I need to whine

This summer I have been training at the same place that Kristine goes. I have been told and have seen with my own eyes how much we have both learned and how much better Simon has done due to the excellent training.

This is the last week of the summer class and I have not been able to get into fall classes because Simon has not been tested(its complicated). Why hasn't he been tested you may ask.

I have been e-mailing back and forth with the person who does the testing. I think he's ready. She told me he needs to be 90% on everything including weaves. We have been working hard on weaves and it shows. One of the instructors said he is 90% "there" and I told her that. She wrote back that what she thought they meant is that he's 90% away from being "there". 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O

My first instinct was to write her back and tell her what I thought of her "thought" and believe me it would have not been pretty. I have asked twice to be tested and both times she comes back at me with all the rules and no answer to being tested.

On Wednesday(last class) I'm going in a little early and plan on talking to the instructors and getting their input on weather Simon is ready. I think(hope, pray) that the answer will be yes. I did ask two weeks ago if they have suggestions on where I should go since I was not in the fall class. One of them asked why I was not in the fall class and I told her and thats when the other one said he's 90% there.

This is so frustrating, like sitting in limbo. I have not set up any training or looking at any places to train because I thought I had a chance at getting into the class.

So, anyone want to have a glass of whine with me?
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Rules, regulations, and little self important dictators take the fun out of fun activities. Whine away, you have the right!
I certainly can see why you are frustrated.

It is not like you are insisting that they let you in class. You asked to be tested and you asked if they can refer you to another facility if they do not think you are ready.

But you must look at the bigger picture, which I think you are, and not step on their toes because you want to take classes there. And, it is not like there is a plethora of quality training facilities for people to choose from. In most cases people are lucky to find one in their area let alone get a choice.

Can you ask for an evaluation with the more supportive individual? Maybe he/she can go through each of the criteria and surmise why the other person does not think Simon is ready for the class?

Is there another class you can take at this facility until they deem you worthy of the class you are trying to get into?

Another option is to take private lessons from one of the instructors to get you to the 90% required level to take that class. Preferably from the person who thinks you are not ready.

I am really sorry about this Pam. I truly know how hard this sport is and I work (embarrassingly) hard at it. While I don't have a lot to show for that work I at least have several options for trainers ...... though they are quite expensive for the quality ones.

Take a deep breath, focus on your goal and consider this just another obstacle to work out on your agility journey.

And continue to whine to us ..... it helps to get your frustrations out.

Please let us know what happens.
Hang in there Pam. I KNOW things will work out for you and Simon!!

:cheer: :D :cheer: :D :cheer:
I'm sorry Pam for all the frustration. You and Simon have been working so hard. I have no advice but 100% vent support.
Judi - I think Pam has the right approach. Her instructors are behind her. Susan has the situation pegged.

I'd be more than whining. :evil: I'd be...not as polite as Pam. She's handling the situation very well.

something similar happened to Bella and I. We were allowed to go the the pre-novice class but two people showed up, they had already done the class but wanted to repeat it, and so there were more entries than slots. At the end of the class the instructor told me that "Bella just isn't ready yet" I was so mad since I felt that we were being pushed out to make room for the "extra students" I mentioned it in passing to a few people and they said I should speak with the main instructor. I decided not to whine about the situation. The same trainer who passed us over also runs a class during the summer at her house so Bella and I signed up. She was impressed with Bella and we did really well in her class. You might want to see if they also offer independent training sessions. Once a week we have these independent times where you can come in an train. Usually everyone is in open or excellent but then I get to work small parts of a harder run, see how they would handle a course and where and how they do crosses, and I also set up a little area where Bella and I can work on "our issues" ie weave poles. Even though it is not really a "class" Bella and I have improved so I think maybe we are almost ready for a novice class.
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