Shampoo -- any good recommendations....

Trotter slipped in some mud yesterday at almost 4 months old and had to get his first bath. Being the unprepared mother that I am, I had no dog shampoo but only had Johnson's Baby Shampoo with No More Tangles in it. I used it figuring it is sensitive enough for a baby so why not a puppy. Does anyone have any good recommendations for a shampoo for the puppy? I must say, his coat was easy to brush out and dry and he looks gorgeous after 40 minutes of a blow dry!
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You made it 4 months without a bath? Wow! Up until about last month, we were doing a bath a week and Clyde just turned seven months this week. I've noticed with his puppy coat (which he still has) that you don't really need heavy detanglers or anything. I picked up Bad Hair Day Dog Shampoo by a company called Doggone It and I really like it. I was buying something that I needed to up the total on so I'd get free shipping so I added this on and it's really good. Gentle, smells nice but not too strong and just enough conditioning enough for his coat.
I just gave our new puppy Zeke his first bath tonight. I have been
using Mane and Tail shampoo. I really like it cause it seems to get the
real grime out more easily. Our pup seems to get an unusually large
amount of urine on himself and it tends to get all over him. The mane
and tail seemed to really help get the stickyness from that right out.
I have used Pantene many times with great sucess, and baby shampoo in
a pinch and it worked just fine.
I also use glo coat after toweling before combing out. (don't laugh, but
I have used glo coat on my own hair, my hair is very long and thick and
gets tangled easily) I never use anything on them that I wouldn't use on
myself - as far as shampoos etc. I am sure I read a section about
shampoos here not too long ago.

When we had Mr. Winston he had lots of skin problems and required medicated shampoos. Our the vet said normally any shampoo (for humans or critters) would work as long as it was thoroughly rinsed out.

At almost 13 yrs old Maggie still likes puppy shampoo because she is very sensitive to anything around her eyes. When we ran out of her conditioner we used the Graham Webb salon products that I use and they work fine. Just a bit expensive...

The key for us has been that if it's supposed to be rinsed out, make sure that it's rinsed out completely.
I like BuddyWash and my Mom and I got some tropical stuff a couple of months ago.
Shellie wrote:
I have been
using Mane and Tail shampoo.

I second this recommendation. Been great with my guy. Also, the occasional use of a whitening shampoo when the face and paws start to look a little dingy.
Bailey got a bath yesterday, we use Perfect Coat Natural Oatmeal shampoo. He looks wonderful and smells even better!
I have WAY too many different shampoos, lol

Right now, my favorite is Doc Ackerman's Old Fashioned Oranges and Cream shampoo. Jasper smells great after his bath - almost good enogh to eat, lol
I've been using a raspberry shampoo from Hagen Pet...I dilute it quite a bit, to make rinsing easier. Then we finsih with a doggy colonge spray, she smells so good after, combination of fruits.

In a pinch I've used baby shampoo. They say not to use human shampoo on dogs because we have different PH levels, something like that.
You may be right about the ph level. IMHO it probably doesn't make much difference though. I think secretly the pet industry started this
rumor so all us pet lovers would pay double for 'ph balanced dog
shampoo'! :mrgreen:

I know, it's like men's and women's deoderant being ph balanced for each sex. I agree that ph levels may be different but I've used men's in a pinch and it worked just fine. I just had to smell like a dude that day.
Where do you buy Dr Ackerman's orange shampoo, sounds yummy!
sandy sheepie wrote:
Where do you buy Dr Ackerman's orange shampoo, sounds yummy!

I bought it from the grooming shop I used to work for. I usually have them order me stuff when they make large orders, since they can get it at wholesale prices. I usually get a gallon or two at a time (I told ya I have way too many shampoos, lol)

Here's the website about it though:

I found it on sale online also: ... 153003.htm

Pet edge has a gallon of it for $22.50 - dilutes 10:1 ... uctID=3141
Cowboy Magic, meant for horses, but I love it, it can be found at any farm supply store and many pet supply stores as well. :)
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