Calcified Ear Flap??

Our new rescue gal Mili has what I guess is a calcified ear flap?
Has anybody ever had any experience with this?
When she was picked up at the shelter her ear was so infected she had maggots in it :cry:
She is going into our vet for blood work and another exam but, I am afraid the only answer
for her ear may be an ear ablation.
The vet she went to before didn't mention this in her records at all :?:
Of course they were busy with the other ailments she also had, one being a pretty large mammary mass.
Poor baby doll, she is sooooooooo sweet and loving :hearts:

The whole ear flap is solid :cry:
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it still looks inflamed. Is it possible that the infection is in the flap and has not resolved.
Thank you so much for all that you are doing for this beautiful sweet girl.

I am not clicking through for full-size image!

Poor baby. Amazing that she is so comfortable with your handling her ear. The ablation sounds like a great option. I had no idea that procedure existed. When you say calcified, do you mean that it feels like bone instead of malleable like cartilage? Weird. Does it seem like it bothers her?
sheepiegail wrote:
it still looks inflamed. Is it possible that the infection is in the flap and has not resolved.

This is a picture from where she was first picked up BUT, you have a very good point!
Maybe she needs a big round of oral antibiotics too!
That would be great of that was the solution!
Thank you for that thought!
Valerie wrote:
Thank you so much for all that you are doing for this beautiful sweet girl.

I am not clicking through for full-size image!

Poor baby. Amazing that she is so comfortable with your handling her ear. The ablation sounds like a great option. I had no idea that procedure existed. When you say calcified, do you mean that it feels like bone instead of malleable like cartilage? Weird. Does it seem like it bothers her?

Thanks Val!
Yes, it feels like bone, not sure that is the proper teminology for what is going on but, I know the canal can calcify.
Also to worry about is her mammary mass that was removed.
I was just discsussing it with a friend and reading her prognosis.
It says even though excised it can still metastasize which is not good at all :cry:
I am already in love :hearts:
We do hope to see the day she can bounce off to her furever home!
We've had a few dogs with very thickened earflaps, although not really calcified. Vet says it's from repeated, untreated ear infections. Never had one with ear maggots, though. 8O
Oh my gosh!!! That's horrible. Valerie said it best. So glad she found someone who cared enough to take care of something that I'm sure made her miserable.
Ouch! Poor girl :(
I think oral antibiotics are a good idea, ear ablation is only for inside the ear isn't it? I don't think it will directly help the ear flap other than the fact that it will help prevent more ear infections inside. Maybe a steroid cream to calm the inflammation too.
Thank God she has you!!! :clappurple: I have never ever seen anything like that before. How could anyone let an animal suffer like that? It sure didn't happen over night. Maybe "WHY" would anyone let that happen is a better question. I'm not judging.................I just don't think I will understand cruelty. Rescues are great!!! (I still have 2) :hearts: :yay: :hearts: :yay:
Willowsprite wrote:
Ouch! Poor girl :(
I think oral antibiotics are a good idea, ear ablation is only for inside the ear isn't it? I don't think it will directly help the ear flap other than the fact that it will help prevent more ear infections inside. Maybe a steroid cream to calm the inflammation too.

Yes, I guess that wouldn't help the flap itself but, the inside is pretty nasty as well!
I am using Mometemax now. She was on other meds but, they forgot to send them with her :(
Hopefully we can get her cleared up and bouncing soon!
Oh, that poor ear :cry: :cry:

Sadly, when I heard she was so infected and had maggots, I was picturing something equally horrible anyway. :( :(

I would guess that best case scenario is that the infection gets clears up and she's going to have some really thick and stiff scar tissue. :?
OUCh it definately looks like still just really inflammed & swollen the inside flap. My guess with more anti-biotics and probably a cortisone shot to help settle the inflammation and even ear drops too, till all clear when the inflammation goes down so will that flap and return to a nice healthy pink colour but thicker tissue there due to all the trauma on the skin there. Just looks to me really swollen & inlfammed due to her bad ear infection

Now the mammary mass, did they give you the pathology report on it? If so if it says after removal the margins around what was excised was clear of abnormal cells that's what you want regardless of the report saying it is a nasty mammary growth. Usually with mammary masses they take a big margin around the growth to get clear margins on the edges around the growth to hopefully show no abnormal cells present on the edges to hopefully stop it mastitsising further through the system. If that is the case then all is looking bright for this special baby :kiss: .
Mili is so lucky she is with you. At last someone is taking care of all of her medical problems. You are an angel on earth to her. I don't understand why all people don't treat our furry four legged friends the way they would want to be treated. I know sometimes circumstances make it impossible to care for them but we then need to find a caring person who can take care of them.
Thank you so much for what you are doing for her. I hope they got all of the mass. She sure has been through a lot.
Thank you all!

Her mamarry mass histo said
"Prognosis for mammary adenocarcioma is guarded although excised these neoplasms may metastasize" :( :(

At least she is feeling better for now...
What a stubborn gal she is!
Histo report sounds promising. :D
lisaoes wrote:
Histo report sounds promising. :D

Do you think? I kind of thought it sounded negative that it may spread even though not malignant.
I guess I am a bit confused by that :?
Poor girl, I hope she heals quickly.
Donner's Mom wrote:
lisaoes wrote:
Histo report sounds promising. :D

Do you think? I kind of thought it sounded negative that it may spread even though not malignant.
I guess I am a bit confused by that :?

On the report "Guarded" which is promising :D It tells that with what came out plus the margins around that growth taken is looking promising, they cant put everything is OK as no one can predict if it will mastitsise, but what came out is when removed showing clear tissue clear of abnormal cells outside the actual tumour growth so if me dealing with a girl with that type of growth on her mammary it is promising the histo analysis that came back on her.

The type she had removed may or may not mastitsise but with the tissue and growth that has already been removed it is looking really postive, they cant give a 100% guarantee on any report dealing with tumourous types of growthst, if in the report it showed abnormal tissue still present then that would be more of a worry.

My peppa had a mast cell tumour on her boob and first extraction no clear tissue found after removal, 3 ops later and 3 boobs removed finally clear margins, with after that final pathology report coming back "Guarded" showing no abnormal cells located on the edges of the final big aggressive removal of tissue and those type of tumours even though when I found it on her small then a pea size are notorious to spread through there system (Mastitsise). First Pathology report on her was the prognosis awfull, 6 months maybe more, after the final op, they could not give me any definate answer as who knows :lmt: Must of done something right, she was 7 when that appeared and lived another 7 years after aggressive surgery and loss of her boobies on one side. :wink:

Kathy I'd be quite positive on the Histo on her as being really positive and not too drastic. Also they mention "May or Maynot" mastitsise, so my thinking is they got good clear margins at extraction of the growth. Peppas first report had listed nothing like that just how aggressive that tumour she had was. :wink:
Thanks Lisa!
I always appreciate and respect your knowledge!
Just wanna get lazy Mili back to good! :wink:
HA....not logged in it is me!
I think Dawn, Lisa and others might be on to something with the more antibiotics and some sort of anti inflam whether it be a steroid injection or oral. The ear will probably always be thickened but if the inflammation settles it may be less hard and uncomfortable.
Thankyou for looking after the lovely girl. :clappurple: :bow:
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