I have the puppy blues

Mady's mum had a litter recently and I can't stop thinking about getting a puppy. Today I learned they are all gone, to good homes, where they will have happy lives. One of them is even coming to Ottawa and we know the 'parents' so we know we will get to see him often. And we have our friend Winston. But still I am feeling melancholy about it. What is wrong with me?? We can't afford another puppy right now (we are going to Europe and should be saving for that), can't keep up with grooming a second, why am I even thinking about this? I am going to open a puppy fund bank account. David, get ready to eat very cheap meals for the next few months, as I want the puppy fund to get bigger. Mady needs a sibling.
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You crack me up! I felt the same as David when we had Oliver. I thought that having 2 OES would really make things complicated. And, you know, it does sometimes. BUT, I love every moment of it and wouldn't trade my little Lucy girl for anything.
i know you both will have a bro or sis for mandy it is only the matter of time.. like me i have 2 great boys and can't afford another but boy would i love another puppy breath .. like i said in another post the second is so easy since the pup will attack mandy instead of you.. just do it!!!
Sounds like it will be sooner than later for you!!!

I totally understand the feeling. I've been talking dog a lot lately in the house, but I have no intentions on getting one right now. Also can't stop talking about another upright, so I definitely am aware that I have a case of the crazy genes.
Howie's breeder just mentioned one of her girls is expecting. The pups would be ready to ...well...just as you are coming home from Sheepiepalooza, end of May. You would be passing right by here to pick it up.

Oh imagine a sweet drive home with Mady in the back and a pup on your lap (Kim's this time). :hearts:

Just thinking out loud :lmt:


oh..peg...you are very B A D ~~~~~~~~ :twisted: :twisted:

Now, How can Kim and David resist an offer like that????? After a fun filled sheepdog weekend...and then driving home with a sheepiepuppy?????? WOW!!!!!! Mady would make the BEST big sister!!! And we all know that one sheepie is NEVER enuff!!!!

:aww: :aww: :aww: :aww: :aww: :aww: :aww: :aww: :aww:
a baby sheepiedoggie!!!!!!


:bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb:

Should we have a 'sheepiebaby shower' for the expectant couple at the Sheepiepalooza Picnic??????

Let me know....
Not a word to about this to David or Kim~~~~~
:wink: :wink: :wink:
sheepieshake wrote:
:bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb:

Should we have a 'sheepiebaby shower' for the expectant couple at the Sheepiepalooza Picnic??????

Let me know....
Not a word to about this to David or Kim~~~~~
:wink: :wink: :wink:

Oooooh Val, and you said Peg was "Bad" ....... Look in the mirror dear...... :twisted: :excited: :twisted:

This is getting very amusing at Kim and David's expence.... :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

:clappurple: :banana:

I don't know though, I still like my Hungarian Kom idea but that would have to be In Addition To a Mady Sibling.....

Mady would make the BEST big sister!!! And we all know that one sheepie is NEVER enuff!!!!

Kim, Val is so totally right!! :bow: Frankly, I didn't get it until Charm. There is just something about these sheepie puppies. We will definately expand when Charm is a little older. Timing is key though as you pointed out.

Heres a scenerio for you, hypothetical of course :wink:
Amber will have a new litter when you return from Europe; Mady will have bonded with one during her stay there, and viola, Puppy breath!! :hearts: :rimshot:
auntybren wrote:
Heres a scenerio for you, hypothetical of course :wink:
Amber will have a new litter when you return from Europe; Mady will have bonded with one during her stay there, and viola, Puppy breath!! :hearts: :rimshot:

Maybe I should take on a part time job to bump up the puppy fund! Hmm, I need to time this trip properly...
auntybren wrote:
Heres a scenerio for you, hypothetical of course :wink:
Amber will have a new litter when you return from Europe; Mady will have bonded with one during her stay there, and viola, Puppy breath!! :hearts: :rimshot:

Ooh, that sounds even better! You'd get your pup AFTER your big holiday, that makes more sense. :high5: Good thinkin'.

And Val, we still could do your idea...as the pup would be planned.

peg & howie (the only pup in the house and staying that way)


:roll: :roll: :roll:
Ahahahaha! I love this! lol
^^^^ I remembered that post! It's been in the back of my mind.

I figured Kim must have grown thicker skin since then or else she has issues with her long term memory.

The memory issue is possibly and overdose of sheepie cuteness. It can cause extreme unbalance and very odd behaviour. Things like rushing up to complete strangers when they are walking their sheepdog on the street. Oh yes and driving many miles to meet up with lots of sheepdogs and their owners. OH and spending lunch breaks on the net posting on forums instead of being outside enjoying the sun. :sidestep:
You guys crack me up!!!

Give in David...it will happen. :D :D :D :D
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