Left Handed...or footed

I think Charlie, my 7 year old, must be left handed. I never noticed before but today I took both Charlie and Toby, the 4 year old on a walk. When they came up to a clump of grass they both sniffed and then, Charlie on the right and Toby on the left, each lifted a hind leg in unison. Unfortunately the clump of grass was only a few inches high so the streams just crossed over the top and both dogs took a hit on the front leg at the same time.

Lucky I wasn't standing between them...

Awhile later on the walk with the two yellow-legged Sheepies, I remembered that when Charlie shakes hands it is his left paw that he seems to use. So I think he must be a left handed Sheepie. Definitely a hazard when you're walking two opposite-footed males.
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I think Heart is left pawed...and I am too!!! Pearl seems to use her right paw more ..And coz???? he is right pawed too~~~~ :lol: :D
Didn't you ever watch "Ghostbusters"? You're never, ever supposed to cross the streams! :lol:

Laurie and Oscar
Dogs really are right or left "foot" dominant.

In our beginner flyball class, we had to bounce a tennis ball against a wall for our dogs, and watch if they arced to the right or left to grab it.

In flyball they get the balls popped loose from the box by triggering the release when they jump on it. In years gone by, the dog approached straight on, grabbed the ball and left.

Then someone got smart :bulb: and realised if the dog came from one side and made a rounded arc as they hit the box, it was a lot easier on the front end - less impact. So now each dog is "tested" to see if they are right or left handed in the very beginner part of learning. :banana: :banana:
The boxes have ball openings on both the left and right, so they are loaded "custom" for each dog running on the team!
You need to have them switch sides when you walk them :lol: :lol:

On a serious note, dogs are 1 or the other. In obedience we notice if they turn to the left or the right easier. Same with side stepping etc.
Now I'm going to have to watch both dogs and see what they do. I never even thought about this.
ChSheepdogs wrote:
You need to have them switch sides when you walk them :lol: :lol:

On a serious note, dogs are 1 or the other. In obedience we notice if they turn to the left or the right easier. Same with side stepping etc.

I think you're right. We have a flight of stairs with a landing in the middle. Charlie invariably makes a left turn at the landing when going downstairs, even though the stairs go to the right. He sometimes almost knocks me over if he is on the inside of me. I always wondered why he did that.
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