Lots of poking going on...

Anyone else's sheepdog like to poke people with their nose to get attention? Millie is always poking us either on the leg or on our bottom!!! :oops:
If we have some food or she wants us to pet her, then it's usually on the leg. If she wants to play, she grabs a toy........and look out cause your gonna get it in the bottom :twitch:

It's not hard, just a little poke, and we all think it is cute(on the leg) :aww: and sometimes funny(on the bottom) :lol: . Is this behavior okay(she is eleven months old) or is she being too bossy?
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Oh yeah. Mine know in whcih pocket I keep the bait when training & in the conformation ring & do not hesitate to remind me with a "nosepoke" at that pocket if I seem to take too long to reward them. 8O 8O
Butchy pokes too and he also knows which pocket Carl keeps his keys in. He has pushed the button on the key to get the horn going.
All of my OES have given the nose poke at one time or another. I always thought it was cute and it was never to excessive so I didn't discourage the behavior. Teddy hasn't really started that yet.

At 9 years old, Jack's nose pokes have become more a slam. Maybe his failing balance, but if I'm not noticing he wants what I am eating, I get a nose poke/body slam.
Gar doesn't poke...but Simon does and he has a sharp nose.
Tiggy nose pokes but more often shoves me with her head.

She uses her nose when I'm sitting on the couch using the laptop. She pokes her nose under my hand then flips her head to stop me typing. I interpret it as "forget those forum sheepies! play with ME!!" Dead annoying when I'm busy, so I tell her no and ask her to sit. She does for about 10 seconds. I should ignore her as even the NO and the SIT is the attention she is asking for but she's so darned persistent that I'd never finish a sentence. Eventually if I keep typing and telling her to sit she goes away and annoys the cat, as that is more likely to get my attention. :evil: Tiggy's sheepie persistence and stubborness far outlasts mine. :roll:
More annoying tham Moe's nose poke is the dreaded "paw" Wen he wants attention its paw on the leg, paw on the table,paw on the newspaper..paw on husbands face when he is lying on the couch...we thought tis was really cute when he was a puppy... 8)
Chauncey's not a poker. He will gently lay his head on my lap and give the woe is me puppy eyes. I could deny the poke but those poor pleading eyes..... :wag:
Bentley used to herd us down the hallway. He'd poke with his nose or bump with his shoulders. He was always keeping us in line.

Zoey does this too but not with the enthusiasm as Bentley.

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