Now, that didn't help

I have two confessions:

One, I want to get another dog.

Two, not just any dog. My all time favorite dog is a Golden. I know they are a dime a dozen and everywhere but I love them. They are easy to train...once you get out of the puppy stage. They are adorable and love to cuddle.

I brought the subject up to dh and he said no way...mind you I didn't ask...just brought the subject to the discuss. My thought is to wait till spring when the weather will be nicer. :)

I went for a walk today with the boys, we are working on loose leash walking with distractions, ie, squirrels, of which we have TONS of in our neighborhood. I notice another women walking a small dog, good training chance with loose leash and "leave it". I didn't really pay much attention to the women and dog, kind of glanced at them, I was concentrating on making sure the dogs behave. We get closer to the women and her dog when I notice its not just a small dog but a puppy, a golden puppy. His name is Moose and he's three months old. We sat at that corner and talked for about fifteen minutes and all three dogs got to know each other. I told her where we live and if she wanted to let her dog stretch and run around she could bring him over anytime. I didn't learn her name but I hope she takes me up on it.

But really, that did not help my longing for a Golden.
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M&H have a good friend who is a Golden and he is truly the sweetest, gentlest, nicest being I could imagine.

But. . . .


That beautiful flowy coat seems to trap odor. It is nothing medical. He's clean. He just smells so doggie! I love the boy but kinda cringe when he stays with us or goes in my car or wants to cuddle.

And you know that I am in no way a neat freak. My dogs track dirt everywhere but they do not smell. 8)
Pam - why just one?? Get two for the price of one, one each of your favorite breed! :sidestep:

(Jan called me Saturday to say there's a woman who wants to relinquish her two five year olds, one's a Golden, one's a sheepdog - ideally together, since they're apparently very bonded.)

Kidding, actually (me suggesting you take two, not the woman giving them up). But so funny you should post this, because I told Jan she needed to find someone like you, who has thing for both breeds. I also suggested she contact local golden rescue to see if they can help. You don't need two more dogs, nor four roughly the same age.

Anyway, I hope you do get your Golden buddy. It's been a while now.

I won't get on Valerie's bandwagon because I'm OCD so of course I agree w/her ;)

.................buuuuuut, I wanted to add that I so understand that WANT! If it were me, I'd keep pressing [gently] for that dog. Puppy pics help! Do you have a birthday or something coming up after Christmas? That's when I'd be pushing for one. ...and then act like no other gift would be satisfying but this puppy because inside, I know my husband would want one just as much ...and I assume yours is just as much a dog lover.

I love Golden's too. Love their sweet nature. Them and labs always make me smile and I could pet them forever.
uh oh, put me in this group too :oops: I say I'm not getting another dog once these guys go, but DH and I sigh whenever we see goldens. How we wanted a dog who would play ball/frisbee.

Lordy imagine rescue a golden and a sheepie........good thing I don't live there!!!!!
My Friend Gladys (pronounced "Gladdy) has goldens and Chewie is infatuated.
Her Melody is about the same age as Chewie - we've had classes and shown together in conformation, obedience, rally and they really are friends. Then Melody had a litter...Gladys kept a male, her best friend Sue kept a now there are THREE super goldens in Chewie's life.....he is NOT complaining... :lol: :lol: :roses: :lol: :lol:
well, their hair would drive me nutty... the shedding part. but I will say a few years ago we had friends that had the BEST golden ever. I didn't know it as a puppy, but as an adult the best family dog I've ever met. of course, I'm sure it's like any dog.... good breeder, good lines, good temperament

I'm sure if you beg and plead DH will give in. Mine did and let me get Cambridge :-). If we
are seriously motivated, us women usually get our way :clappurple:
I LOVE golden puppies... they are so stinkin cute. Get one around October next year and bring him to sheepiefest!
Ironically, the shedding is what kept me from looking at goldens back when we were first looking for a puppy. And no labs, either, since dander would be an issue in my house, with a couple of mildly allergic people. But yes, goldens are sweet and lovely dogs. The only real fault I ever noted was that most of the ones I knew loved eating garbage, and they were all good at getting out.

My Merlin and then later, Archie, had a beautiful friend named Daisy, who regularly escaped her fence and then would come to our back door and knock, to see if the boys could come out to play. And more recently, there's another smaller female golden in the neighborhood who also is an escape artist who likes to visit. She does not like to be caught, however, which makes her less easy to deal with than Daisy, who was simply sweet and loving.
At the risk of getting my head bit off in a sheepdog forum, I gotta say that Goldens are the cutest puppies EVER. They are number one on my cute list. They are also beautiful as adults and I love their temperment. Just bring one home. Randy will come to love him/her!
:-)))). I think sheepies may be the only breed where the full grown dogs look even better than the pups!
We had a golden for 14 years. She crossed the bridge almost 2 years ago. Gosh, she was an EASY pup, but then again I am comparing her to Howie who probably is one of the most challenging pups!

I loved that dog. Having Howie and looking back on my days with Holly, she was, umm, dull. Perfect behavior, lovely, sweet, not a lot of personality compared to my wild child Howie.
Even as a pup Holly only got into trouble a few times, my fault for leaving leather shoes for her to chew. :oops: Holly was not silly and goofy like sheepies. She was a regal gal at 6 months old.

As for the hair, yep, vacuumed daily. My backseat of the car was off limits to everyone but the dog.

I think a golden pup would be a nice compliment to your 2 boys.

Good luck convincing your husband!
peg & howie
I too have a golden. My Abbey. Even though she is 9 and so is Oliver, there is a very big difference in maturity. Abbey is the gentle sweet girl and Oliver is a big flying goof ball. More enthusiastic. I vote, GET A GOLDEN!!!!! There may be alot of hair but what the heck. I grew up with St. Bernards. They shed more :lol:
friends have 3 goldens and an occasional litter. kim is a neat freak, so i imagine she sweeps daily, there is no hair floating around like you might imagine and they're well behaved even in the kitchen at dinnertime. they do like to demand petting like sheepies however. i had to avoid seeing the last litter, i knew i was not able to come home alone. 8)
Ahhh...Goldens are lovely dogs. Ian agreed to Bing on the understanding that he would get a Golden in the future. We have a breeder chosen and everything . . . the timing just has not been right! I'm not sure if we'd go conformation this time, but for sure he'd like to do agility. Perhaps we'll do both . . . I'd show conformation and he'd show agility. I'm just not sure I could handle ALL the Goldens that are always showing!!!! I love the intimacy of the OES ring - at least where I was showing - haha!!

Anyway - GOOD LUCK and have fun!!
Goldens are beautiful dogs. If you really want one you should get one.

Just start now with hubby. Broken record. He's going to love you. :wink:
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