Giving supplements for coat

Hi everyone, I was just wondering if and what you give your sheepies as supplements for skin and coat? Murphy gets 2 Tbl. spoons of plain yogurt added to his kibble at one of his meals a day. Should I be supplementing more for good skin and coat? Lorie
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I give Blue Star Seameal by Solid Gold and it's been very helpful. She has a nice even coat and the skin healthy without any signs of dryness. She's also been very easy to brush and comb so far. She doesn't blow much coat.

Hi May, Just what is seal meal? Do you add it to Blue Stars regular food? Also how old is your pup? Murphy is going to be 7mos. old tommorrow, his coat is slowly stasting to blow out , I have been brushing him alot lately to keep ahead of those little puppy mats. Thanks Lorie
I give Tasker Brewers Yeast tablets fortified with Garlic abd Zinc (and other assorted vitamins) every day.

While the Yogurt is an excellent additive it's primary benefit is in keeping the stomach bacteria balance healthy. It does little for skin and coat condition.

If Murphy is getting a good quality kibble he should be fine for day to day coat and skin condition. It is only when you notice a problem with the skin or hair that you should be adding supplements. The two supplements that I use for skin and coat are either Linatone sold at most pet stores which is an excellent all round supplement but particularly good for coat and skin as it has a cod liver oil base or in it's absence a 1/4 to 1/2 can of pink salmon with oil once a week or so. Be very careful with fish as it can upset the stomach and have dire results around the back end. Actually smaller amounts more times per week are better than one or two big serving, perhaps 1/8 can every other day.

Thanks and Cheers

The linatone is also an excellent source of Vitamin A, which is destroyed in commerical dog foods by the BHT and BHA. Lack of vitamin A can lead to loss of night vision and thyroid problems, which in turn can predispose a dog to autoimmune conditions, sometimes triggered by vaccinations.
Too much vitamin A is not good either though... everything in moderation and it is always best not to try to fix something that's not broken. :wink:
Hello Lori:

Sorry this is late.

Seameal is a supplement by Solid Gold. It is for skin and coat wellness. It's a powder and you add it to the kibble with warm water. Blue Star is now 8 mos old and her skin and coat is very healthy. I don't know if it's the Seameal that has contributed to this, but why stop it if I'm getting great results. She also does not blow much coat at all. I brush her about every 3 or 4 days.

I used to give this suppliment to my other dogs in the past and when I started them I saw a big change in their coats right away.

Blue Star's Mom
Fish oils and eggs are both great sources of the omega fatty acids (3&6) which are generally attributed to improved skin and hair health....
There is popular supplement which helps skin and coat,
called Show dog formula
zahra wrote:
There is popular supplement which helps skin and coat,
called Show dog formula
Why do you say it's popular?
Hi Ron,
Sorry I missed your post. This supplement was highly
recommended to me by a handler who is involved with
showing. When I further researched the product,
it had the array of important vitamins, and enzyme
supplements I feel are important.

I spoke to an executive of the company who advised me
that many of the top show dogs are using this including
the current #1 GSD In the USA, and #8 OES in herding
and many more. (she sent a list if you would like a copy).
Nice to know, but again I am choosing it for what the product
ingredients include.


It took me a while to research supplements, so I posted the
link for those interested ....
as many of us are not involved in showing we can
miss some of the word of mouth nutrition, training or
veterinary options.....
i've been wondering if I should give bogey some sort of suppliment...
he is shedding horribly!!!! dog hair all over the house, on everything including us ugh! im shaving him down tomorrow, but I dont think he should be shedding like he is

My first OES mix used to shed twice a year, spring and fall.
We found keeping him in a puppy cut cooler for him
and easier ! Congratulations on rescuing Bogey !!! Catchy name !

Zahra & Bogart :wink:
It does look like something I'd be interested in, however I doubt that I'd find it around here... I wonder if it's even in Canada....

I'm sure they would be happy to ship it to you in Canada if you are
interested in the product. (They also make a Joint and Muscle
formula, a Canine Athlete formula as well as the Show Dog formula)
I'm ordering the Show Dog product direct from Vibrant Pets...
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