Frankie has his Stem Cell Appointment Scheduled for his Hips

April 13th. Thats the big day. We decided to go forward and try the stem cell procedure for Frankie. I am so nervous. I keep asking my husband....What if it doesnt work?
I really deep down feel that we have to give it a try.

I will keep everyone posted.
Keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
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OK I have totally missed something. Why does Frankie need stem cell treatment? I will definitely be thinking of you both. That sounds intense and scary but I'm going to send positive vibes that it will cure whatever ails him.

We have been told about a procedure to help him grow new hips. It sounds way to good to be true, but it's supposed to be a wonderful new procdure. In case you don't know, Frankie has severe hip dysplasia in both hips. He needs replacements, but this is supposed to be alot less invasive. Supposedly we will see improvement in 30 days.

Thanks for your thoughts

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
I have heard about this procedure. I don't really understand it but am interested. Please let us know how it progresses.
Prayer and white healing light is being sent from all of us in St. Louis!!!!!

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
Fingers and Mady's paws crossed for Frankie! :hearts: :hearts:
Best Birthday present ever!!! :cheer: :banana: :cheer: :banana:

Good luck :hearts: :crossed: :crossed: :hearts:
Wow! That is actually supercool! I was afraid it was cancer. The possibility of new hips is amazing. I am so psyched that you are tying this for him and I hope it helps.
Thinking of you all!

And hoping for the best possible outcome from Frankie's procedure. Love Mim, Tiggy and the gang. :crossed:
Positive thoughts and crossing fingers all goes well. Hug that Frankie for us, and we so hope that it works. Good luck!
I think this is great if it can work and save him the misery of going thru surgery.

Does he have to go thru other procedures first or are they able to just inject the stem cells? I think for humans they have to do chemo first but I may be wrong.
Wishing for the best!! :crossed: :crossed: :crossed:
Good luck! We are thinking of you and are really excited to hear how it goes. How amazing is all of this!!!
Good luck Frankie! I really hope this helps his hips!
I just saw this video of the pitbull I was talking about in a previous thread that had the procedure. The owner had never seen her run full force before this :)

^^^Very encouraging Heather!
Wonderful, I'm so happy for you and Frankie!!! Thinking positive thoughts for his new hips. And prayers too!
Good luck Frankie!! :crossed: :crossed:
:crossed: :crossed: Good Luck Frankie!!!! :crossed: :crossed:
Very encouraging indeed!! :clappurple: Good luck sweet Frankie :kiss:
Fingers and paws crossed for Frankie! :crossed:
like all hope this works for your man
:crossed: :crossed: :crossed:
What they will do is on Wednesday, he will go under for a minor surgery. They will remove a fat patch from his abdomen area. We are being told it will be just a small incision made with a laser. Then he will come home. They send the fat patch out (thats where the stem cells are) the company they send it out to will reactivate and charge up his dormant stem cells with his own plasma. Then he will go back in Friday and they will give him a sedative and inject the stem cells into his bones and also give him stem cells in an IV. This is the painful part. The pain will last 24-48 hours. He will come on Friday. The only restrictions will be not to let him get to crazy because we don't want him to cause any more damage.

I will keep everyone posted.

Thanks for the thoughts and prayers

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
First I want to send out hugs and warm wishes to Frankie and to you. Fingers crossed for an amazing outcome and a quick process.

I just think this is the coolest thing ever, and am fascinated by the process. I know you'll all be busy, and of course Frankie is priority one, but if you have any time at all to keep us updated, I know I'd love to hear all about it.

Good luck Frankie.
:crossed: :crossed: :crossed:
Good luck to you Frankie :kiss:
I really admire you for trying a new and unknown procedure that sounds so promising! Special thoughts will be with you and Frankie on the 13th! All fingers :crossed: :crossed: and paws crossed here for a fabulous outcome.

Very interested in following Frankie's progress!
Thinking of you and Frankie this week.

If this were happening to Oscar, I would do the stem cell procedure, no question.

I have a good feeling about this....... :D

Laurie and Oscar
Wow that is great! Good luck Frankie!
Can his vet do my right hip?
Just catching up on this post. This sounds VERY promising!! :crossed: :crossed: Wish they had something like this back when my Drezzie had HD. I would have tried it in a heartbeat!

Good luck tomorrow and Friday. Anxiously awaiting to hear the results! Hugs and prayers to Frankie - and Mom and Dad!!

:ghug: :ghug: :plead: :plead: :ghug: :ghug:
We'll be thinking of you tomorrow Frankie
and hoping this treatment will be a great help!
Good luck!!
Let us know how it goes.
Good luck tomorrow, Lisa, with Frankie's procedure. Will be waiting to hear, please let us know when you can. Fingers and paws crossed for success!!!!
I wanted to thank everyone for there thoughts and prayers. We will update when we get home later today.

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
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