duffy is not walking on his front leg!

this morning we did our usual walk came home and i went out like every day gym etc.. got home and duffy is not putting pressure on his leg i looked and found nothing i ck his shoulder he is not crying when i went to pick up his leg it is shaking? what could he have done all they do is sleep by the door waiting for me to come home.. he has been counter surfing lately could have have tryed to jump on the counter? not sure if i should wait for a day see if it is just a pulled muscle? errrrr boys will be boys
worried mommy
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General rule of thumb for injured legs: if they are putting any weight at all on the leg, it is likely to be a soft tissue injury, and could possibly wait. BUT - if they cannot put any weight at all on the leg, get them into the vet for an x-ray. That is a sign of a possible fracture.

Good luck! :ghug:
he is putting a little weight but when he does his leg is shaking if it is a fracture wouldn't he be crying
I would keep him confined and wait a day or two to see how he does.
You can call your vet to see if they suggest giving him a buffered aspirin for pain.
Good Luck!
thanks kathy i just gave hi one poor guy worst part is my aframe is all steps he won't even get up to pee :twitch:
I have 2 dog leg injury experiences (serious ones).....

1) Dino the Min Pin - fell from a leather sofa to a hardwood floor as a little puppy. He was screaming bloody murder.....rushed to the vet. Turned out his left rear leg was indeed fractured. He had a series of casts (he was a growing puppy) that were changed every week until it healed. He also is a drama boy - we had to sedate him unconscious every week to cut off the old cast and apply a new one. Dino healed well, just has a bit smaller muscle mass in that rear leg - and is turning 12 this month!

2) Biscuit the lab. That was last year when Todd ran him over w/ his big 4WD Dodge pickup (Biscuit ran in front of Todd, who going about 20 mph...he's not that bright....). He ran over his front leg/shoulder. He never made a peep. He was limping and breathing heavy though. We knew he was run over (Todd was creeping down to the lake and saw and felt him go under the truck, luckily on moist, grassy ground), so I took him into the vet. He even jumped in the Element himself - but much slower than normal.
No bones broken, but after exam and xrays, found out he had torn out the joint capsule at the elbow. He was put on steroids and NSAIDS. The next day he even jumped over the 4 foot dog yard fence and never yelped. 8O After that little maneuver, he got confined in the 6 foot tall dog run! He finished out his month of crate rest, only out on a leash, and seems to have healed perfectly.

So, my point is, you never really know! If in doubt, take him in. I never would have had a clue Biscuit was so seriously injured by his reaction - these are just 2 totally (and both extremes!) different dogs. I bet most are somewhere in between.

Hoping Duffy is ok! :ghug:
thanks dawn i just don't get how fat boy could have hurt himself in the house while i was gone dreamer and duffy never play inside ..unless he tryed to jump on the kitchen counter he has really not walked at all today just sleeping of course it is in the 90's here so they never go out now will take him to the vet in the morning if he is still not walking on it ..
So many things, best to know via vet and xrays. That's how we caught MO arthritis so early.......limping and shaking leg. Paige would have trouble walking from time to time but her problem was in her neck, pinched nerve. Shane's was a broken toe (when I stepped on him :oops: ).
my chocolate lab, Mocha, broke her leg a week after we got her. She was 2 months old and not used to a leash. We took her for a walk and everytime it tighten up she would do this bucking bronco thing where she would jump and twist in the air. Well she jumped, twisted and landed wrong and snap. She cried so loud it was horrible. I picked her up and rushed her to the emergency vet, regular vet was closed, and sure enough she didnt just break her back leg she shattered it. They put a cast on it and gave her pain meds then I had to take her to her regular vet the next morning where they had to put a plate and 6 bolts in her little leg. She was in a cast for several weeks, that was fun. :? Now 5 years later she uses the leg fine but when she is standing she doesnt put her weight on it, she uses it more like a kick-stand. Seems to only bother her in cold weather.

Hope your little one will be ok.
Sometimes all it takes is a quick turn to throw something out of whack. I'd err on the side of caution & be making an appt. at the vet.
Our Portage once sprained an ankle walking off the couch...not jumping...walking. And he was a really tall boy.

He would not step on it at all. Nothing was swollen. We called the vet and he said rest and monitor. The next day it swelled and we did take him in. It was diagnosed as a moderate sprain. Just a freak thing. He didn't even yelp when it happened. So it was rest, ice, and a mild analgesic as I recall. He was good as new a few days later and it never happened again.

It was just one of those goofy things. Sounds pretty similar to what you're going through.
Just went through this with Oscar a few weeks ago. Oscar got up one morning with sudden lameness in his front leg. The night before, he had fallen asleep under our clear glass/wrought iron coffee table, and had woken up suddenly, getting caught in an odd position. He seemed to be fine, until the next morning.

