Mattie has Diabetes Incipidus

Since we got Mattie back in November, we knew she had some kind of urinary problems. Lots of drinking and lots and lots of peeing. We've had her urine tested many many times to find the only issue is, is that her urine doesn't concentrate. A week or so ago she was put on a topical cortisteroid cream for a hot spot on her leg. Then next day she started having accidents in the house and drinking even more water. ( Dogs with this condition are very sensitive to steroids etc.) We immediately took her off of the topical. Still accidents. My poor baby you can tell just doesn't feel well, and is very very cranky to Frankie. Friday we started her on a diuretic that can be used to treat DI. My understanding is that there is 2 types of DI. One that is brain related, either from an injury or a tumor of some sort. The second being kidney related. The vet said if these pills work and they should work immediately that means that she has the kidney type of DI. The accidents have stopped, and she is still going to the bowl alot, but when she drinks it's not the whole bowl at once. My biggest concern with this condition, is that a dog can dehydrate pretty quickly. We can never withhold water from her and the summer is going to be a big concern. So these pills are supposed to help her urine concentrate. She is even back to being friendly with Frankie again.
We love this little girl so much, and are so happy that we were chosen to be her new Mommy and Daddy. Hopefully we can get her to feeling better soon, or at least a little more comfortable. It just can't be comfortable to always be thirsty and have to go potty all the time.

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
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:aww: oh bless, I sure do hope she gets sorted soon..xx
I sure hope she's feeling better pretty soon, she's such a special little girl and very lucky your her folks.
oh crap.
While I am really sorry for Mattie and you guys that she has DI :( , I am really glad she has a diagnosis and the med seems to be helping. :)

Please keep us updated.
While it's not great that Mattie has DI. It can be quite a relief to know what she has and that there is a treatment for it.
Good luck I hope the meds work and Mattie is feeling better soon. :crossed:
Oh poor Mattie, I'm glad she is feeling better. What is the treatment, now that the condition is identified? Hope she continues to improve :hearts:
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
Mattie is on chlorothiaz it's a diuretic. With dogs with this condition it does the opposite of what you would think a diuretic would do. It's fairly inexpensive also. The brain type you treat it with an eyedrop I believe which is like 90.00 for a week. At least thats what I have read. So hoping this is the fix. My understanding is that it just helps the symptoms for awhile. My vet originally told me most people end up putting there dogs down because they can't deal with the accidents. So fingers crossed this helps for a long time.

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
All our fingers and paws are crossed here for Mattie. We're thinking good thoughts and hoping for great success with her treatment. The little I do know about DI is that it's rarely diagnosed (so you're way ahead on that), and that there are some treatments, so here's hoping things will continue to get better and better.

Virtual hugs to you all.


She's a lucky, lucky girl to have such a loving and supportive family.
Wishing continued success for Mattie! A diuretic sounds simple enough, glad it's not the expensive drops. Poor baby, she deserves a break!
I'm glad the vet found it and things are correcting themselves. She may dribble and you'll need to get the doggie pants and pads. No big deal. I'm trying to remember if it was Crumpet or Splash.....or both who wore their pants.........You just have to keep the hair and skin clean.....if it comes to that.
I'm sorry to hear about Mattie. Glad you know what's wrong so she can get on the mend though. So glad she has you all to love and support her. :ghug: to you and Mattie!
glad she has such a good mommie hugs to both of u
Big hugs to all of you-I hope Mattie gets well soon.
Darn... I'm sorry to hear the diagnosis but it's
really good you know what you're dealing with.
She's a very lucky girl to have you! :hearts:
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