I have an almost two-year old Treeing Walker Coonhound named Emmet who has been struggling since October 2010. When I rescued him from a non-profit organization in early June, he was extremely emaciated and you could see every bone in his body. He has always had an undue need for water or any liquid he can get into. Since October, Emmet has decreased significantly. He lost his playful attitude, lost his appetite, and could no longer control his bladder. Emmet has been in for test after test, with results showing everything to be perfectly normal. X-rays and ultrasounds showed no abnormalities, blood, urine, and fecal tests all came back normal. The only abnormality found was a high count of white blood cells in his urine.

He was put on an experimental treatment of Desmopressin Acetate solution, a nasal solution that is prescribed to dogs as a treatment of Diabetes Insipidus. According to our specialist, if Emmet showed a positive reaction to the medication, it would act as a confirmed diagnosis. When put on the eye drops, he was no longer having accidents and he was playing once again. It became a life-long solution for him.

Things were going great until this past January 2011 when Emmet began to deteriorate again. He has accidents daily, although he is still eating and has a playful atmosphere. When I am away, he is crated and left with a blanket for comfort, and upon arriving home I find the blanket soaked with urine. In addition, his need for water has still not been satiated.

In the evening, Emmet no longer sleeps but instead paces the floor as if he is terrified. He has extreme separation anxiety, and gets frightened over every stimulant.

Emmet and I seem to be at the end of our road and lost as to where we turn. The cost of his medication is outrageous at $91.08 for a 5mL bottle which he goes through about every three weeks. We are seeking help.
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Emmet's family -
I have a friend with a hound who is going through similar stuff, and on the same drops....
I have been going back and forth with info for you guys through our group online. If you pm me your email adress through here, I will have Alex and Melissa converse with you directly. They have done tons of testing through several vets, eventually getting answers at the U of M Vet school (we are in MN). Their Oliver is pretty stable now. He has his bad days, but mostly good. :D
oh that's excellent dawn, thanks.
i ran this by some knowledgeable friends and was questioned as whether emmett has been diagnosed as diabetic.
Diabetes was my first thought since you spoke about drinking lots of water...The lack of control with the urine - and is it really a lack of control or is h just waiting too long to go out in his crate after drinking all that water... Maybe you get someone in to walk him during the day when you are home. Just to see at least if he really can't hold it or if he just can't hold it all that long considering the amounts of water you are saying he drinks...

If possible, a specialist seems to be in order. Hope he feels better...
this is another reply from a friend with alot of experience;

We had a diabetic samoyed-shepherd mix and those symptoms sound exactly like her prior to diagnosis and getting her on insulin.

another friend has mentioned that emmett's sight might be affected by it as far as the pacing at night.
It seems more of either a lack of control all together or simply because he is just drinking so much. I take him out regularly when I can and when I am home, but there are times when we will go out and ten minutes after coming inside he will have had an accident.

We are currently working with a behavioralist on possible explanations of his new symptoms. At night he is constantly pacing the floor and looking up at the ceiling with his tail between his legs and his ears cocked back. We tried training him to be out of crate but he became destructive to his environment. It was suggested we try music and a ThunderShirt.
Just sharing my experience with a water issue that appears to be resolved.
There are likely many causes for certain symptoms so don't try this without a vet's approval and supervision.

We did tests on Panda to see why she was sucking the water dish dry, always had dilute urine (though she could concentrate) and peeing in the house. Even after we had that persistent urachus surgically corrected back in 2007 (she arrived with house training issues but they were due to an undiagnosed bladder defect), she continued to have a urinary ph issue... the ph would get too high but at least she no longer had the recurrent UTIs. She was put on a urinary acidifier- Uroeze. All tests came back normal though her urine continued to be too dilute each time it was tested.

In June 2009, I consulted with a holistic vet who had me repeat the test to be certain she could concentrate her urine by withholding water for 12 hours. He said her kidneys were doing the job so he recommended we put her on Betaine Hydrochloride with each meal and stop the Uroeze. He said he thought "... the digestive/ph issues were driving the water intake and the water intake was driving the dilute urine." Over a few weeks, the symptoms faded, her urinary ph was stable and we eventually tapered her off the supplement all together.

Panda has hip dysplasia so we were giving her an NSAID. She started to vomit with flecks of blood last year, then in September of 2010, there was much more blood. Our regular vet had us stop the NSAID and also the glucosamine supplement and we put her on Pepcid AC for... maybe a week? We were giving her dry kibble at noon otherwise she would vomit due to an empty stomach... we wondered if it might be causing irritation so we switched to canned food. The stomach issues improved. Not long after giving her the Pepcid AC, the water drinking issue started again. We had them scope her stomach/esophagus again to see if an ulcer or tumor had caused the vomiting/blood. Maybe she was drinking so much to sooth the burn of an ulcer?? Again, all that was noted was a large amount of mucus in her stomach.

She has a bed by my desk where she often sleeps when I'm working. Just rolling over was causing her to pee so I was thinking incontinence. I woke early one morning to find Panda's entire side drenched along with the dog bed. At 3am I was giving her a bath and blow drying her. :| I put some britches on her with a small towel inside to absorb the pee, changed the sheets and went back to bed. We made another vet appointment for her where we discussed it might just be a behavioral thing we'd have to live with. So we'd stop the excessive drinking when we felt she had had enough and pick up the dish at 7pm.

Last month I remembered the Betaine Hydrochloride and that her water issue had disappeared before when she had taken the supplement. We were focusing so much on concentrating urine at that time and her ph levels that dumb me forgot that the Betaine Hydrochloride had also slowed down the water intake. I took the evening to see if I could come up with anything about Betaine Hydrochloride online to support this... not too much out there on it. So I spoke with my regular vet the next day and asked if it was okay to try it again or if I should contact the holistic vet again. She wanted to do a little research first... she herself had just been put back on it again too. I got the okay a few days later and we started it at 1/2 the dosage she had been on before just to be safe with her previous stomach bleeding issue. She is again back to normal water drinking. It just appears to have helped this particular dog.

These are the things it appears to have corrected-
Excessive drinking.
Bad breath. (She has a fractured tooth... 3 times I've asked if it needed to be pulled and have been told 3 times that the tooth is still sound.)
Loud stomach noises.
Always hungry, pawing at the cupboard door at night wanting food, nervous nighttime pacing (but not constant... once we went to bed, she stayed there by me).

I have no idea whether this improvement will continue for Panda and I surely have no idea whether it's appropriate for your boy. Panda was NOT pacing like she was terrified. If you think there is any merit to this, speak with a vet. It's just one experience with one dog.

I had looked at the Thundershirt about a month ago and it looks promising! I hope you'll find the answer for your boy.
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