I kept him as calm as possible for two days, but he was still overtly limping, so we went to the vet. In addition to a soft tissue injury, my vets were concerned about a tick related disease, or osteosarcoma. We did an x-ray, so they were able to rule out osteosarcoma right away, and often tick related diseases have additional symptoms, so they tended to think it wasn't that. They were fairly certain it was related to his tussle with the coffee table, so they put him on Tramadol and a strict limited exercise program. It took about a week, but he did slowly get better.

I will say this about our sheepdogs. Both Quincy and Oscar had/have VERY HIGH pain tolerances. I call Oscar a "drama queen" compared to Quincy, but Oscar still has to be in an incredible amount of discomfort to show it. If Duffy is normally stoic, I would probably get him to the vet within a day or two, if he's not better with rest.

Laurie and Oscar
Poor lil man a vet visit to see what is going on with him.
We had the same thing way back when -- once in a blue moon our guy would be lame when we got back home.

Eventually we decided he was probably injuring himself falling down the stairs. A runner prevented it from happening again for a long time, so we THINK we were right, but one can never be sure!
just got back from the vet exrays of his leg showed nothing but now they think it might be his shoulder maybe a chip so rest and no playing :pupeyes: for 2 weeks good luck with that they put him on cephalex and told me he was fat :cow: good luck to me keeping him from stairs and playing since my house is all steps and dreamer poor me
Just spoke with Suzy. Poor Duffy! Oh yes poor Suzy and dreamer. It is not easy for Suzy to carry Duffy. Hoping he just gets his rest and is ok soon!
suzptcruise wrote:
just got back from the vet exrays of his leg showed nothing but now they think it might be his shoulder maybe a chip so rest and no playing :pupeyes: for 2 weeks good luck with that they put him on cephalex and told me he was fat :cow: good luck to me keeping him from stairs and playing since my house is all steps and dreamer poor me

Call me confused.....?? :wink:

But, what is he on an antibiotic for?

He has no fracture, but maybe has a chip - a bone chip? cartilage?

And too fat, well that's an easy fix at least....but not soon enough to be lighter for you :(
dawn i am too confused he said just in case there is a tear he does have a fever.. this was not my reg. vet he is on vacation of course .. also he said just one cup a day for dogs that live in fl stuck in the a.c all day :cow: no wonder duff wants to jump on counters looking for food
One cup oh right! Mine would run away from home! Duffy is not fat nor overweight!
1 cup????? maybe for a Yorki or other small dogs but a large breed dog?? Thats crazy. How much do you feed him now a day? Ryleigh gets 1 cup yes but 1 cup 3 times a day and shes only 62 pounds. My yellow block head lab also gets 1 cup 3 times a day and is 82 pounds, then my english lab get 1/2 a cup 3 times a day, shes about 50 pounds. None are considered overweight. I credit Ryleigh for that, she makes sure the 2 Labs get plenty of exercise rather they want to or not. :lol:
You may have to put a lead on him so you can control his action. No fun but it works in the long run.
My 2 25 lb. tibetans get 1 cup in am and 1 cup in pm...reduce a little and add green beans.
he hates green beans but loves carrots he is doing better today putting more weight on it.. he hates being on a leash while dream is running aound
that is good news - he is putting more weight on it. Hoping it is just a strained muscle.
Give him a kiss!
Suzi: My Vet said to give the girls one cup of food in the morning and one cup at night, and they're not that active and putting China on a diet, so you might want to up that boys food a bit. I hope Duffy is feeling better soon!
So glad to hear that he is doing better. :clappurple:

Not sure how much (ahem) fat boy weighs :) , but 1 dry measuring cup per day for even the smallest OES is a starvation diet. Before we discovered that our first sheepdog, Quincy, was hypothyroid, he was eating about 2 1/2 C per day with tons of carrots and still gaining weight. 8O About two months after his thyroid meds were regulated, he was down 12 lbs and eating 3 cups per day plus tons of treats. Never had a weight issue again.

Before we switched Oscar primarily to canned food, he ate 4 cups per day, plus treats, and was not particularly active. (He weighs 115 lbs.)

How much does Duffy weigh and how much does he need to lose? How many cups is he eating now? Personally, if he's a big boy, I wouldn't go below 2 - 2 1/2 cups per day, with lots and lots of carrots.

Laurie and Oscar
he weights 85 and dreamer weighs 110 but dreamer is tall and lean .. he eats now 2 cups but i guess i need to cut the treats bad mommie ..tonite he did eat the grean beans cause i mixed it with fat free sour cream :sidestep: i might have his thyroid checked next ..after his leg heals i need to take him back next week.. but this vet said i need to be able to count his ribs .. with my for fingers..
Here's a quick trick my vet taught me for checking to see if a dog is overweight. If the dog's ribs feel like the palm of your hand, then the dog is too heavy. If the dog's ribs feel like the back of your hand (bony, with a little layer of fat), then the dog is at an appropriate weight.

Laurie and Oscar
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