Dahlia is 6 1/2 months old. She doesn't have a big girl bark. My other sheepie had such a deep bark and other sheepies I have met all have great deep barks.... Dahlia Yips and Yaps like a little dog....
Does this eventually change into a deep bark? Or, will I have this huge sheepie girl with this high pitched yip yap bark forever?

We keep walking around telling her to WOOF WOOF.... but, she just looks at us like we are crazy.... and then we hear... YIP YIP YAP YAP.....

We met her brother over the weekend and he has a big WOOF bark. So, I know it has to be in there somewhere? Right?
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Chewie has a higher bark than most boys - his is higher than his 50 pound sister, for goodness sake! :oops:

It just may be her pitch 8) Although she's young, so give her time....
Butchy is just finally using his big boy bark. the yip, yip can get irritating.
Eggbert has two completely different, distinct barks: We call the "yip yap bark his "Chihuahua" bark :oops: , and the nice deep one his "Big Boy Bark" :lol:

The horrible high pitched one is his happy-playing-excited bark, and the deep one is reserved for perceived threats. At 4 years old, Ive accepted that he will never "outgrow" the yip yap :wink: :roll:
Zoey is 3 years old and still has what I call a squeaky puppy bark; unless she goes into her full-on defense mode. Then the bark drops seven octaves. That squeaky bark gets old fast.

Sorry, I have no real advice but to wait to see if the bark changes with time.
ravenmoonart wrote:
Eggbert has two completely different, distinct barks: We call the "yip yap bark his "Chihuahua" bark :oops: , and the nice deep one his "Big Boy Bark" :lol:

The horrible high pitched one is his happy-playing-excited bark, and the deep one is reserved for perceived threats. At 4 years old, Ive accepted that he will never "outgrow" the yip yap :wink: :roll:

Luna does the exact same thing! She has a very silly sounding Chihuahua bark for when she wants to play, or is playing, and a scary big bark for when the doorbell rings. Maybe Dahlia hasn't developed a "threat" bark yet, and just has her playtime one?
Tiggy is the same. I wouldn't call it a little dog bark but is very high with the pot casse ring described in the breed standard and it hurts our ears. This is the bark she uses when she's excited, happy to see us or wanting to annoy our dalmo :evil: or chase other dogs at the park. :roll:

She has a very big, very deep bark that I've only heard on about 6 occasions and every time it was when she perceived a threat.
When I adopted Violet at 9 mts, she didn't bark for a long time. I always thought it was odd she didn't bark. Well she has made up for it, since she found her bark. :evil: She also has a veried bark, more high pitched then low pitched, but the low is there, just not used often. Oh, Violet is 8 1/2 yrs old.
Moe uses his "yip yip" bark only when he reallly needs to go out!! Rest of the time it is deeper and then when he is in "protective mode"..scaring away squirrels and groundhogs..uses reall deep scary growl/bark!!
Mady has a somewhat higher pitch bark for fun and excitement (not quite a small dog yap though!), and a very deep, big bark for perceived threats, which surprised us the first time we heard it.
got sheep wrote:
Chewie has a higher bark than most boys - his is higher than his 50 pound sister, for goodness sake! :oops:

Sorry, Dawn :lol: :lol: :lol: Uncle Oscar had a little girl bark for the longest time which is so ridiculous coming from a dog that massive and cousin Chappy still has that.

Sister Mace has a high pitched girlie bark that will make your ears bleed - she tried it out while watching me run her sister last night :evil: - but I don't think I've ever heard anything but deep woofs coming out of Sybil. She doesn't apparently bark much, because Sue F was kind of shocked the first time she heard her bark, I forget what the occasion was, and it was her standard issue deep bark as well. Mace is the resident watch dog, but Sybil is the one whose voice would make your blood freeze if you didn't know what kind of dog was lurking in the shadows, waiting to trip you so she can go through your pockets looking for left over treats :roll:

Mad Dog wrote:
Mace is the resident watch dog, but Sybil is the one whose voice would make your blood freeze if you didn't know what kind of dog was lurking in the shadows, waiting to trip you so she can go through your pockets looking for left over treats :roll:


Yes Mady's guard bark can be pretty alarming too! Especially if you don't see the giant fluffball it's emanating from! The first time she surprised us with her guard back, she had a cone on, so it was the most ridiculous sight ever, this 7 month old fluffball with a cone on her head giving deep pissed-off guard barks (at a squirrel in our backyard I think).
Molly is 6 months old. She still has a yippy "I'm so very excited" bark, but she started her big girl bark way earlier than I expected. She was just over 4 months and barked at a cat in the neighboring yard; I literally didn't think it was her until I saw her actually barking. It was shocking to hear such a guard dog bark from my little princess! :aww:
ravenmoonart wrote:
Eggbert has two completely different, distinct barks: We call the "yip yap bark his "Chihuahua" bark :oops: , and the nice deep one his "Big Boy Bark" :lol:

The horrible high pitched one is his happy-playing-excited bark, and the deep one is reserved for perceived threats. At 4 years old, Ive accepted that he will never "outgrow" the yip yap :wink: :roll:

Ditto! That yip does get old and it's a bit silly. I think its just per the sheepie
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