LG.....commercial? billboard?

I see this app for Las Vegas!

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It's Berlin's festival of lights. Its pretty cool, this is their 7th yr.
How do they do it? Is there a mesh over the building?
Magic :roses: :roses: :roses:
It's called architectural projection mapping.

It's done using a few extremely bright (2-4, 4k-10k) projectors. They then use programs like photoshop, After Effects, Maya, and other 3D animation programs to make the projection/video.

Bennii, Chowder's daddy, my boyfriend is into it. It's really awesome.
I've got the "movie-3D animation" aspect, but don't understand the projection.....onto/into/ something, crossing lasers, excited pixie dust?? Halograms?

It is truly awesome :bow:
This is very cool!

SheepieBoss wrote:
I've got the "movie-3D animation" aspect, but don't understand the projection.....onto/into/ something, crossing lasers, excited pixie dust?? Halograms?

It is projected directly onto the side of a regular building; something you walk past everyday. There is nothing overtop of it. The shadowing and proper animation techniques is what makes it 3D like. If you walked up to it, it is really 2D. At one point in the video they change the angle from someone looking directly up at the building and you can see. I think it was during the octopus kind of scene but can't recall exactly.

I think it is one of the coolest trends right now!
Yeah, I noticed the 2D segment. I suspected it was directly on the building.......but at times it seemed surely something else was over the top to create such intense/dense backgrounds.
A friend was sent that clip in an email--we marveled and watched it several times! So cool--couldn't figure out how they DID IT! Thanks for the info on how--I will pass that along to him!
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