Before Grain Dog Food?

Has anyone heard/fed Before Grain dog food? We're researching food options, and I just happened to stumble upon this. Any opinions out there?
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BG (Before Grain) is a Merrick product and it is in my rotation of cat foods. Tried the dog version as well, but it gave Dudley bad diarrhea, so I do not use it for my two OES. My cats do very well on it and like it.

I do not feed just one food or brand I have a rotation that I feed for both my cats and dogs. Many years ago I had a vet who suggested this and i thought her reasoning made a lot of sense, so I use at least three different brands of food.

I tried the BF fish based and my OES had soft stools.
The food my dogs do well on is Fromms large breed.
What I love about this food is that it is a family run business and it is not mass produced.
A good food and not a bad price either.
I can buy it at a local feed store or have it delivered from K9 cuisine.
gumbo41 wrote:
I tried the BF fish based and my OES had soft stools.
The food my dogs do well on is Fromms large breed.
What I love about this food is that it is a family run business and it is not mass produced.
A good food and not a bad price either.
I can buy it at a local feed store or have it delivered from K9 cuisine.


Fromms is part of my rotation as well and I like it a lot. It's manufactured just 5 minutes from where I used to live, and about 45 minutes away now. That wasn't the deciding factor, but there's something somehow reassuring about knowing where your dogs' food is coming from I suppose ;-)

I just got off the phone with Cindy/Teddy's mom and she mentioned she feeds Before and likes it, so I may try adding that to my rotation - sounds interesting.

Kristine do you mind sharing the price of the Fromm's?
I pay 48 for a 33lb bag at the feed store or delivered from K9 cuisine.What I like about k9 cuisine is of course the delivery,within 48 hours and it is at my door along with you can pick out up to 5 sample bags of different foods.Shipping is free if you spend 50 dollars.Anyway was just wondering if the price was different where you are.
Thank you,
I feed Teddy Born Free and he does really well on it. After talking with Kristine (great talking with you Kristine!) I think I will also rotate foods rather than just staying with the same one all the time.

4 my OES wrote:
I feed Teddy Born Free and he does really well on it. After talking with Kristine (great talking with you Kristine!) I think I will also rotate foods rather than just staying with the same one all the time.


And why did I think it was Before? <g>

The 'B' just stuck in my mind, I guess. Thanks for clarifying :-)

Great talking with you too 8)

I rotate foods as well. Been doing it for years now. I rotate with the whole gang of 6 dogs, and they all do really good with it. I'm thinking it truly works - I have 6 dogs, all different ages and breeds, show dogs to rescues, young to geriatric. NONE have ever had any allergies or major health issues. Of course I also don't use any yard or garden chemicals, no chemical (Frontline, etc) pesticides on my dogs themselves either, and limit vaccinations to cores and risk items likely a combo of healthy things. :D

Back to foods.... 8)
I use Fromms in my rotation too. Way back in my childhood, Fromms was a brand my dad used and loved with our Brittanys - he actually got it by the pallet and lots of our field trial/hunting performance dog friends used it too. (And Robin, not to make you :evil: :evil: at me, I get my Adult Fromms 33# bags for $29...but that does include my employee discount, for being a trainer at the owner's other dog business, The Paw. :sidestep: )

Currently we are on a rotation of the newer grain-free foods from Nutro. I LOVE it! I'm using the lamb and potato. Little hard poops with no odor (really!) no gas, and all are doing superbly on it. I only wish my discount was a sweet as the Fromms on this one...still about $48 for the bigger bags....and a harder bite to pay when feeding 6 dogs ....but I do love it!
Nice discount Dawn! When you have multiples, upwards of 50 dollars can get a bit steep,but mine do well on the Fromm's and we have rotated with California Natural,fish based.
Cannot feed Lamb here their stools become soft. I did not realize Fromm's has been around that long,thanks for that info.
gumbo41 wrote:
Nice discount Dawn! When you have multiples, upwards of 50 dollars can get a bit steep,but mine do well on the Fromm's and we have rotated with California Natural,fish based.
Cannot feed Lamb here their stools become soft. I did not realize Fromm's has been around that long,thanks for that info.

There are 2 other meat sources in the Nutro grain free line - one is venison, I think the other is some fish. I just picked the lamb as it was the most likely to be a steady supply over the other 2 meats....with feeding a group, I need a good supply. (And as a sheep farmer, I like to support the industry :wink: )

I used the California Natural Puppy when I was showing Chewie in conformation, as it was the highest kcal/cup for weight gain I found doing my research of local available foods. He and my husband both apparently have the same disgustingly high metabolism that keeps them slim and trim naturally! :evil:
I really liked the food. (He did too!). I heard some concern about the (potential) change in the high quality of CN when the company was bought out by P&G - that the quality would drop, more outsourcing of ingredients....but luckily I was done using it before then, so I haven't had to use it and find out. :?
And CN was my chicken primary protein rotation food, so I use the Fromms for that now. :D
Again, thank you for that info on CF.What if any info do have on Chicken Soup?
Hit the wrong key, meant CN...California Natural.
Sorry for the thread hijack!!!
At least we are still on the dog food topic....

I haven't used Chicken Soup, but many of my basset friends use the different formulas and I hear good things about it. And never heard anything bad, so that means a lot!

Another food that is surprisingly decent for the money is the Rachel Ray foods...can't remember the name....while not grain free by any means, it's one of the best ingredient lineups for the money I've seen. I know a few who use it and their dogs do really well.
Hmm thanks again for the info,Dawn! Like I said with multiples I want to feed the best food possible but within a budget.
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