Tracie! It's your fault!

Oh purge or not to purge ....that is the question. I think while I'm definately not a hoarder of anything I do tend to visit second hand shops and flea markets often. What do I shop for most often? Animal beds/tunnels for the bunnies and cats and climbing post for the kitties as well. One can never have too many. Plus I visit Craigs List daily and people give me free stuff all the time when they find out I rescue special needs animals. How can I turn stuff down when it's free!!!
Worse I am always terribly worried about a natural disaster occuring and that I would need to evacuate the animals and have to have enough crates for them all. My garage is filled with crates of all shapes and sizes.
Then there's the medical/food shelves ...sigh. The bunnies/cats/dogs have bags of food/litter/ bedding/cans...more sighs.

Well then HGTV has asked Kaj and I to possibly be on a show ...called Consumed. It's about people consumed with "stuff". I am hoping they will use us and provide us with nifty shelving and places for my stuff. We realize we are not "normal" homeowners and only own 1 TV, no stereo, our decorating is simple but ohhhhhhh the animal paraphenilia. Sigh. I realized I have so much "stuff"...Tracie it's your fault I realized I have to get more organized even tho we continue to buy more shelving. So in a nutshell I'm hoping the show will think we are good candidates as we need help and they provide expertise/shelving and even decorate the room. Wonder if they would consider reorganizing my garage? I'll keep you guys posted if we get chosen for the show.

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Oh yeah I should mention that all this talk of purging and with this post in mind is how I got talked into this idea ..and worse HGTV had a table set up at a flea market of all things! They were pre-screening people and Kaj pushed me over there and guess we made the cut as the producer phoned me. He'll contact me again tomorrow..oh gasp! Can I handle a camera crew and bunch of people in my house opening my mile high piled cupboards...I know me..I'll be frantically cleaning them BEFORE they'd arrive.

Oh why oh why did I let myself get talked into this? Besides I have been busy with the 11 yds of rock I've been hauling singlehandedly all summer spreading it over the pathways. On the other hand - that needs to be done as the pathways get so muddly in the rainy weather and with 4 dogs...well you know. Tracie it's all your fault ...if you hadn't posted about purging I wouldn't have been caught in a weak moment and agreed to the idea.(shakes finger at Tracie)

I can't wait, hope you do make the show. I do watch HGTV and I can say I know that person (I know I really don't but feel like I do from your posts). Would really be fun to see you and your menagerie.

Keep us posted.
oh silly marianne,
not tracie's doing, it's da big guy making up for the house renovation fiasco. just go w/da flo girlio. 8)
Marianne, that show is a gift from the heavens! Learn from it, take advantage of their knowledge and just embrace the experience! And we will all watch and cheer you on and then go and clean our own houses up! See what you started, Tracie?
:banana: :banana: Only you could turn a slight problem into something ....hopefully something....positive! :crossed: :crossed: :crossed: HGTV helps you out.......somehow.
We don't have the "Consumed" show here (we have the likely quite similar "hoarders: buried alive" :roll: )

Please don't pre-clean - as we want you to qualify and get the makeover!! That would be so awesome for you guys :clappurple: :clappurple:

And I love HGTV - I too would love to see someone I know on there!! :excited:

ps - and I love that Kaj nudged you on over..... :roses:

pss - and thanks to Tracie, I got my mitten rack cleared (it only was July..... :lol: ), also Todd put away his winter coveralls AND I got him to finally bring a heavy duty clothes rack in and up to the storage room/attic so we finally have a decent place to store all the massive amts of outdoor winter wear that we have!!

That's exciting and you can certainly blame me if you want. I can take it. Good luck with being on TV. I wonder if we'll be able to watch you here in Winnipeg.

As for my purging, it continues. We took another fourteen garbage bags out this past week, and there are four full and one half newly filled from the weekend. I tackled my spare room/laundry dump (now have an additional two bags to donate), AND our TV room yesterday. The TV room wasn't too bad, except for a closet that is very hard to get into where my hubby thinks it's okay to toss empty pop cans, plastic bottles, and boxes. THAT was an adventure. There's a couch that blocks most of the closet, so it's easy to open it and throw stuff in, but much harder to open it and clean up the floor.

