Smelly ears!

My Dolly's ears smell bad. I can't even hug her right now cause the smell is awful. She can shake her head and stink up the room. She just went to the groomers last Friday and they did'nt smell before she went. I've googled and it's saying an ear infection or yeast infection. What do you think?
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Does it smell like sourdough bread, or something else? Is she scratching at her ears? Has she ever had allergies? If she has allergies, and it smells like sourdough, it's probably yeast overgrowth.

The issue with her ears could be bacterial, fungal, yeast, or mite related, and the only way to get a definitive answer is for the vet to do a swab of her ear. Based upon the fact that this came on after a grooming, my bet is on bacterial or fungal. When they groom, they pull ear hair and swab around in there, making it ripe for an infection. If there is any trapped wetness, it can cause a fungal infection to take root.

If it smells that bad, and if she's at all uncomfortable, I'd take her to the vet so you don't waste time and money on products that may be targeting the wrong thing. (If it's fungal, and you treat for bacterial, you can make it worse, etc.)

Laurie and Oscar
Poor thing. Take to vet and get the proper diagnosis. Then we can bombard you with homemade off the wall suggestions. It's her ears and they get bad fast. Don't delay.
An ear infection is quite painful to the dog so please do not delay in getting her to the vet. Sounds like an infection to me. Poor baby...
I just took Matilda (8 mths) in for the same thing. She had a yeast infection because of the hair growing in. After an ear plucking and cleaning, she's now on anti-biotics and doing more itching and the smell is gone...Now I just have to clean here ears regularly....
SheepieBoss wrote:
Poor thing. Take to vet and get the proper diagnosis. Then we can bombard you with homemade off the wall suggestions. It's her ears and they get bad fast. Don't delay.

I agree..

Is this the first time her ears have been plucked?
If that is the case pulling out all the hair will lead to
letting out the "goo"

How often do you clean her ears?
Some dogs need it every few days, some need it weekly!
Each dog is different!

One of my rescues, Kissy, had awful ears...
Lots of work went into keeping her treated!

Good Luck with your baby and her sore ears!!!!
Hope she feels better soon!
Luckily, I took Matilda in upon first indication that scratching was not "typical." She's doing great now.... Now Daddy just has to learn more about ear plucking....any suggestions out there?
Ok I took Dolly to the vet today and she does have an ear infection. The vet said our groomer hadnt been plucking her hair and drying her ears good. I hope this will be her 1st and her last. Thanks for all the advice. :hearts:
sassyzena wrote:
Ok I took Dolly to the vet today and she does have an ear infection. The vet said our groomer hadnt been plucking her hair and drying her ears good. I hope this will be her 1st and her last. Thanks for all the advice. :hearts:

How often does she get groomed?
Ear care is a weekly thing around here :wink:

Honestly, I check my dogs ears every day...
Ear infection can sneak up fast!

I hope they gave you some good meds to clear it up.
What was the culprit?

Hope Dolly is feeling better!
kesslane wrote:
Luckily, I took Matilda in upon first indication that scratching was not "typical." She's doing great now.... Now Daddy just has to learn more about ear plucking....any suggestions out there?

For grooming tips please look at these suggestions!
Nice to follow!!
:banana: What a GREAT website!! Thanks.....lots of great tips....including the ones about pinning up hair... :cheer:
The website is so helpful, I learned so much. The photos and explanations are detailed and easily understood. Thanks for posting :clappurple:
My girl Baily has had ear investions on and off forever. The ear does smell and will make them uncomfortable. The only treatment that I have had that works is a good cleaning solution and antibiotics drops that are made for yeast infections as soon as she starts to shake her head or I can smell something. Looks weird sniffing her ears but that's a way of getting on top of the infection. Those big floppy ears just stay moist and can creat all sorts of problems.
We have had years of frequent smelly gunky ear problems with Pax, our Lab/hairy thing. We do try to keep the hair plucked and definitly more trimmed back around his ears. It seems to help somewhat.

At the outset of a little bit of head shaking and tilting we haul out our spritzer bottle of Apple Cider Vineger and Neem Oil. The ACV helps cut any gunk and the Neem Oil is a naturally occurring anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, miticide. Same Neem Oil used for plants care. It is less effective as a curative, particularly if the overgrowth of bacteria/fungal is large. But quite useful at the first signs.

Probably the thing that has helped the most, is that Pax and all our goofs are raw feed. I am absolutely convinced that the raw feeding is the key to his ear health. In his year and 1/2 of raw he has had only two bouts. One just a few weeks into his diet change the other just recently. Took about 3 days of drops from the vet (didn't catch this one in time), and it was gone. Now its back to maintenance with the Neem/ACV.

Hope the ears are better!
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