Aussie licorice

It's not cooking at all......but it is highly edible!

I really like a good black licorice :D

I picked up a bag labelled as Australian Licorice Bites - Milk Chocolate Coated .....thought wow, this could be really a good combo! :clappurple:

Oh my, they were delicious!! :cheer:

Actually made in Australia, brand is Walgreens. Soft and chewy bites with good chocolate generously covering them.
Sadly, I bought just one bag...must go back and get MORE!!

Oddly enough, I got them at our local Tractor Supply Store (TSC) :D
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I will have to look for those, I love licorice. If they are walgreens brand would think they would have them. So much for losing any weight.
You have TCSs? :mrgreen: with envy!! They are second only to hardware stores for my preferred shopping. Keep your malls.........I want the tool department! I could actually swoon to find a keg of nails....not a box......a keg and a hanging scale.
OK, I took a picture of the bag :D :D

Also did a web search, and it's the same Walgreens as the drug store, so they should be available there. They apparently have other flavors, but the original is still my personal favorite.

It got very good reviews on the candy websites. You know you are in trouble when under "cons" it says "addictive"..... :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Good thing I'm not a licorice fan.........I'm in trouble with candy that can be addictive
SheepieBoss wrote:
You have TCSs? :mrgreen: with envy!! They are second only to hardware stores for my preferred shopping. Keep your malls.........I want the tool department! I could actually swoon to find a keg of nails....not a box......a keg and a hanging scale.

Oh yes, we have a TSC. Love them too!
The one we had growing up was in South St Paul - right by the big stockyards. Very cool...
Now the one down here in Mankato is newer, but still one of my favorite shopping meccas :hearts: :hearts:
I regret ever trying Aussie licorice. I lost count of the bags of the stuff that I have eaten. I had to wean myself off of it!
Oh crap, we have a TSC store too... now I must go try these :lol: :roll:
Willowsprite wrote:
Oh crap, we have a TSC store too... now I must go try these :lol: :roll:

Don't do it!! Trust me, you will regret it. But, since you are there, can you get me a bag or two? Or three??
I'm going to Walgreens today and I'll pick up a bag...they sound so good. I do like fav flavor is Hersey's chocolate, but that flavor is hard to find. Walmart has it sometimes, CVS every once in a while and Publix will get tiny bags of them periodically as well.
One year I got chocolate from over 20or more countries (literally) as a stocking filler for everyone and I found those licorice. It made "licorice" edible for me, but my licorice loving husband actually wasn't a fan! I like anything covered in chocolate!
I like licorice, but it upsets my heart rhythm. Anyone
else - or am I such a freak?

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