How Many Puppies can a Dog Have?

How many puppies can a dog have in one litter?
What is the normal amount?
How about the average number of puppies in a litter?
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A litter can range from 1 to nearly 20, with 6 about average. A friend called me yesterday, their breeder from whom they will be getting an new OES puppy......just had a bitch whelp 15 OES puppies.....all fine, but a very busy Mom....and breeder.
15 is rare in OES. 10-12 would be considered a large litter. Any more than that and you're lucky not to lose any puppies. 15 makes me faint :twitch: :lol: :lol:

Litter sizes have been decreasing in the breed overall, 15 puppy litter not withstanding. :bow: 5-7 is considered a nice size by most, I think. Some of that is related to waiting to breed a bitch until mature enough to have undergone all health testing, and in a breed with multiple conditions that are late onset, later is better for the breed, not so good for the bitch or the breeder. There's always a tradeoff.

We've had as many as 9 since I started to co-breed with Cathy. She said her largest litter before that was 13. Many, many moons ago. I would say 5-7 is average nowadays. José was from a litter of 7.
OK.....SO....this leads me to a question :?:
If you breed a dog multiple times(for one breeding)
do you get more puppies?
You know I know nothing about breeding but, I heard
of this being done with a very small Yorkie that had 5 pups 8O
Donner's Mom wrote:
OK.....SO....this leads me to a question :?:
If you breed a dog multiple times(for one breeding)
do you get more puppies?
You know I know nothing about breeding but, I heard
of this being done with a very small Yorkie that had 5 pups 8O

You generally breed them 3 different days when doing a natural breeding in hopes of covering the days the eggs are dropping & becoming fertile. I guess the bottom line is there are only so many eggs dropped that can be fertilized.
Thanks Marilyn...I had no clue!!!!!!!!!!
That makes more sense to me...
I leave all that up to the experts! :wink:
of the 15, 4 females, the rest boys. I don't know the breeder, only she is outside of Chicago. My friend wants a female and has first choice as they just lost their older bitch.
In the Tri-state area (New Jersey/Pennsylvania/Delaware there was a Golden Retriever who delivered 18 pups last week. The story was on the local News and it mentioned the same dog had a litter of 15 just last year! YIPES X 33=!!!!!!!!!! :phew:
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