Kenny is home!! Pictures too :)

So we got Kenny yesterday at about 1 PM and worked with the breeder on how to bath, groom, cut nails, etc for a few hours. All in all it's been an amazing first day (well second now). He only had one accident and it was kinda my fault as I ran up to him while he sat on my wifes lap in the car haha. He got excited and peed on her hahahha.

No accidents in the house, not too bad chewing, stayed in the crate ALL last night (7 hours) and didn't whine, bark, or pee. Crazy huh? Well on to the stuff you guys care about





Haha, I love how they lay like that. He's a big pudge right now :)
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:aww: He is sooooo cute!!!!! :hearts:

Hi Kenny!!!!
Welcome home~
He's sooooooooooooooo cute! :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
He can play with Schubert any time!!
Sounds like you are off to a great start :clappurple:

Kenny looks sweet..... :kiss: just want to hug and kiss him! :kiss:
Oh my! he climbed his first steps today and looked so and casi (wife) are so happy!!!!!
I love the pancake pictures. Could he lie any flatter? So cute!
Look at that teeny puppy!!! So cute. Wish we could pass that cutie around through the internet. I want a turn holding Kenny.
He looks like trouble with a capital "K"!! :kiss:

Laurie and Oscar
What a lovely boy that Kenny is. I wish you all the sheepie love your heart can take. Congrats on the new boy.
Eggbert wrote:

I love it! :hearts: :hearts:
Lol so life isn't perfect after all. Can't seem to get him to realize his bites hurt sometimes :(. Still only 2 accidents inside though. One was my fault too haha
Bad news Rob... That biting thing will be fun to break. 1 1/2 months home and Caitlyn is just now 'getting' it.

Upside is that he's so damn cute that it kinda numbs much of the pain from those little needles everyone calls teeth.

Kenny is AWESOME!!! Keep the pix coming!

Oh what a cutie pie!!!

Now I'm not saying I endorse this...On Animal Planet yesterday, to teach a pup not to bite the hand, a trainer told a family to rub frozen butter on their hands. The pup will lick the hand instead of chomping.
Welcome kenny! He is a cutie! Oh yes those puppy teeth. That passes with training.
Eggbert wrote:
Lol so life isn't perfect after all. Can't seem to get him to realize his bites hurt sometimes :(. Still only 2 accidents inside though. One was my fault too haha

Sheepie puppies seem to be extremely nippy. It's a stage, should be done by 4 months, possibly earlier if you're better and more consistent at training than I was. It is very annoying. Handling Mady at 10 weeks felt like picking up a porcupine at times... :roll:
I hate to say it, but it was because Zoey was 'nippy' that we got her! Her previous owners didn't like that trait and didn't do any research so they had no clue that it would/could go away. So they turned her over to the kennel we found her in.

Kenny will be an awesome dog no doubt. Rob and company will make sure of this. Hope to meet them all some day soon.

Day 3:
Well two nights in a row, no whining, barking or anything. Slept 7 hours again!!! Casi didn't carry him out so he peed on the concrete but not inside at least hahaha.

1) We got a collar but he doesnt seem to like it...the breeder didn't collar him at all so not surprised but any reco's on collars?
2) Leash - we got a "large" dog leash but i think it's too big for him now...thoughts?

Update on biting: We found a yelp that actually kinda makes him stop so we'll keep trying that. Some of our yelps just encourage him. Also been shoving a toy in his face when he starts which works kinda.

Still only 2 accidents which is awesome and he is in his crate right now (whined for about 10 seconds). I am working from home but couldn't accomplish much with him roaming i want him to get used to crate.

How much did you guys feed the pups? Seeing vet today but he's been eating 3 times a day....about 1/2-3/4 a cup of Pro Plan each time. We usually put about 3/4 in and he leaves a bit in the bowl. Going to try grooming him we'll see how that goes.

As you all know and experience, we're absolutely in love with the puppy and Casi had so much trouble leaving for work :) He's a joy, even with minor issues. Can't seem to get down steps but he is going up them no problem.
He is adorable. They grow so fast. Most puppies like to chew on something. We tried putting the toy in her mouth instead of our hands. Carley learned pretty fast. Those pictures make me miss having a puppy. I love Carley but puppies are so sweet. :hearts:
Enjoy him. :D :D
Thanks all! Could you take a look at my new post in medical? Kenny has a couple "concerns" from vet...not sure if that's teh right word:

He's a cutie :) Love the pic of him laying flat out....
He's so adorable!!!
Welcome Kenny--you are a good looking guy! :D :D :D
Unreal! He's so cute, looks more like stuffed toy :) You should hear my girls going like "Awwwwww!"
Kenny is just adorable! :hearts:
OMG, be still my beating heart!!! I haven't had a little pup for such a long time now, I'd forgotten how totally adorable they are when they lay down on their little tums with all four legs out front and back. He's going to be a really bundle of fun. :wag:
Welcome. Love the stretched out sheepie photo. What a cutie!
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