walking my puppy

i take my puppy (she is now 6 months old) about 5 times a day..

i take her same routine almost every time.

she used to follow me well..

but now

when i take her out, she stops and sit..

and i sometimes have to drag her to walk..

do you think
1. it's because she doesn't want to walk (i usually lift and carry her to take her home) ?
2. it's because there's something wrong with her hip?
3. it's because "sit" is only command she knows to please me?
(waiting for treat)

i usually run with her, but now it's hard to run together since she keeps sitting down.

anybody has similar problem of dog sitting down?
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You might try taking small treats with you. When she starts to balk show her the treat, don't give it to her right away but only after she has walked a distance. Use the command "walk". Then give her the treat and praise her. I don't know how far you are walking but 5 walks is alot if they are of any distance. Maybe you need to take her outside just for playtime and not walk.If you are working hard on sit and doing it frequently she may be smart enough to be "tricking you". Remember that once a behavior is established you don't want to treat EVERY time a command is obeyed. You should be alternating praise with treats. That way the dog will follow commands even when you are in a situation where treats might not be available.
hmmm, maybe she's tired of the same route. Making the trips more interesting, perhaps with a reward at various points may keep her interest up. Take a special toy and have a play session out on your walk. Break up the routine.

How are you holding the leash and is the collar up under the ears and over the top.........think how show dogs are leashed. When you use their tag collar for the walking collar, it rides too low and they seem to act up more. Put on a second collar for walkies....such as a training collar.

Bodies are growing, could be some parts are a little slow in developing and she's a bit sore some days. However, if she gets excited, all pains and being bratty are forgotten. Realize, from 6 months to about 18 monts you've got a little adolescent on your hands......expect anything, but don't let it defeat you.

Check her feet, something between the toes or nails too long makes walking uncomfortable.
My dog was doing the same thing. After a couple of days I saw blood on my tile and realized that her paws were cracked and the paws were rubbed off. I let her rest for two weeks and applied antibacterial cream and now she loves to walk again. I make sure that she stays in the grass when we walk now. I really think that that is what is wrong with your dog.
Welcome! I have to ask - how big is your dog? I can't imagine carrying my six month old sheepdog anywhere, he's 58 pounds! :lol: You're way tougher than I am!

The only time Bailey flops down during a walk is when he spies a nice shady tree to hang out under. And unless I'm in a really big hurry, I bow to his sheepie wisdom and hang out under the tree with him for a while. Sometimes that dog is way smarter than I am :)
Something else, heat. Could be the surface is just too hot for walking upon. Those feet get hot too!

I am having the same problem with my bobtail she is 13 months old when she was a pup she would walk anywhere. but over the last few months she is sitting down, i just about get her out of the house and she sits down then i have to lift her up to try again. if my husband is with me we sometimes get her going. But saying that if we manage to get her into the car and to the park she walks great. she was walking for an hour the other night and didn't sit down
One other thing to check, other than paw pads, check legs for injuries, and the temperature of the surface she is walking on, is perhaps have your vet check her for hip displaysia?
She could be just plain lazy and not want to go for a walk..l.ol...
6 months is also the time these guys start trying to push their limits. Maybe she just wants to be boss. Positive reinforcement while she walks next to you will go a long way. Box or bag of treats that you can rattle worked for me in the past. Also, the old standby, "that's a good boy" when walking nice next to you worked.

This summer has been incredibly hot, and even my guy started to sit down on his walks. A bottle of water for him to drink and stopping in the shade helped us along our route and got us home safely. He perked up a little when we got closer to home, and my guess is because he was excited about the treat he was going to get: ice cubes!
You could also try "herding" her. When she sits down, hold onto the leash, and walk around behind her, then continue forward. She should get up and follow you.
My pup is just over 5 months and displays similar behavior. He constantly sits when only one person tries to take him for a walk from our house. I've taken treats, toys etc.. to make the walk interesting but it's a chore to get him going. He doesn't do this when there are 2 of us walking him. Since I am his primary caretaker, I now drive him to new locations for his walks when I'm by myself and it's pleasureable, he walks great! I guess he's just so bored with the route near his home that he'd rather not be bothered. Even though our street is a popular route for dog walkers, joggers and strollers because it has little motor traffic and he meets up with many people and dogs along the way. I think it's his way of saying that his block is not stimulating enough anymore and wants to be exposed to other sights, sounds and smells.
Maybe variety is what your pup is looking for as well.
My puppy is 7 months now and he did the exact same thing when he was 5 months old. When he sat down I took my flip-flops off to see how hot the pavement was(at 6.30am). It wasn't hot at all so I carried on walking, dropping the leash and left Boni behind.

He kept sitting there, I turned around a couple of times and he wouldn't move so I started to walk away. When I was about 50-60 feet away from him, he panicked and then run to me. When I saw him, I was telling him to come and praised him lavishly!

We did this a couple of times and after 4-5 attempts he stopped sitting down.

I also realized with both of my dogs that if we are walking in one direction and I turn around they try to change direction again. It seems for some reason they don't like to do "back" if you know what I mean.
Hate to say this, but sitting down like that is sometimes becaue the anal glands need to be excreted 8O Ask the groomer or the vet to do it for you or to check...if they get full, the dog may sit when walking, rub his behind along the ground, etc...Sorry :lol:
Ashley wrote:
Hate to say this, but sitting down like that is sometimes becaue the anal glands need to be excreted 8O Ask the groomer or the vet to do it for you or to check...if they get full, the dog may sit when walking, rub his behind along the ground, etc...Sorry :lol:

That's good that you mentioned this though Boni was just sitting without moving or rubbing.

Though I don't know about the other puppies.
terry79z wrote:
i take my puppy (she is now 6 months old) about 5 times a day..

i take her same routine almost every time.

she used to follow me well..

but now

when i take her out, she stops and sit..

and i sometimes have to drag her to walk..

do you think
1. it's because she doesn't want to walk (i usually lift and carry her to take her home) ?
2. it's because there's something wrong with her hip?
3. it's because "sit" is only command she knows to please me?
(waiting for treat)

i usually run with her, but now it's hard to run together since she keeps sitting down.

anybody has similar problem of dog sitting down?

hi benji somtimies sast while qwe were walking come to find out he had somthing stuck in his paw and it wasnt commfortable to walk on alos thye do get tired somtimes so i would just ask him do you want to go home and he would turn around and start walking back towards home with me thya rea very smart dogs they no what they want so i wiuld check his feet see if he has a twig or somthing stuck in his fur that is troubling him
good luck thay are manitance but worth it
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