
Has anyone ever tried Flyball with their dog(s)? Kim has a colleague at work who is on a competitive flyball team and thinks we should try it out with Mady.
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They do need one non Border Collie per team........Does she have the drive for repetitive play? I'd wait until she is fully grown as it can be pretty stressful on ther stops and turns. That said, if she's up for hyper activity, she'd be adorable to watch.
Yes, we have tried flyball :D

I have had this goal of someday having a flyball dog. I love the sport and find the adrenaline quite addicting!

Chewie and I did it for a bit. He liked it.
BUT, as the jumping style (for an OES) is totally different than agility, I had to choose one or the other. And my agility dream was the stronger of the 2! So we went with agility.

I finished the class with Riley, our rat terrier. The only rat terrier on earth who does not like a tennis ball..... any kind of ball....OK, he doesn't like any kind of toy at all...ever...SO, we had to give up that dream :( :( :(
He liked the racing, the hurdles, even liked the box...but NOT A BALL. Darn. I WILL have a flyball dog...someday! :D

As a note - OES aren't really built to be that great of a flyball dog, but they sure can do it.
One thing to make sure of if you do it is to find a good class (sound familiar?? :wink: ). The big thing is to prevent shoulder injury from the impact on the box to trigger the ball release. The trend now is an arc being made, so they aren't jamming their front end with a jarring impact. And things like finding out if your dog is right or left "handed"....and on and on. :phew:

I know Canada has some really fab flyball people. The team leaders/instructors we went to had their uber awesome male used for stud by several canadian people.

And it is fun for me to go watch them - several of my beginner classmates are now running for real in tournaments, it makes me so proud! They are doing a demo and tournament this coming weekend at the PetExpo we are going to be at...can't wait!
Dawn, you think we'll have to choose between Flyball and Agility for Mady? I am very torn, I want to be doing much more with and for Mady. She's 16 months old today 8O my time with her is going too fast. :( We do have a contact with a highly recommended flyball instructor (she does agility as well, but seems to focus more on flyball). She does compete quite seriously. I did notice the "meet the dogs" on her team's webpage was 90% Border Collies... I guess we could nickname Mady "Token". :wink:

I feel like I'm leaning a bit more towards Agility, it seems like there'd be more interaction between me and Mady than with Flyball.
I had those kind of hopes for Frankie, but his bad joints can't take it. Our new trainer is starting something called Treiball. It might be boring but it's almost like doggy soccer. :clappurple:
From what I can see.
My understanding is it's really big in Germany.

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
For Mady's build, I would say more agility than flyball. She's heavier boned than most are for flyball.

The OES does a nice rounded "bounce" jump for agility. If you watch videos I have posted of Chewie, you will see what I mean. It should looked like a perfectly rounded arc. We worked very hard to get those perfectly rounded arcs! :pupeyes:

In flyball its all about speed. Flat jumps that barely skim the hurdle. Big jumps = more hangtime= slow runs = bad flyball.
So the jumping styles required are exactly the opposite.

OES are a bit large for flyball too. Around here, BC's are the biggest you see. Lots of Am Staff/ jack russell mixes, and the like. The shortest dog sets the hurdle height for the team, so the short fast dog is highly recruited. In the team of 4, the one fast little bullet is paired with 3 of the fastest they can get...and that usually ends up a BC or some smaller mixed breeds.
I think we need our own version of flyball, just for sheepdogs. Put two side by side to race and they'd probably end up playing or herding each other. Maybe instead of the box/ball release, have a box with toys and they pick one out and bring it back thru a modified agility track....then again these silly clowns would want to play on the way back. I makes some amusing daydreams........
got sheep wrote:
If you watch videos I have posted of Chewie, you will see what I mean. It should looked like a perfectly rounded arc. We worked very hard to get those perfectly rounded arcs! :pupeyes:

Those videos of Chewie are what got us into this mess! Darn him for looking so good doing those jumps!
Baba wrote:
I feel like I'm leaning a bit more towards Agility, it seems like there'd be more interaction between me and Mady than with Flyball.

More interaction between YOU and Mady?? You get to do herding, I thought this was MY gig!!! :evil:
I can see the new puppy getting closer and closer!!!! :clappurple: :banana:
Not to be a downer, but 16 mos is a bit too young to be slamming an OES front into a box. I'd wait till at least two, though there is probably some preliminary work that can be done in the interim.

I've never tried flyball. OES have certainly done it, but it's really not their ideal gig. And the one dog I know of who did quite well ended up injured which in turn ended a very promising obedience career.

Then again that was a number of years ago and if flyball is anything like agility chances are the training has improved to minimize injuries, so....if anyone decides to go that route we expect reports! 8)

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