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...until you can't get on it for a few days! lol I'm so glad to be back home. My husband's interview went really well. Out of all the people who applied, they only interviewed 4! Jason had to interview in front of a panel of 5 people. They all questioned him, and he was given points based on his answer. The job is completely point based - whoever scored the highest gets the job. He knew everything about the computer system, so he thinks he did pretty well answering the questions. They said he should find out either way within the next 2-3 weeks. They have to select a person, send it to HR for approval, HR has to send it somewhere else to say they can create that position. Gotta love the federal government and how long they take to hire people. He REALLY wants this job...even more that he met some of the people and saw the place. Only problem is he'll still be working rotating shifts (but monthly rotations instead of weekly), holidays, and weekends. Here, he has seniority (been here for 10 years), so he can take leave whenever he wants it. There, he'll be the low man on the totem pole and he may not get off for important holidays like Christmas. I hate that part of his job....

I don't know what I'll do when/if we move (although it's eventual even if he doesn't get this job) if I had trouble being away just a couple of days, lol.
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Wow... sounds very stressful, and exciting at the same time. I wish you both the best of luck, and that things work out as you wish.
Yikes, Good Luck and prayers for the outcome that is best for you and your family. Would that mean a move?
Tasker's Mom wrote:
Yikes, Good Luck and prayers for the outcome that is best for you and your family. Would that mean a move?

Yeah, 7 hours away to Louisiana. We'll be moving to what my husband considers his "hometown". He's really an AF brat, but he spent most of teenage years in the Shreveport/Bossier City area. :)
Willowsprite wrote:
Wow... sounds very stressful, and exciting at the same time. I wish you both the best of luck, and that things work out as you wish.

Kinda is, but kinda not. I really don't mind staying here. This is where I grew up. He wants back home, plus it's a good sized pay increase for him. Both jobs are civil service, so his leave, retirement, etc... stays the same. Our AFB is on the BRAC list (base realignment and closure), so it'll be more important if we find out that our base is closing whenever they release the BRAC list in the next couple of weeks. The base has been on it the last several years though, and it's still going strong. With all the improvements they've made to it this year (including a lot of new housing), I would hope they don't close it! Jason has done his part, and he done his best at the interview, so I guess if it was meant to'll happen. If not, maybe there's plans for better things ahead?
My brother-in-law and his family live in Shreveport and they love it there. My husband is from a small commnunity called Ruston, about 70 miles east of Shreveport. We make a trip from AL to LA about 6 times a year.
Good luck, Gail! I hope everything turns out the way you want it!
Thanks everyone. :)
Betsy wrote:
My brother-in-law and his family live in Shreveport and they love it there. My husband is from a small commnunity called Ruston, about 70 miles east of Shreveport. We make a trip from AL to LA about 6 times a year.

We drive through Ruston every time we go to Shreveport. :) Seems like a nice town. I like Shreveport too. We've visit them a good bit. We see them every 2-3 months, if not more often, and they haven't been to our house in nearly 2 I live in a little town in Mississippi, so going there will be a complete change for me. We still have family there though, and I know quite a few people in the area that are friends with my husband & ILs, so things could be a lot worse. :) I know I'll be happy wherever my family is & as long as they're happy, everything will be okay.
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