
Vancouver today:

I took these photos while sitting in the dentist chair today. Thought i'd share.



If it makes anyone feel is really cold outside.
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Did you say while sitting in the dentist chair??? 8O

Great pix! But still confused as to how you did that with your mouth wide open and a drill inside????
That's the view that his patients get to see while sitting in the chair!! All the offices on that side of the building see that amazing view through the huge windows.

I have a fear of dentist but I still continue to see them at this office even if it means an hours drive. (I live out in the burbs)
My dentist tips the chair back so far, no way I'd be able to see out a window. It's bad enough trying to keep my boobs out of my mouth!

Lovely pix!
What a beautiful view from the Dentist chair--Wow! I might go to the Dentist more often if I got that view! My Dentist just has stupid game shows on a TV above the chair--drives me crazy!
But, but, where is the snow??
Yes yes yes, Vancouver is apparently the no. 1 most liveable city in the world and it's beautiful right next to the mountains and unlike the rest of Canada, doesn't get freezing cold snowy winters.. :P :wink:

No seriously, I love Vancouver, had wonderful visits there and it is a beautiful place to live (if you can afford it :( )
Believe me I'd love to be living there too. What a beautiful city, I do love Canada.
Hi Again,

For those of us that live here we don't know any different and 99% of the people I grew up with, live on the outskirts as the city prices were not affordable to first time buyers. The people I went to high school with were usually first generation born of immigrants from all parts of the world. My own parents immigrated here from France when I was six. Houses in the city were affordable to hard working families but now you have to have a hefty income to live there or settle for a teeny condo. If we were to sell and move anywhere else we'd think we won the lotto as we'd get more bang for our buck as the saying goes.
Kaj is always saying he'd love to get a condo in the city but for all our pets..we'd need millions to get a big enough place and then they'd have restrictions. So..I'm happy where I am and realize every place has beauty. I've been to several US cities and am in awe of the landscape. I also know there are other gorgeous places in Canada and one day I'd love to travel.

I forget how pretty it is however..until I sat in that dentist chair and thought Wow! How come I never noticed that before? (I was only going in for a checkup) For years I didn't notice the view...I'd have headphones and close my eyes as my fear is huge. I've been going to the same guy for 20 years..just shows you how "blind" I was. 8O
Sorry, I need to go back to the "it is really cold outside" comment.

As a Winnipegger...I must point out....

There was a story on our local news about how it was really cold in Vancouver...minus five C they said...then the broke the news that, with the windchill, it was minus FORTY FIVE C here overnight.

Winnipeggers don't even wear jackets for minus five...I'm just sayin'

Do try to stay warm my Vancouver friends...I'll think warm thoughts for you tonight (same overnight low here again). Maybe a little hot chocolate will help.

PS...I'm only snarky because I am insanely jealous.
thanks marianne,
luv your international city,so much fun and fond memories. my dentist just retired, i had him trained to turn up the laughing gas. guess i'll change my search to
"dentist with a view" :lol:
That is a wonderful, gorgeous view!
I have no dentist fears, so I would be soaking that view up for the last 20 yrs :D

And it is NOT cold - I see open water.....I can't even remember what unfrozen water (outdoors) even looks like!! :pupeyes:
Well I kinda felt quilty after seeing your snow pics Dawn...brrrrr. I didn't want people to be too jealous so had to throw that "it's cold outside" comment.. Besides we are whimpie here. :mrgreen:

Tracie I feel for you...and have to chuckle as we know the rest of Canada views us as whimps went it comes to cold weather and a few flurries, the city comes to a standstill. LOL
Okay it snowed here last night. Woke up to a huge dump of snow which meant digging out the snow shovel and getting busy. Just goes to show you that karma got back at me. :excited:

Hope that all makes everyone feel better now...ha ha! :D
Yup. I do feel slightly better. Thanks.

(Our windchill only brought us down to -32 last night, and now it's a balmy -22.)
traciels28 wrote:
Yup. I do feel slightly better. Thanks.

(Our windchill only brought us down to -32 last night, and now it's a balmy -22.)

Ah but it's March tomorrow, Spring is almost here! Then you'll have nothing to worry about! (except for swarms of mosquitos so big they can be seen from space... why do people live in Winnipeg again? :P )
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