proved he was doing this, his site could be taken down. Google doesn't want violators, period.
Thanks to all of you :)
I almost bought into this but for some reason I decided to Google this guy & there you all were ..
I'll save my fifty dollars & head off to the book store & buy a REAL book on Border Collies!!
Thanks again ..
Have a Great Day & always keep smiling!!
I came SO close to ordering from this Dean Rankin dude :twisted: . The same thing happened to me as some others in this forum. After reading the agreement blah, blah, it made me uncomfortable, then decided to Google Dean Rankin, :twisted: (Frank Kern, as I discovered in your forum) and clicked on the first that Google turned up and lo-and-beholed here you all were. Hmmm!

I broke out in a sweat :phew: got sick to my stomach :oops: , felt like a dum-dum :( , kept reading and realized y'all were awesome in your info and, bet your boots, won't have to explain the $50.00 charge to hubby when the bill comes in! :D .

Then, I noticed this is a forum for Old English Sheepdogs and NOT Dachshunds! :oops: But... I'm really ahead (and not in the hole) cuz I'm wize to 'ole Dean :twisted: now, AND discovered your beautiful dogs!:excited: They are beautiful and sooo cute! Living in SE Texas, I've never seen one here (way too hot). Oh, they're probably here somewhere, I, personally, have not seen one. Anyway, I'll be "googling" these darling dogs to learn more!

I've got 3 dachshunds (my 3rd just came from the ATDR in Austin (a rescue) only 5 days ago. I wonder if your sheepies are as addicting as my doxies? Probably so! :P

Thanks so much for your great forum and tomorrow, you'll find me at Books-a-Million, sipping on a Starbucks and feeling pretty smug! 8)

Sure wish Ceasar, The Dog Whisperer, lived next door! lol

Thanks, again! :sidestep:

P.S. Forgive me for all the "smilies"...I couldn't resist them!
what a fun post! I love all the smilies. you don't have to have a sheepdog to join us. . . :)
Be sure to DIGG the article!
Thanks for saving me the fifty bucks. His marketing scheme seemed way to slick. :D
AngieJN wrote:
Thanks to all of you :)
I almost bought into this but for some reason I decided to Google this guy & there you all were ..
I'll save my fifty dollars & head off to the book store & buy a REAL book on Border Collies! Angela

I did a Google & found this thread, Dean or should I say Frank (Who has 2 Kids "one 8 weeks old") sends me an e-mail 4 times a week telling me how he can help me train my Mastiff pup. I e-mailed back to him to explain my dog was more advanced & House trained as I have trained big dogs for more than 40 years and if he wanted any tips I would help him. This was my first Mastiff,I became uneasy when he said they were "different" from other dogs. I found this site and I feel good.
I would love to meet Dean or Frank when my BABY is older, I was going to say bigger but she has grown 3 inches taller while I have been writing.
OOps shes awake must be walkies or feed time.
Down Dean. I hope so rip off man

I was getting ready to write a note to Dean Rankin, and while doing an internet search, came across Chet Womack, and his "secret" system. Lo and behold, same marketing stuff. I search his name and found training for parrots, too! I noticed at the bottom of the site where Chet Womack's content was, there was a link to find out how to put the course on your own website! Commissions, etc. Probably the relationship to Frank Kern.

I did get my copy at one of the reduced rates--at the time it was pretty low, maybe $27.00, and for that with a guarantee, if I could get my dog not to pull on a leash and come when called (he's an Akita mix), it was worth it, even with the annoying marketing letters.

As a distance learning professional, I liked the short clips, but was disappointed that what he called "videos" were really sound files. He's starting a new one with true video (well, when I say "he" it's a "she" in the video, but obviously same person/same technique). My other disappointment was that the "secret" is the clicker, which has been around for a long time!

On a positive note however, I had done some clicker training with my dog (a rescue dog who had been trained elsewhere). I realized I hadn't been doing it quite the right way. There are good pointers about what to do if your dog doesn't do what he's supposed to. I hate to say it, but these points were worth the expense. So, hopefully, you'll see I'm not an employee. Ha! Had I read this site first, I would not have made the purchase. On the other hand, I think I'm glad I did, just for the extra help.

One thing I did realize--if you get enough marketing emails with the samples, you WON'T need to make the purchase because you're so smart you'll figure out the system after one or two emails !!!


PS, I tried posting this as a guest and it came back as not accepting SPAM from guests!!! What on earth is in this message to make it SPAM ??? :evil:
I got the training course for free and I love it. I use it everyday and my beagle seems to do really well with it. I guess it just depends on the dog and the person doing the training. I think it works really well and I am pleased with it.
Thanks Frank.
I just found a link to a PDF file on some tips by Dean Rankin. I have not read it yet, but what I did scan through sounded promising. You might want to take a look. It's 39 pages but it is free to download.
Dean Rankin is the pen name of Frank Kern. The product was pretty good, not great. He guarantees everything, so no worries there. He's a man of his word. I got it to study his marketing strategies. He is one of the best.
Wow guys such hatred towards marketing and pen names. Mark Twain was a pen name. Nothing wrong with marketing or using pen names as long as the information is good. I haven't seen it so I can't comment. But you're all too paranoid. As I mentioned, I haven't bought anything from Dean Rankin so I can't comment on it but as other more level-headed folks have mentioned it comes with a money back guarantee.
I still use the Dean Rankin training Method, I'm fully satisfied. It's very cheap. It comes with 3 other e books. I ordered it 10 years ago and I still use it for my new dogs.
I've been using this method for over ten years. It absolutely works and he is not a fraud. I took the link I was emailed and immediately put it on a CD and kept the CD for over ten years now. I have two new puppies and we are learning it all over again. But when I used it the first time, I had the best behaved dog on the planet. Highly recommend.
Lynne T.
Why the "hate"? Not a fraud? LOL
(newer link) ... balstp.pdf

Guest wrote:
Dean Rankin is the "Pen Name" for Frank Kern, an "Internet Marketer" who was successfully prosecuted by the FTC in 2003: ... balstp.pdf

and forced to pay a fine of a quarter of a million dollars.

he now promotes various niche products through the use of a number of disposable "throw away" websites.

In this example, he is promoting a generic dog training "course" that he implies is tailored specifically for your dog breed.

How he does this is by using email opt-in forms on the above mentioned "throw away" websites that collect your name/dogs name, etc. He in turn plugs that info into an automatically emailed sales pitch (actually multiple sales pitches, sent via an autoresponder).

Here's a few of the "throw away" domains he's currently using to pull in sales leads (these are the ones I found when searching for "Brittany Spaniel Training" on google):

Incidently....since he is using four different Google Adwords accounts to essentially monoploize four ad postions on google's search results page (which violated their advertising rules), he could be easily shot down were enough people to turn him into google ;-)
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