I actually sent him out (alone) to a movie so I could get it done. He was a good sport, and saw "Cowboys vs Aliens" but couldn't get over the gold part. The last bad sci fi movie we saw involved aliens who needed our fresh water as they only had salt water, and apparently they could build spaceships that could travel the galaxy, but couldn't come up with a way to boil it and distill the salt out of it. I say that the gold thing is at least a little better!

So this week I need to:

-Do the linen closet as it still has boxes unopened from when we moved in thirteen years ago.

-Scrub the fridge within an inch of its life (fourth time the shelf broke in three years and we are supposed to get a new fridge under the terms of the warranty, but I'm not holding my breath). I have to clean it and make it shiny before I can have the repair man here. We've been seeing each other regularly, and I want it to be pretty for him.

-Begin the massive taming of the abandoned laundry pile in the basement. That's my last official act, and I'm planning to wash it all, and donate most. Again, it will have to be when Hubby's out of the house.

Congratulations on being a TV star Marianne...I can hardly wait to see you and the critters on TV. Is Gilligan ready for his closeup?

Take care! (And congrats to Got Sheep on that mitten rack. Here's hoping for an extra late start to the winter to celebrate.)
Sounds like this has been a very productive summer for you. Great way to start a new job with a clean house and at least hubby is leaving the house you can toss his treasures.
I wish I could be on a show like that! We are rebuilding after our fire...have to get a complete house of new flooring...Do you know how much stuff I have to still get up off the floor!!!!! They are doing the insides of my closets too...My clothes closets, linen closets, coat closte...Now mind you after the fire, they took out MOST of my I thought...Even with that stuff gone, I have SO MUCH stuff in the closets!!!!! Shoes, doggy stuff, clothes, sheets, shoes and more shoes...stuff, stuff, stuff....

Purge, purge, house is big and I realized the bigger the house, the more stuff you need to purge, purge, purge.....
I can only imagine how much loss is felt after a fire, would be really horrible to lose stuff under those circumstances. Perhaps there is a show in your area that would even do a room for you. I'd check on HGTV casting call and see if you fit the criteria for any makeovers. I always wanted to be one of those people, but in my area all those shows are televised in the East , except for this new show - Consumed.

I don't know if Kaj and I will be chosen as it's just still in the "you might be what we are looking for stage". Think they felt sorry for us as we chatted about the sewer backup,the day it was finally fixed after 9 months..the following day someone went airborne in a car and crashed into our fence and took off,(that took 6 months to fix) .... then our reno disaster - the contractor that took apart our home and left our house in shambles and then dissapeared - leaving subcontractors and his workers unpaid. (We had just moved the contents of our 5 bedroom house into the garage days before) and this dishonest contractor removed the roof of our garage (was supposed to be for 1-3 days only in the summer) Oct /Nov I was still trying to salvage stuff but it was rained on so much I took truckloads of soggy moldy furniture to the dump. We also lost so much which is why my house actually looks nice and neat as it has little furniture. :roll: Then our insurance company dropped us and the only one that would take us on is charging us 1,000 more per year for at least 3 years so we can prove we are not a risk.
Soooooo it was in our chat that all this was mentioned and perhaps we are a sympathy case. LOL!
I should mention I finally tracked down the contractor but also had to hire a lawyer to sue him (5,000) retainer fee but turns out the contractor has 7 people ahead of us suing him as well - which includes 2 chances are we will never see our money again. Groan.
Still trying to remain positive however as in the grand scheme of life ...things could be worse. Maybe Karma is being kind to us for a change and would be nice to have a room/garage organized professionally and then they apparently paint the room too!

I'll cross my fingers but if we don't get picked it might be a mixed blessing too as I honestly don't know how I would deal with a crew of people and have all the animals underfoot.

The show isn't at all like hoarders..just people with crammed closets who need help getting the most use of their space.
Best of luck to you! I sure hope you get chosen for the show. That would be awesome!

I love HGTV! Please check to see if you qualify for any other shows.
Marianne...Really? Only you! I can picture you cleaning before they come. I always need something done around here and I watch the show and wonder how they pick people because I want to be one of the ones to be picked.

I hope you get picked. You do so much for others that it only seems fair that someone comes to help you.
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