We have a OES who leaks...

We've noticed in the last several weeks that our little(?) Zoey has a leaking bladder when she sleeps. I noticed the same this last summer, but that was while we were giving her a prescription sedative to calm her to aid in her training. She'd leak during her sleeps after coming off the meds. She hasn't had any of those in months. The amount that she leaves behind isn't much, (maybe and ounce or two) but it's enough to where I have to check everywhere I know she's slept/napped. And she is also now not allowed to sleep on the couch and she's not happy about that.

Anyone have any ideas before I race off to the vet?

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How old is Zoe? Has she been spayed? She may have spay incontinence, which is simply treated with low-dose estrogen. Sorry to say - you really should take her to the vet for a diagnosis.

http://www.vetinfo.com/causes-of-freque ... ation.html
I had this problem with my super senior OES and they put her on Proin which resolved the issue until she passed at 15.

My friend's dog (Ridgeback) however had this problem from being spayed and she was on Proin her whole life since she was about a year old.

The only way to know for sure is a trip to your vet. The will probably want a urine sample so you might want to grab this before you go.
Zoey is about 2 and she has been spayed. This is an occasional thing that just started within the last 6-8 months.
The vet wants the pee sample to rule out bladder infection.....a UTI. Nearly all my bitches have ended up on Proin.......sooner or later. Glacier is the one on it now and we have to watch for UTIs. Old ladies, Proin, yeah UTI. She's due for her exam......she will not let us collect urine from her so it must be a direct sample, from the bladder into a syringe. Glacier just spread eagles for the vet, "OK, get it over with." The vet has to surpress giggles with this unladylike presentation. I only wish Glacier would to this for grooming, but no way, Jose!
After two separate rounds of Amoxicyllan about a month apart, Zoey goes back in for a second diagnosis. She seemed to do ok for a couple weeks after the first round but during this second round, things haven't improved at all.

I'm gonna ask about Proin; anything else I should know and be ready to ask about?

We are fighting another UTI with Glacier. Vet didn't like what she saw in microscope and sent the sample to lab. Pseudmonas bacteria which is harder to kill than the standard bacteria. Different type of antiobiotic and for 30 days 3x a day. Glacier doesn't do pills well. Pill pockets were a bust!!

Anyway, if you girl is getting repeated UTIs, then time for a lab analysis. Once on Proin they tend to get UTIs more easily, so will have to watch for that. Unfortunately Glacier never shows signs of UTI, I have to question her restlessness as arthritis, tender tummy, heat, UTI or something else.
Amoxicillin isn't a really strong antibiotic. Might need to try something like Keflex. I've used Proin in the past & it's worked well. I used it on an older female who had been spayed around the age of 4
SheepieBoss wrote:
We are fighting another UTI with Glacier. Vet didn't like what she saw in microscope and sent the sample to lab. Pseudmonas bacteria which is harder to kill than the standard bacteria. Different type of antiobiotic and for 30 days 3x a day. Glacier doesn't do pills well. Pill pockets were a bust!!

Anyway, if you girl is getting repeated UTIs, then time for a lab analysis. Once on Proin they tend to get UTIs more easily, so will have to watch for that. Unfortunately Glacier never shows signs of UTI, I have to question her restlessness as arthritis, tender tummy, heat, UTI or something else.

Zoey does have a VERY delicate tummy. She was fixed at 4 months by the shelter we got her from.

We have had the same problem with three of our sheepdogs. Our vet gave us DES/Diethylstilbestrol tabs. He said these are the best but are not always readily available. Dosage was one tab weekly and the worked very well.
After ruling out a UTI for our oldster shepard/rottie mix, he was put on Prion and it works wonderfully well.
Tonks is on Proin- she's leaked ever since she was very young- about 4 months. And that we before she was spayed. She often does more than "leak"- we once watched as she was oblivious to the fact that she was urinating down her own leg while she stood there. And she would wake up on a huge puddle of her own urine. But it was really inconsistent. She'd be fine for 6 months, and then do it every other day for a week. The Proin has been a real help- I'd ask your vet about it.
I ditto everyone. My Bella started getting recurring UTI's. We treated with meds and within a few months, it would start again. Finally went to a specialist and he tried her on a low does estrogen DES. In layman's terms, he explained the skin around the vulva becomes loose and can leak out urine...Also, because the skin is loose, bacteria can creep up into the bladder causing an infection. Something like that :lol: But the low does DES helps "tighten" the skin...However, he also explained higher does of DES can cause bone spurs or something and once they are on the DES for any lenght of time, they should have annual blood testing to make sure all is okay.

We are doing well with the DES. Definately a trip to the Vet is in order...bring a sample urine - although they may insist on taking it themselves. Don't worry. Although a visit to the vet is due, the "cure" is not such a big deal. Just don't let it go. UTI can be painful and can cause serious problems if left untreated.
Have they cultured her urine, to see exactly what bacteria is growing? With Oscar's plethora of drug resistant infections, I no longer give an antibiotic without a culture first. Sometimes we have to wait a week, but it's happened more than once that Oscar was started on a broad spectrum antibiotic, only to discover when the culture came back that the bacteria was resistant to the antibiotic prescribed. So then I've wasted money and possible exposed Oscar to other issues by throwing him further out of balance.

Susan, Pseudomonas is a pain in the patoot. Usually it is a secondary infection (common for folks with 3rd degree burns, and immune issues), but Oscar has had it multiple times as a primary infection. Hardy little sucker too. It's opportunistic, so Oscar tends to get it directly following another infection (MRSI, Acinobacter, etc.). What we do now is treat it with Baytril and do cultures every week, until we get a clear culture. We used to just do the recommended course, and then we discovered it would come back immediately, as we hadn't completely killed it off. Very dangerous for Oscar, and one way to create bacterial resistance to Baytril. :(

Vance, I hope you get everything sorted out with Zoey.

Laurie and Oscar
The Vet put Zoey on Proin, so we'll see how that goes.
I think you may find it works very well. It has a side effect of excitability. This is a down side for us, as Tonks is already super spastic! She was on the highest dose, and she was making me crazy! We've been slowly weaning her does down, quite successfully. Once the incontinence was under control, our vet has been helping us find the lowest dose possible that still gets the desired results. I also liked the option of Proin over some of the estrogen and other hormone based medicines- some studies have linked hormone treatments with various forms of cancer, and not enough research has been done to say for sure whether or not those results and fears are accurate.
Darth Snuggle wrote:
I think you may find it works very well. It has a side effect of excitability. This is a down side for us, as Tonks is already super spastic! She was on the highest dose, and she was making me crazy! We've been slowly weaning her does down, quite successfully. Once the incontinence was under control, our vet has been helping us find the lowest dose possible that still gets the desired results. I also liked the option of Proin over some of the estrogen and other hormone based medicines- some studies have linked hormone treatments with various forms of cancer, and not enough research has been done to say for sure whether or not those results and fears are accurate.

When Sven, (our Vet) mentioned the excitability, Jen and I both looked at each other and rolled our eyes as Zoey is already a bit high strung.

Sven also mentioned straight away that he wants to get things under control and the find that magic dose. We'll keep you posted...

Thanks for all the advice. This place rules!

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