Japanese earthquake and tsunami for the rest of the Pacific

Just in case your living under a rock, an enormous 8.9 earthquake and massive tsunami has struck Japan and tsunami *warnings* are up for Hawaii and the entire west coast of the American continent, Mexico to Alaska.

My thoughts and prayers to everyone affected. Please head for higher ground if you might be in harms's way.
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Ron wrote:

My thoughts and prayers to everyone affected. Please head for higher ground if you might be in harms's way.

OMG, this Tsunami is huge; It is higher than the islands in the Pacific ocean.
I am so sorry; I'm praying for everyone!

News: http://www.youtube.com/aljazeeraenglish?feature=ticker
Woke up to the news...Hawaii is soon to be under the tsunami. :(
Hopefully everyone heeds the evacuation warnings there, and elsewhere.
The ring of fire is active lately..... :(
Terrible photos on the news. Prayers that everyone is getting evacuated. xx
Prayers to all~waiting for word on Hawaii...and California..
Prayers to all... tragic.
Wow, just looked at the pictures. It's seem unreal. So many disasters lately.

We have at least one member from Japan don't we?
So many disasters this year, those poor people.
Prayers for all who are involved in this disaster.
The pictures are shocking and bring tears.
The devastation... immense loss... the great sorrow.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the good people of Japan.
So very sad! Thoughts and prayers for all those involved. I have business associates both in Hawaii and on the west coast--they all say they are heeding all warnings.

My friend in Hawaii told me that the volcano that was erupting suddenly stopped erupting a few hours prior to the earthquake in Japan. Very strange.
I was partially under that rock. I knew there was an earthquake in Japan but did not know about the tsunami until I got to work this morning.

Some of my co-workers were saying they hope Chad is ok and heads for the high ground. WHAT??? Chad is a co-worker and is on the islands right now.

Some vacation!!
We are particularly interested about what is happening in Japan as my husband works for a Japanese company whose headquarters are there. He was supposed to be in Japan last week but sent some of his staff instead. They got out of there three hours before it hit and heard about it while on the plane heading home 8O Talk about good luck....

Prayers go out to all in Japan and along the Pacific coast here in the States.
On top of the natural destruction, now they have to deal with nuclear issues.
Japan has declared states of emergency for 5 reactors located at 2 plants.

One reactor building at one of the plants exploded yesterday.
The core containment vessel is still intact, but if they can't get cool water around the core, the pressure will build in the vessel until it explodes. Once the core is exposed to the open air with no possible way to cool it, a catastrophic core meltdown will happen.

And this is just ONE reactor. There are 4 others that are at a similar risk.

Definitely not good.
My thoughts and prayers go out to all the people of Japan and those with family members there.

The news footage leaves one in awe of the forces of nature and sadness for the people who experienced it.

The company my husband works for, sent coolent out to Japan yesterday. I imagine there must have been an emergency "call out" for that product because his company does not usually supply that product seperate from it's machinery that they build.

They're in our prayers.
I feel horrible for those in Japan.

My MIL is in hawaii right now and her hotel was evacuated.
I'm beginning to think that the one reactor has begun to melt down.
They've detected radioactive cesium and iodine isotopes in the air around the plant. Presence of those isotopes indicate some sort of compromise of the nuclear fuel rods.
Plus, there was a Japanese agency that reported today that some core melting has occurred.

They're pouring seawater onto the core in addition to boric acid (boric acid absorbs neutrons) in hopes of cooling & slowing the fission reaction. I'm hoping it works.
They also are having issues with another reactor at the same facility.

God speed to the workers at that facility. They have, in effect, fallen on the proverbial grenade. They are truly heroes.
I was thinking about the workers there too Mark.
The horrible thing is if they do contain things it could be a really slow acting grenade for them. :cry:
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