
Has anyone tried this with their sheepie? (Or any other dog)?

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Dawn (Got Sheep) does carting with Chewie, he's a superstar:

she's posted a lot of pictures and videos:
Wow, that's great, thanks. Wonder if anyone here has done it with just one dog.
Oh yes - just more fun (can go further and faster!~) with multiple dogs!

This is what got me addicted!
Click through for fullsize image:

My heaven - when I got my own cart!
Click through for fullsize image:

Here's a couple of pulling singly -
Click through for fullsize image:

smiling for the camera :D
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and heading back home -
Click through for fullsize image:

A scooter or bike would be lighter for 1 dog, or even a sulky. But, seeing Chewie's a weight pull CH as well,
the extra workout (complete with grandson Will!) never hurts! :high5:

And then of course, being in MN, I had to follow it with my own sled :wink: I had shared with friends prior to this.
Click through for fullsize image:

The sled's 1st outing, in 2009 :aww:
Click through for fullsize image:

It is wonderful, and incredibly addicting! Chewie LOVES it :go:
Click through for fullsize image:

Oh man I'd love to see the face of some state trooper out watching traffic watch this go by! :wink:

Click through for fullsize image:

Who's the 2nd sheepdog in the photo??? I thought Chewie was the only sheepdog/sled-dog out there!
That is sister Martha. Martha belongs to my daughter LeAnne.
She had a very short career (like just that time), as she definitely does not care for it! Carting was OK, but the snow and work - no way! :evil:
Way too much like work, says the Princess! :roses: :roses:

Funny thing is, she loves to play rough - really rough...just ask Harry! They are crazy insane when together :roll:
Those are great pix, Dawn, thanks so much! Do you have any suggestions on how to determine whether the dog has an interest and/or aptitude for it before investing in a cart? Looks like loads of fun, and I can just imagine the looks from bystanders. :lol: :lol:
essgee52 wrote:
Those are great pix, Dawn, thanks so much! Do you have any suggestions on how to determine whether the dog has an interest and/or aptitude for it before investing in a cart? Looks like loads of fun, and I can just imagine the looks from bystanders. :lol: :lol:

The best would be to find someone already doing it, and have your dog join in.
It becomes pretty apparent after a time or two (to account for the learning process) if they like it or not. Some love it, others are just not that into it, others just plain don't like it at all.

We have been getting a LOT of attention out with a Samoyed, an OES and a coonhound! :cow:
Our friend Lynne who has Abby (the black dog in the sledding picture) has been sick, so hopefully Abby will rejoin us soon. Abby does great and with her speed and muscle we will be able to take longer runs.

We did 5.3 miles yesterday :clappurple:
If you mean single dog, dry land carting......not with sheepdog but with Pyrs. The most classy carting I saw as a Briard.......beautiful dog who stood up tall and proud and she pulled kids around.

Our Pyr club had a carting intro to see how the dogs would react......MO sheepdog went and said, "Ain't no way!!" Sam and Glacier Pyrs took to it like ducks to water. From the moment they went into harness they were primed! Wish I still had those pictures! Fox Pyr could have cared less.

Many clubs have carting, look to the Great Pyrs, Rotties for starters. They may allow you to bring your dog for a try-it-out.
SheepieBoss wrote:
If you mean single dog, dry land carting......not with sheepdog but with Pyrs. The most classy carting I saw as a Briard.......beautiful dog who stood up tall and proud and she pulled kids around.

Our Pyr club had a carting intro to see how the dogs would react......MO sheepdog went and said, "Ain't no way!!" Sam and Glacier Pyrs took to it like ducks to water. From the moment they went into harness they were primed! Wish I still had those pictures! Fox Pyr could have cared less.

Many clubs have carting, look to the Great Pyrs, Rotties for starters. They may allow you to bring your dog for a try-it-out.

We have a weight pull friend who has a wagon type cart and pulls kids around...with his St Bernard. They have been doing it for years, and just switching dogs as time goes by.

Many of the larger working breeds do draft carting - another fun and slower (ie: safer!) activity :wink:
The carts like sulkies are somewhat in the middle and can be used both fast and slow.
Thank you all so much for the good tips. My husband is dying to try this with Toby and maybe our BC mix, although there is a huge weight disparity between them. But they are BFF's, and she is terribly smart and energetic. We will search for carting activities in our area and see if we can give it a try. :excited:
essgee52 wrote:
Thank you all so much for the good tips. My husband is dying to try this with Toby and maybe our BC mix, although there is a huge weight disparity between them. But they are BFF's, and she is terribly smart and energetic. We will search for carting activities in our area and see if we can give it a try. :excited:

Many BC's run with sled dog teams - as they are fast and smart and like a job.
We have one who has ran with us, and a new young one (also a mix breed) who is going to start. :D
There is oodles of info on web on this including how to make your own cart. Harness is best purchased. here is a pix on subject: http://www.sonic.net/~cdlcruz/GPCC/library/carting.htm

Pyr friend made her own cart. She and the dogs loved to do it. Anymore she's too old and really doesn't have a Pyr right now trained well enough...she's lost her favorite cart and therapy dogs over these last few months.....she's depressed.
SheepieBoss wrote:
There is oodles of info on web on this including how to make your own cart. Harness is best purchased. here is a pix on subject: http://www.sonic.net/~cdlcruz/GPCC/library/carting.htm

Pyr friend made her own cart. She and the dogs loved to do it. Anymore she's too old and really doesn't have a Pyr right now trained well enough...she's lost her favorite cart and therapy dogs over these last few months.....she's depressed.

Very good link.

Here's a place here in MN we order stuff from:

They have many kinds of harnesses as well as draft carts.
Does a black dog come included with the harness?? I'll order several!
SheepieBoss wrote:
Does a black dog come included with the harness?? I'll order several!

Probably not :( :(

But they do make all the harnesses and stuff by hand....great family company.
Wow, who knew?? Obviously, all of you! :wink:
Dawn makes living in Minnesota look like so much fun - even in the winter with all that snow!!!!
You get outside or you'll go nuts! Or like my DH's family, dry out the dairy cows and go to Florida for the winter.......guess they don't dry out herds anymore.
We're in Georgia, so I don't think there will be much sledding in our future. :D
essgee52 wrote:
We're in Georgia, so I don't think there will be much sledding in our future. :D

Yeah, I looked and saw that... 8) :lol:

If you need a snowy winter vacation, you know where to come! :D
Ha! Lived in the midwest (including Chicago) for most of my life, so I've had snow and ice and wind chill uptohere. I'll stay put, thanks! (although it's 48 and rainy today :cry: )
wow!! i think bloo would like that ! They do husky sledding at cannock chase but dont think they let oes join in the teams haha... just imagining bloo at the front rudolph the oes!!
I think hed run so fast id either end up falling off, toppling over, or end up in the road/lke/river!!!! hehe....

am doing k9 running soon, would love to try k9 carting too!!!
It's quite fun, also addicting!

There is risk - I've hit things, gotten big bruises, and hung by one arm dragging on the snow behind a sled after a sharp corner.....quite the rush! :lmt: :excited:
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