Now that's love

For those of you with multiple animals, do your pets ever do anything endearing to show the other that they love them? My two mostly ignore each other, but every once in a while I find them doing something really sweet.

-Sometimes Marley will leave a few kibbles in her bowl for Rudie to find when he inevitably checks it.

-When I go somewhere with just Rudie (training, vet etc.) Marley will greet *him* and not us when we get home. She follows him around wagging her tail and smelling him, probably saying "glad you're back!"

-When Rudie is really excited he pounces Marley to play. I think it's just his way of saying how happy he is!

Who else has sweet pooches?
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That's really sweet!

No, my guys aren't as lovin'. MO will clean Harry's ears, face and ah, penis for him. Harry and Glacier bounce at one another, but are too old to remember what to do next......they both have tails so probably tail-talking.

This a.m. I was sleeping with my head at the foot of the bed to be closer to a fan. Glacier walked in to let me know she wanted outside. She didn't have to do her loud huffy puffy. This time I was down in her territory so she walked over and wiped her head and mouth all over my head. Once I staggered up, she old-lady trotted to the door, "I got Mom all slobbery!"
We have eight cats and most of them have ways of showing affection or appreciation. One used to, (and thankfully he stopped) bring us 'gifts' or 'offerings' in the form of his idea of food, i.e. birds, mice, moles and the like. We have one cat, Max or as I liked to call him. Lunchbox as he was 22 lbs., who would hover over us if we were sick or not well in any way. I've had three hernia surgeries and he never left my side until I was back on my feet. We have one who would give us headbutts on command too. Each one is pretty unique.

Zoey will walk up to us and just ram us like we're in her way then just stop and look at us. I think she thinks she's being funny, and she is!

I LOVE LOVE the leaves a few kibbles. Sounds like Marley eats like my husband. Can never eat the last bite or take the last bite of anything. :lol:

Yuki has ALWAYS been considerate and if any dog or cat wants to lay with her [who doesn't!!] ...she always scoots over so almost all her body is off and they have most of the bed.

One of our cats goes out of her way to lay practically on top of Yuki when she sleeps and the only time she's on the dog bed is if... Yuki is there. This same cat follows Yuki from room to room and rubs all over her :hearts:
every morning dreamer wakes me by sitting on me in bed and duffy comes to the side of the bed and they both kiss each other so cute
What a lovely thread! I can honestly say Forrest has relinquished to giving Bella,his spot next to mommy,he also lets her drink first,have a treat first,heck he has given into the fact that Bella comes first in everything,especially the sleeping spot next to mommy.
I think that qualifies as true love. :hearts:
SheepieBoss wrote:
That's really sweet!

No, my guys aren't as lovin'. MO will clean Harry's ears, face and ah, penis for him.
Tony does that too - he actually gets excited whenever London gives me a hug - he'd run under and clean it every single time. sighhhh.
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