Why on the new carpet?

We put down a new area rug in the bedroom...seventeen hours later, Rudy throws up on it. (It's actually a good thing, he'd eaten a large wad of fur that my hubby had taken out brushing him, and then "stashed" under the sofa to dispose of later....he's so lazy and tends to use toddler logic to solve problems. It was enough to have been another emergency surgery so I'm thrilled it came up instead.)

Two days after that, Hudson throws up at four in the morning. He hasn't done that in a long time, but his dinner was late and his second dinner (before bed) was early, and that was enough to set him over the edge. He needs equally spaced small meals. We've tried everything else. This works, and it's our fault the times were off.

He hits the new carpet, and I yell, "Hudson, no! Not the new carpet." Being the good dog that he is, he leaves the carpet immediately, jumps on the bed, and the second wave comes out on the blanket directly on top of ME.

Sigh. It's been months since anyone threw up, and now both in two days immediately after we get a new rug. Ya gotta love life with sheepies...and that Hudson...what an obedient boy he is.
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traciels28 wrote:
and then "stashed" under the sofa to dispose of later....he's so lazy and tends to use toddler logic to solve problems.

Really? Under the sofa? That's too funny! :D We have a nice large Persian carpet in the living room. It was of course, rolled up and put away when we got Mady. Mady took to toilet training really well and was accident free in no time, so when she was 4-5 months old, we thought it was pretty safe to put the carpet back down, as she hadn't had an accident for a couple months. We put the carpet down. Mady walked over to it, squatted and peed. :headbang: :headbang:

On the positive side, these really good Persian carpets are practically indestructible. There have been many spills and yes, a couple of Mady throw ups on it, and you wouldn't guess.
Oh no! Rudy tried to be a good boy.
This is why i am removing the carpet in the bedrooms and going with wood. no more carpet for me.

but the bed is still available for them. Bogey prefers the couch.
I will never understand WHY the dogs will run from the tile in the kitchen to throw up on my oriental rugs. They have also anointed them with pee and poop. I had my wood floors refinished on the main floor and a couple throw up spots discolored the floor. My golden will go upstairs and poop in the front bedroom, where the carpet is also just a few years old, if I don't close the door. This room also seems to be a good spot for throwing up and peeing. I have a number of 'cleaner' spots in this room so I am going to have to rent a machine to clean the room. My oriental rugs I have to send out for cleaning and replace the padding. Even though I love them dearly, this habit makes me even more CRAZY!!!!
I don't so much have the problem with the dogs vomiting...when they do, they do try to make it out the doggy door. The floors thoughout the house are tile except in the bedroom. The problem I have is an elderly cat that on a daily basis deposits her stomock "holdings" somewhere in the house on a daily basis. My morning manta is "i'm so tired of cleaning this up." Yet, I do and am glad to have another day with my precious Pearl.

I'm sorry your new rug has had so many accidents...soon it will be all broke in.
violet wrote:
I don't so much have the problem with the dogs vomiting...when they do, they do try to make it out the doggy door. The floors thoughout the house are tile except in the bedroom. The problem I have is an elderly cat that on a daily basis deposits her stomock "holdings" somewhere in the house on a daily basis. My morning manta is "i'm so tired of cleaning this up." Yet, I do and am glad to have another day with my precious Pearl.

I'm sorry your new rug has had so many accidents...soon it will be all broke in.

We had cats that did the throwup often and when we bought this house, we had new carpets put in the bedrooms and hallway. Our only request was that it be "cat puke brown". The cats have gone to the bridge and I hate the color of the carpet...although it did come in handy.

The puking on the carpet is something I've come to expect, the puking on top of you...ewwwww
All my pets have gone to the rugs to throw up! :oops: 8O :?
My theory is that they don't like vomit splatters on there legs and the carpet absorbs the splash. :roll:
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